Hitler was the good guy

>Holocaust never happened.
Educate yourselves.
I do not care if this triggers you.
Deal with it.

>Hitler was one of the good guys, and no Jews died as a result of jew only concentration camps.
>Many Jews died in POW camps, with many other races due to disease, poverty, and so on.
>There is no such thing as an all jew gas chamber, or any gas chamber.

You have been fed lies.
The truth is finally coming out.

>1. Hitler Broke Free from the International Banking Cartels
>2. Hitler Created a Thriving Economy with No Unemployment
>3. Hitler Emphasized Respect for Women, Children and Strong Family Values
>4. Nazi Preservation of Environment and Animals (also no makeup testing on animals)
>5.Hitler Banned Experimentation on Animals (Vivisection)
>6. Hitler Funded Research into “Free Energy” Technologies
>7. Hitler Eliminated Crime and Improved Health of Germans
>8. The Nazi Anti-Tobacco Mission
> And so on.

Hitler was one of the good guys you see.
USA, as run by Jews - had to stop him.



Other urls found in this thread:


This is the greatest hitler is innocent video i've ever seen. 3 hours long, explains EVERYTHING.
If you still think holocaust happened after this, you are lost to us.


>I will refute any claim made by the other team over this matter after the video is watched.

Before the war there was a census of all jews.
2 million jews in total.

>They claim six million were killed???

After the war, 2 years after in fact, another census was made.
There were 11 million Jews.

>If there was only 2 million to begin with, you can't kill 6 million. You also can't have 11 million.

Jews lied.
Some peoples grandparents tell wild tales of being a survivor also.

Do not be so ready to believe.
Question everything.

Many times a Jew back in a POW camp would perhaps of seen people being dragged off into big scary buildings and never seen again.
Hysteria starts - holocaust rumors begin.
Some jew sees Zyklon-B gas meant for delousing clothes - and starts the rumor it is used to gas jews (that have simply been moved to another camp for being trouble makers for example) - and here we are.

>Winners write the history.
>Winners publish the history.
>Winners own the history.
>Most of us know nothing of what really happened in WW2.
>Most of us only know what the winners want us to know about that so called - good war.
>Never in history have so many people been raped, tortured, murdered (by americans and so on).

Adding to this, America is not actually the good guy.
They are more Chaotic Neutral.

They cannot be trusted, and should not lead the world.


> A Real gas chamber.
The blue tinge is made by the gas.
No blue tinge inside the bricks of any Jew named gas houses.
>Doesn't just wash off either.

I can tell by your silence, you people, that I have stunned you with the overwhelming truth.

Absorb it and spread the word.
It's time to strip nonsense falsity from our reality and finally we can come together as a civilized species and work towards something.

>Baby steps.

Holocaust first, then religion in general.

>10 chaotic neutral sins
>1. Showing respect for self-discipline, authority, or institutions unless trickery is involved.


It's a gamer thing ~

Not available in Germany

The Jew at it again.

You should have been here a year or two ago, Sup Forums was basically /natsoc/.

they were """re"""constructions all of them. you can ask them they will tell you everything was built after the war as a monument its based on show trial testimony completely

Speaking to the choir mate.

rare flag sighted


>quick tip, download ANT VIDEO DOWNLOADER addon for firefox, and you can just download any video ever, without restrictions with the click of a button.
For example, this Hitler documentary.

This. It's sad to see how far this place has fallen

naw hitler was a bizznitch

Only 1 was reconstructed - auchwitz.

There are holes for sinks and toilets, and it was said there were 5 rooms in the building.
The video explains it in detail.

The current building is fake and chimneys never existed.

i know your an aussie but go to auschwitz and say that... i dare you

I would not do that, just as how I wouldnt go down to west ham and say their rival soccer team is twice as good.

Religious people are dangerous.

