You have to listen to the same thing over and over again to get into it, and when you finally get into it, it has already weared off. Also the fucking dynamics, I fucking hate having to change the volume everytime. Why can't all music be at the exact same volume and stay so?
Sorry Sup Forums, but I'll stick to my films/books/vydia.
Hudson Fisher
Camden Butler
> and when you finally get into it, it has already weared off
It's because you have a terrible taste, m8.
Good music is like wine.
Colton Evans
>Good music is like wine. so the taste is awful
Lincoln Butler
>Good music is like wine.
more like bubble gum good music can last for years but eventually you will chew out every little bit of flavour
then if you wrap it back up in the pack and come back a few years later you might be to squeeze a last little nostalgia based listening session out of it, thats about it
ive never found music that lasts for ever
Jace Nelson
Music is literally the highest form of art. Rhythm, harmony and tonality are entwined with who we are as a human species.
Samuel Walker
Not at all. I found that a given song gets boring if you listen to it too much, but if you don't listen for a long time it will sound fresh again.
Aaron Nguyen
Nice blog bro, subscribed
Jace Nelson
music is literally the lowest art form. even lower than video games. music can barely be considered an art. every piece of music to ever be created is 100% constructed from pre-existing sounds arranged in a familiar way for your enjoyment. music does not push boundaries. music does not exist to offend you, to intrigue you, to test the limits of oneself and the tools needed to make it. music exists solely for hedonistic enjoyment.
you could argue certain pieces like john cage's 4'33 and various noise compositions (a-la merzbow) are the logical defense against my claims, but those are simply not music by definition, because music is catchy and enjoyable (i.e shit).