Their best song is The Show Must Go On
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I disagree.
Innuendo is their best and only good album
That's actually a pretty good hot take
A better arena rock finale then We Are the Champions desu
What's their best then?
Killer Queen is a better pop song than Penny Lane / Heroes and Villains
Innuendo is good, but every album they released in the 70s was better.
>My Fairy King
>The Night Comes Down
>White Queen
>The March of The Black Queen
>Brighton Rock
>She Makes Me (Stormtrooper in Stilettos)
>Long Away
Bo Rhap actually sounds really good within the context of the whole A Night at the Opera album. Really brings out its melancholy qualities with none of the meme-iness.
39' is super underrated
Night at the Opera is a great album
Jazz is their best album