>Sup Forums praises Hitler for eliminating Jews throughout Europe

>holocaust never happened

no, most of the camps are entiely reconstructed, ALL of the evil death chambers are reconstructions, ask them they will tell you

Yeah, I have ProxFlow installed. Working like a charm.
The Jew won't stop me from educating myself.

even the stone rubble of the "real" death chamber was "re"constructed. they literally arranged rubble into the shape of an evil death chamber they will admit this if you ask

>being this fucking new

Go away.


You see, after months of the Americans bombing German citizens and local parks and meeting places, civilian places, Hitler cracked.

Beforehand, Hitler made it clear he will ONLY bomb military places - where tanks and things are made.
He would try to cause as LESS death as possible, whilst getting his point across.

After 3 months of Churchil ignoring Hitlers peace deals, and pleas for peace, Hitler had to begin bombing those military things.

Churchill started killing innocent Germans, and Hitler started striking back.

It was Churchill who first started taking prisoners based on race, not Hitler.
Hitler did it a year later in retaliation.

Hitler wanted peace - Churchill failed.

Here we are.

I believe it happened and I am proud it did, doesn't mean I think the acts in your image ever did alongside it. I have no shame in admitting killing the Jews.


Fact is, there are two sides to every story (and sometimes even more) - Never take 1 persons side without viewing all evidence.

>Sometimes one persons side outweighs the other sides evidence however.
In this example, the fact there is no gas residue found in the 'gas chambers' outweighs the fact that 1000 jews said they saw the gas chambers.
1000 jews are lying.

And so on.

Never happened.
Many jews died in POW camps.
Zero evidence of gas chambers being used, zero evidence of mass jew bones being found.
>All bones and dust found, have been mixed with many other races, and can be put down to death via disease.

Just recapping in laymans terms here:

Basically, Hitler was involved in a global Jew run conspiracy with England and USA when he eradicated himself from the banks run by the jews and made his own currency/banking system.

"Can't lose a whole countries banking fees" the Jew said.
Thus, Hitler was wiped out.

Hitler only defended the country he loved from the evil imposing Jew - nothing more.

I would do the same against the muslims imposing Shariah law in Australia if I could.


Pick only one. It never happened, go back to /dumblr/with this sort of misplaced hatred.

Muslims are literally trying to make shariah law a thing in sydney ... they are ignoring our country law, and they are living in muslim communities, dishing out their own punishments - thinking our law means nothing.
Shariah law is "steal bread and get a hand chopped off" - or "Man owns woman and if she is raped she gets stoned to death with .. Stones".

Australian Government is letting it happen.

Fuck off.

Muslims are literally trying to make shariah law a thing in sydney ... they are ignoring our country law, and they are living in muslim communities, dishing out their own punishments - thinking our law means nothing.
Shariah law is "steal bread and get a hand chopped off" - or "Man owns woman and if she is raped she gets stoned to death with .. Stones".

Muslims are becoming an issue.
Australian Government is letting it happen.

Fuck off.

How do you know this m8? Experienced anything worthy of comment?


It's never been the same since Sup Forumsharbour. I can't believe we've gone from daily NatSoc threads about the betterment of the nation to nothing but 'KEK' and 'POO IN LOO'. It didn't seem possible at the time but the Jews won.

Please go and die, thanks. Not sure what's worse, your garbage post or that you're Australian.

Wake up Germanbro.
The Jew wants us kept down.

Educate yourself faggot.
Bet you still think it really happened, right?

Lol, no.

It is people like you who do not face facts and evidence, that cause people like Donald Trump to worship the Christian God and Jesus.

I however, know that Jesus is not real.

Why do they shut down these videos in Germany? And what about Israel is it not available for viewing too?

Germany literally believes in the jew lie.
Germans in general are ASHAMED of hitler, after being fed lies about him.

Everything he died for, was in vain.
It is only now that the truth is coming into light as the current humans have enough balls to simply not give a fuck - and tell it like it is.

This is the information age you see.

Uh huh, sure. You should probably be on meds.

