Tick tock, babydick Drumpfkins. Tick. Tock

Tick tock, babydick Drumpfkins. Tick. Tock.


I hope it's for sexual harassment he just had Sarah Quasimodo huckabee lie about

A nothing burger.

he'll get out the same way Nixon did. shrouded by suspicions of wrongdoing, but he'll resign on a full Presidential pension, worth about two and a half million a year. THAT's why he's in this.

with extra REEEEE

Mueller will take the fall, nothing more to see here.



Lol, it's over for the dems. Trump 2020













Funny, this coming from a guy who makes a gerbil look hung like a horse.


hillary shills confused. trump is clean. over a year of investigations and nothing.

podestas and hillary on the other hand found colluding so deep.
















>over a year of investigations and nothing
until today. get used to seeing this word everywhere you look - INDICTMENT








































>Trumpettes so btfo they had to send the shillbots to image flood threads


















