Yo Sup Forums, give me ideas on shit to do. It's currently 8:45pm and I'm bored out of my mind

Yo Sup Forums, give me ideas on shit to do. It's currently 8:45pm and I'm bored out of my mind.

All the games I have currently just aren't doing it for me, and I have no desire to buy any atm. I don't really have any interests other than 3D modeling, which I'm doing as I type this out, but it's so mind numbingly repetitive.

Help a Sup Forumsro out

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You so gotta come over lift weights with me mate. Can have drinks afterwards too. No homo.

>never lifted weights before

Well fuck

Where you at?

Ryde, NSW
Am serious. Not mental or weird or anything. Also not a leb.

Ahh way too far man, I'm next to Brisbane.
Thanks though!

All good brother. Hope your night ends well. Maybe just eat some chips and binge watch the Simpsons or something?

Go for a walk, you'd be surprised at how stimulating it is.

Would of been keen to chill if I had seen this an hour ago mang. Hornsby Shire represent

Yours too.
Hmm, haven't seen The Simpsons in about 7 years. Might as well. Cheers!

I may just go do that.

Damn NSW people, clogging up my damn Sup Forums

damn all around NSW
you guys gonna be part of pol's halloween operation?

Damn man. No probs.

Have met one person off Sup Forums b4. He lived in a fucking nice house in St Leonards. Just went around to game. Was ok but did seem a but strange at first. I think both of us expected the other was gonna me a murderer or rapist or some shit. Stayed a couple hours, ordered pizza hut. Met his sister. I've been here too long tried to figure out a way to see her again and try fuck her. Wasn't gonna happen.

Imma lean out my window right now since its 10:50pm and yell "I bought a Jeep" at the top of my lungs across my quiet pocket of Western Sydney suburbia. Will post results if anything happens

Good cunt. I'll do the same here in Ryde.

i guess i'll do it in West pennant hills

Download a Solitaire app and play. You'll get hookei

AHAHAHAH Someone in the far distance yelled out "What colour".

Classic. I got no response. Will try again.

Any other sydneysiders get wet yesterday? Left my windows open when I left in the morning. Came home water was fucking everywhere.


I got a response.

I called it out 4 times. Finally someone said 'no one gives a shit'
Fucking ace.

Had me dying

Would you like to talk to gods and demons? I can teach you how to do that. I'm a Jungian mystic with 20+ years of experience.

Any of you guys going to do the "It's okay to be white" poster movement that Sup Forums has planned for halloween? the plan is to trigger the left. And they also want to go global

Didn't known about that but its a thing I'd be into. Don't browse pol much but I like a lot of what I see there

Voted no btw

Naw, but I was thinking about it


Yeah that is fine by me
i didn't like how all the leftist at Usyd were protesting against No, fucking throwing glitter and all that. Thank god i don't go there, because apparently they protest daily. I got some at UNSW, but very small.
Anyone has the right to vote no

UNSW is my uni, so i could try to stick some flyers but i doubt it would get much attention.

This isn't a joke or something to approach lightly. I occasionally post the Deep Mysteries on Sup Forums because I know most people will dismiss them as LARPing and I pass unnoticed. A lot of what I teach are the same esoteric traditions which groups like the Freemasons, Skull & Bones, and other such groups teach their members. These techniques are also not without risk; unless you have a solid sense of self, it's possible to lose yourself in the archetypal personality fragments I can teach you call up from your unconscious.

Do you still want to know?

different person here, yeah go on

Get a hat. It doesn't matter what type, as long as you can afford to get rid of it if you have to. Say out loud, "When I put this hat on, I am not longer me. When I take it off, I am me again."

It's important to say it out loud, since you're priming your unconscious. The hat is to create something which you can use to shut the door you open in case things get scary for you.

Now, put the hat on and start to babble. Just make nonsense noises. It's important that you not think about it. Just utter whatever baby-talk happens to pop into your head. Continue to do this as long as it takes. Over time, you should start to notice the nonsense noises turn into intelligible words. Then the words will assemble into phrases, and then full sentences. At this point, a voice which is not under your conscious control will be addressing you from your own mouth.

You are now free to remove the hat and ask questions, then put the hat back on to allow the voice to answer. It's important to note that which archetype you pull from your inner sea will depend on your mood, what's going on inside your head below the level of your conscious awareness, and even which movies and TV shows you've watched and books you've read recently.

If the voice is angry, hostile, or threatening, you only need to remove the hat to make it all stop. If it really bothers you, you can burn the hat or throw it away to make sure it's permanently turned off for you.

I should add that if you know how to perform the LBRP or the middle pillar, it's probably a good idea to do it, if only for the strengthening of your own sense of identity.

Get a job and a gf. Maybe some friends to hang out with. My free time is magical bc I don’t have a lot of it.