>Jews run every single media tv station and newspaper in the world (aside from silly terrorist media)

They block them because they go against a couple of laws such as promoting and glorifying racist garbage and shitting on the memory of murdered people.

You should also be on meds I guess.

Anything remotely questioning the holohoax is unconstitutional and thus punishable with a prison sentence.
Hence, jewtube bans videos like that in Germany.

Wrong but whatever, you're not right in the head anyway.

uneducated moron
you're another useful idiot but for the right.
kill yourself
watching a documentary by some paranoid schizophrenic doesn't educate you on history

>You should also be on meds I guess.

We know which colour pills your on

Fuck off antifa

>Ponder this:

America are the good guys apparently.
Russia are the bad guys apparently.

Who says?

What gives USA the right to claim they are in the right with their ways of life and laws.
What gives USA the right to 'stop' Russia and tell them what to do?

USA are not our boss, the boss of the world.
USA's way of life and living is not 'the right way', it's just A way.

Same as muslims.

USA will go to the middle east and drop porn and booze and cause all sorts of issues, because they think the muslims are oppressed and think muslims should live like Americans.

This is nonsense, wonder why they attack you (in retaliation).
Muslims have never attacked an American first.
It was always the Americans who started interfering and then the sandniggas retaliated.

What makes the muslim way of life wrong?
They have just as much of a right to live the way they want - as America.

What if THEY tried to invade your country instead of you Americans invading theirs?
Well, they have now, but lets ignore that for now.

What if the muslims saw your American way of life as bad (which they do) and started bombing you and paying canada to fuck you up...

Every country has a right to be who they are.
USA however is trying to police the world.
USA needs to fuck off.

I probably forgot what I was ranting about, but either way, Hitler is not necessarily the bad guy here.

It's illegal to deny the holocaust happened in some places.
This is for two reasons.

#1. Jews will kill you to save their lie.
#2. same as #1.

Oh I wish we could see alexander reborn, to spread western civ to the barbarian hordes of this world.

But Hitler's Germany is part of the country's history and history must be studied and be presented from an independent point of view. Feelings aside.

I've spent 25 years researching this you plebian idiot kid.

Fuck off.

it would be the poles that lynch you irrelevant of religon

Seriously, go die somewhere. Germany doesn't need shit racist people like you who are mentally ill and unable to adapt to new situations.

WoW, you made your German buddy look dumb as fuck.
Did Lel IRL.
>That image ftw

Holy shit how pathetic.

even sadder

>Hitler loves Germany

>Starts a world war that leaves it destroyed and divided in two which is mainly due ot his strategic mistakes.

Good one Natsoc shill.

It's like in 1984.
Revision of history.

Also if you look at most statistics Germanys economy didnt particularly fair better then most other european countries during the period, especially after 1936 when the Nazis increased control of the economy. Quite a lot of economic prosperity uner the Nazis from 39 onwards was merely just from stealing other peoples shit

kys antifa

You two must be boyfriends.
Go take eachothers hand in yours, and skip down to the local ice creamery you cancerous uneducated faggots.

"I'm 14, I am home from school, i think i know a lot about the holocaust"

Thats you and your boyfriend.

Durp ~

> It's 2016
> Nazism popular again
> Sig Heil! Sig Heil! SIG HEIL!

>Hitler started WW2


Tecnically it was Churchill - the fat cunt - coz he ignored everyones pleas for peace due to being fat.

>I think that's how it went.
>Video goes into detail about how Churchill ignored Hitlers pleas for 3 months.

There's this strange fascination I have with mentally retarded racists like you.

>zee Jew is behind everything, if you disagree I will have to come up with gay fantasies involving ice cream

Quite hilarious at times.

Do you think you need to convince Sup Forums ?

Sorry whos tanks was it crossing the Polish border? and the Russian border mind you?.

> Australia has a right to snipe abbos with road trains

top keks m8.

