Other urls found in this thread:
>listening to a neo-nazi apologist
Who is the second guy
amazing picture
you're a fucking idiot
john maus
Yamaguchi-sama is a hero.
what am i meant to be seeing?
guy on the right's shirt is a picture of some nationalist who assassinated some famous socialist politician in japan
user thinks it makes maus a neo nazi for some reason
sounds like a complete reach
>muh medieval backbone
it is. probably some buttblasted LCDfanboy who's mad their new album is shit. also guy on the right is charles from MDE who is friends with Sam hyde
who is the guy on the right?
john maus is literally a marxist lmao
hmmm the marxist in this picture is tall and handsome while the neo-nazi has a rat face and is a manlet..... really makes me have thoughts in my head...
Charls has the best facial genetics around what's wrong with you
who is on the left even
jokes i think ive seen him posted around here before
but why are those to there together
is it just cuz theyre both trendy at the moment
if you want to believe that fine but he's objectively a manlet so it doesnt matter if he looks like adonis
Thank you. Reminder that this man is the best musician and artist of our times.
Many thanks to Maus. Many thanks to OP.
james murphy of lcd soundsystem
On an AMA charls said Maus was real af to hang with on set and extremely open to genuine phil/poli dialogue
please don't let slimy mu take a hold of maus jesus fucking christ he doesn't deserve this
if he becomes popular here that would be a fucking crime
don't post artists you actually like here, guys
>judging entire groups of people off the characteristics of 2 individuals who are both far from the average of either group
not very intelligent of you
>everyone who is right-wing is automatically a neo-nazi
Fuck off Tim
where the fuck have you faggots been for the last few years? maus is THE token male pop musician along with ariel pink and other similar synthpop/hynpagogic pop musicians
There's been a surge in his popularity since late 2016. He remained fairly obscure until very recently.
And I hate them fugee terrorists and beaners takin my job
Yeah he has great facial structure but he is below 6ft and he has a receding hairlane so it cancels out.
wow a leftist using a strawman, color me suprised
what changed? was it the world peace skit?
That is not how it actually works you know, a 6'1 ugly man is worse off
if you go to the comments of hey moon or cop killer its all mde fags talking about pozzing or whatever
no... you must be new. obviously theres more with the announcement of a new album. but he was huge around 2005-2013. and remained fairly popular for someone who hadnt released anything in 7 years...
did you all start going here yesterday or what? Its not like people dont know maus here, especially not with the connections to ariel and panda bear
So wait
do people actually think james murphy is being insincere or what
because that's pretty wack
why is Ashton Kutcher molesting Steve Bannon?
>james murphy is ironic
>john maus is sincere
also get this faggy poltier LARP off my fucking board
fascinating fucking analysis there retard
t. 5'9" manlet with receding hairline
>poltier larp
how is the image poltier at all? you realize that even radical leftists hate neoliberalism right?
it's poltier because it's a fucking LARP you dipshit
you seem really angry right now. you should calm yourself by listening to that 6/10 album that mr murphy and the gang put out recently
>only the far right hates neolibs
oh boy have i got some news for you
literally what are you faggots prattling on about
this is only evidence that this thread is fucking cancer
hello newfag
>getting bumblistered by blatant bait
come on i know wingnuts are usually a little autistic but try to read between the lines
shouldn't you be complaining that fantano didn't listen to your 6/10 album the whole way through in another thread?
what you talkin bout pinko, only strawman i know of is the scarecrown down at the farm. YEE YEE!
you're literally pulling talking points out of your own diseased mind
get a grip fuckwit
manlet detected
is nonchalantly pointing out someone being dumb qualification for "butthurt" status now?
>complain about stereotyping
>proceed to stereotype
good pic, shit thread
okay? doesn't mean marxists and nationalists can't be pals.
maybe they could meet in the middle and become national socialists
if i was short id probably think it really mattered from reading online, which is kinda funny i guess