How can we turn feminism into a white supremacist movement

How can we turn feminism into a white supremacist movement

doubt it since we have tumblr and reddit lurking Sup Forums all the god damn time


Put up stuff saying that hitler was a feminist

You are fucking retarded...
They are already on that path. Just ignore them, they feed on our attention.
Just throw words that trigger them and sit back and laugh.

They are already enforcing their ideas by force/physical... So they are half way there.
Also the trump election was a sign that no one likes them

are you retarded

It pretty much is already
They mostly either ignore or use the NigNogs to further their own ends.
The Feminist movement gives no shits if you arent young pretty and white.
Oh sure they talk a good game but its just talk.

Keep focusing on Islam talk about how they treat women then ease them into what achievements the white race have given the world

You could always eat a bullet and let us watch? Why do you have to ruin Sup Forums for everyone

“it pretty much is”

yeah OP is asking for a complete movement retards

Just encourage what's already happening.
More black on white rape, more (and better) excuses for Islamic abuse of women and children.
They deserve it for not listening to their superiors, men. That's part of Islamic teaching after all.

everyone here is pretty retarded

even you, even me.

Hey bro just let them lurk, overtime they will brainwash themselves.

So... It isn't that hard to get done. converting all of feminism won't happen. but if you're after white girls. Which I think you are, convince them that the world is against them. Show them an outlet for their frustration, being a white power movement. tell them whites treat their women better, show them african and middle eastern treatment of women. then tell them, a tiny white dick is all they get for the rest of their lives...

Devide and conquer set up black feminists versus white.

White women will never realise the struggles of black women and are part of the problem etc etc

they're both braindead retards so you've got that going for you


It already is. But for white women only.

Here in Finland the average expected age for women is 10 years longer than for men and that gap is only increasing. Women get over 60% more money for special social- and healthcare services. Finnish men are 7 times more likely to be homeless than Finnish women. Nearly 30% (27% is last official number) of young Finnish men and boy are already or are at the risk of social exclusion and social marginalization. Men make at least 3 out of 4 suicides in every age group. Men have bigger problems with drug and alcohol abuse. Men are more unemployed than women in every age group. And last but not least, Finnish boys have a mandatory military service when they turn 18. Women don't have this. Women get to continue their studies without any interruptions. And this is something men don't get any benefits later in life. This last one was pointed out by OECD as the biggest gender equality problem in Finland as it's officially a law that discriminates against men.

YET you don't hear about these things from the media or anywhere. This is because the reporters in Finland are usually women. No matter how much every other societal group suffers as long as it's not Finnish privileged white women then it's OK and there's no need to report about it. And IF they report about it they are VERY VERY careful not to present it as an equality problem. But we and everybody else knows that if it was women in Finland who were 7 times more likely homeless then it would be equality problem immediately.


And this isn't just a problem for Finnish men. Last fall we had a societal discussions about trans people and their rights. Well suddenly one of these rights was that trans people would get to pick where they can go bathroom. Then someone pointed out that we still have gender sides in public swimming halls. This is where the privileged Finnish white women reporters got scared that they have to give up their privileges and the reporting stopped there. And I can sure you they won't open that door again as they want to keep their privileges. Men don't have problem with this as men don't judge other people like women do. Men aren't thinking constantly what might that and hat person think about me. "Fucking bitches. Fix your eyebrows.".

And it also affects gay men. A LOT. Gay men face all the same equality problems as straight men do but gay men face little bit more. Privileged Finnish women have big problems about gay couple's child rights and the father paternity leave. As Finnish women have designed the system so that currently they use over 90% of all parent leave days.

As long as it's the privileged Western white women who decide what's equal for every societal group then there won't be true equality for anybody else.


it's simple. women are exceptionally jealous. of anything, even each other. let me do their shit and wait until they destroy each other.