Where can I find a QT girl with a penis? I don't mean a trap...

Where can I find a QT girl with a penis? I don't mean a trap, I mean a genuine double-X'd chromosome female who happens to also have a penis

Pic related

You mean a trap retard.

>Where can I find a QT girl with a penis? I don't mean a trap, I mean a genuine double-X'd chromosome female who happens to also have a penis

That is called a man on hormones. You are a delusional faggot who needs to come out already or kill yourself.

there is no such thing. Humans are a binary species. XX beings, known as females, don't have penises. XY beings, known as males, do have penises.

No, because traps have both an X and Y chromosome. I'm looking for a female with two X chromosomes that has a penis

You can't. Closest you're going to get is intersex girls with secondary female sex characteristics, but the dicks are more of weird big clits than actual dicks.

Hypothetically there could also be a really feminine non-trans girl who got bottom surgery for some reason to make a frankenpenis, but those are really gross.



you can find them all in oakville tomorrow night

Its scientific fact. I don't give two shits about what society says. Males have penises and produce sperm to fertilize eggs. Females have ovaries and produce eggs, which once fertilized grow into embryos and eventually babies which they carry and give birth to. Honestly anyone who thinks being a "man" or a "woman" has any more significance than your intended role in the continuation of your species is a fucking moron.

nope, lookup 46xx, my friend has two x chromosomes but a penis

chromsones are directly related to genitallia. there are no people with XX chromosones who happen to have a penis. that makes no sense.

You're disregarding intersex people and sex chromosome disorders

you understand that pic is shopped right?

if they have a dick then they're a man

again look at my post you can literally have a penis and two x chromosomes

This is exactly what i'm looking for

fuck i meant

Just admit you're a faggot and go suck some dick.



That's barely 1% of any population and it's a physical deformity, it doesn't mean they're actually the other sex. They still have a defined sex. Just like a baby born without arms isn't a different breed of human, it's just a cripple.

okay, sure, but it still renders your question invalid. a very rare outlier isn't going to have a local coffee shop that caters to women wtih penises. there is no group of these girls meeting in a room that you would get invited to.

I'm not attracted to men though, the thought of having sex with a male disgusts me. I'd be pretty into a girl with a cock though

in like 10-15 years when the bio-med tech gets up there for sex organs and better gene therapies

You like dick. That's pretty fucking gay. Which is fine, just go be gay.

I hope to fuck you're right

we’re not talking about more than two sexes
so because there’s only a small amount of them means that they somehow aren’t what they are? keep crying that you’re objectively wrong, there are chromosomal females with penises

Intersex people have disorders that cause them to have something other than straight XX chromosomes. The fact that even you call them disorders only furthers my point

Can you read, faggot? I just said I wasn't attracted to men. God you're fucking retarded

ok, if it's gay it's an alarmingly specific and typically exclusive/incompatible subset of being gay


Their defined sex is intersex. They often are assigned a binary sex at birth according to what secondary characteristics they will take on during puberty. But that doesn't make them that sex, it's just assigned so they don't live as a freak. Sure it's rare as fuck but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

You were wrong though.

You can't. You can find people with chomosome damage who have traits of both sexes though.

>Honestly anyone who thinks being a "man" or a "woman" has any more significance than your intended role in the continuation of your species is a fucking moron.
it has a lot more significance. not gonna make a list but you could write a loooong book about this matter and i am not talking about these internet gender feminazi people white man privilege shouters. i mean sociological, physical and mental differences are real facts and therefore being either man or a woman has significance on many levels.
Picture related to how meaningful this conversation is.

Even the tattoo is fake in this pic.

Try again OP

captcha: library stew

Nope. Just cripples.

You're the one that wants dick inside you faggot, not me.

I don't want a dude's dick inside me though, I want a girl's dick

How is this not making sense?

because true hermaphrodites are a rarity. pretty much all are born sterile as well. the best you will ever find is a guy who has taken a lot of hormones and got breast implants. just make sure you find one that likes getting dick more than giving and you'll be set. you will never find a woman who also has a penis, its just not gonna happen. you could go your whole life without seeing one and even then theres always the possibility she doesn't like you.

>I just said I wasn't attracted to men. God you're fucking retarded

No, you fucking dick choking homo bitch faggot you are. If you are attracted to a penis, which belongs to a man, even though you are such a gay fucking homo that you wish women had a penis instead of a vagina, then you are a flaming fucking gay bitch FAGGOT.

Do everyone a favor (on here and who you deal with in life) and kill yourself.

The only "significance" it has outside of reproduction is purely a construct of society and nothing more. Tell me, if such a book could be made, what it means to be a man or a woman, without using any societal constructs.

dudes have dicks and chicks don't. it's not an opinion but a fact like the fact that you are an enormous faggot.

>I want a girl's dick

Cock sucking homo faggot cum drinker see this:

That's not really how it works, not anymore at least. With modern MRI technology and genetic testing you can determine what they actually are. It's a genetic mutation, not chromosomes getting mixed up. There is no such thing as a girl with a functioning penis. All penis's do start off as a clitoris though so what she might have due to a hormonal imbalance is a giant clit that looks like a tiny dick.

If that was the case you'd just find a girl who's willing to peg you. You want to get fucked with a man dick and jizzed inside of. That's gay dude.

are you not aware that men and women are biologically and anatomically different? do you know what hormones are? do you understand why men and women act the way they act and like things they like etc?

omg this conversation is bait/10

This entire thread is.

omg there is not a single person on Sup Forums who doesn't know that but that is not the point, the point is having the argument and stupid conversation about nothing. it is called having fun. this is how i see it myself and i feel sad if someone is really genuinely giving a fuck about this matter.

Hormones develop body growth and drive our basic needs. A man from one culture could act identicly to a woman from another and each culture would consider it normal. Liking something isn't inherent, it's learned through experiences. As for anatomically....yeah, duh, they have the parts the other needs to make babies.