> I have a right to fuck ur butt hole. What gives you the right not to get fucked hard by me? It's just "a way" to viciously have your anal virginity taken by an amerifat. Stop shaming me, you white male.

haha #ragemoar

The topic takes up a considerable amount in school curriculae.

Look here you Amerifat, keep your Amerifats in Amerifat.

They have no business outside of Amerifat k thx.

Also, abos get in the way a lot, that's why they are called boongs.
Boong is the sound they make when they rebound off your bullbar.

I'm not raging, I'm bemused by your pathetic life. You're probably 'that kid's pathetic loser uncle' no one likes who's a social recluse no one gives a shit about apart from when you annoy people in line in the supermarket.

You Nazis also realise that according to your retarded version of history Hitler was pathetic right?.

>attempts to fight jew world order.
>loses catastrophically killing around 40 million people
>doesnt even kill the jews apperently, which is contrary to the fact 78% of the european jewish pop went 'missing' but nevermind.
>Germany gets for evercucked and the jews control everything.

Gee thanks Hitler, maybe someone shouldnt have invaded Russia in the winter and annoyed everyone by burning down their homes.

Lol, cuck

You didn't watch the video did you :)

then who invaded poland you moron

Jewish tanks powered by shekel of course, as per OP zee Joo is behind everything and Hitler dindunuffin.

Hitlers version of events is that he feared for the ethnic Germans in the Danzig Corridor which led to the invasion of Poland and led to Great Britain entering the war.

And it's historical fact that Austria was annexed Germany peacefully and willingly.

I believe Great Britain was afraid of a large nationalist power in Europe which would have diminished our influence on the contenant, similar to Napoleons empire.

Churchill came to power after the outbreak of war but he did continue it despite Hitlers show of good faith at Dunkirk

The jews


The True Cause of the Second World War

The date of September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, is remembered as the date the war started. But little is remembered about the date Russia also moved into Poland, on September 16,1939. The nation of Poland was now divided between these two war-time allies.

It is interesting to notice what the responses of the major allied nations were to these two dates. When Germany entered the western portion of Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany. But when Russia moved into eastern Poland, there was no war declaration by either nation.

The Soviets caused one of the tragic events of history after they occupied their portion of Poland. They captured approximately 10,000 Polish officers and brutally murdered them, most of them meeting their death in Katyn Forest near the Russian town of Smolensk. The traditional story about their deaths was that the officers had been killed by the German army, but now the evidence is clear that the Russians committed this crime. The other victims were taken aboard a barge which was towed out to sea and then sunk.

I like to prank call ghetto Mexicans and tell them to build a wall.


If Hitler cared merely cared about the fate of ethnic Germans he would have stopped at Danzig and not split up Poland with Stalins help and conquered the rest in which NO GERMANS lived.

who would dare to declare war on russia?
also, germany had invaded czechoslovakia when he promised he wouldn't, he annexed austria, he occupied the rhineland and broke the 1935 london naval treaty

It was the Russians.


So he had to trust the hostile Polish with securing Europe from the Russians?

I'm not watching an hour of someone rambling about meaningless shit

Also by your standards 'Da Jooz' shilling against Hitler was totally legitimate on ethnic grounds.

>Hitler tramples over Poland as he's 'concerned' about krauts. Wow what a guy
>Joos attack Hitler as he treats joos really badly (Kristallancht, ayranisation of buisiness etc.) God, fuck them


If Hitler was a good guy, why did he kill all those white people in pointless war?
I don't care what you think of the jews or how germans were master race, he killed more white people than the jews could ever dream of, in fact, I suspect Hitler to have been a zionist agent.

>not real

The Poles managed too in 1920. Also being able to fight against Russia doesnt mean you heave to annex half of Poland and ethnically cleanse the border regions.

What don't you seemingly understand about this whole thing?

The things you were told - are not as they seem.
I just found 100,000 sites refuting your claims for example.

As long as the jews are in control, anything about Hitler, cannot be trusted - unless cross referenced.