Would it take a catastrophic event such as an encounter with a hostile extraterrestrial force to finally bring world...

Would it take a catastrophic event such as an encounter with a hostile extraterrestrial force to finally bring world together?

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Uniting people is a simple us vs them survival idea.

Nothing says "Humans are brothers" as much as some spaceniggers coming to genocide us and strip us of all our resources.

Nah, why help a bunch of shitskins who want to exterminate us, I'll laugh my ass off as they vaporize everyone. All hail the moon nigger overlords.

Any species that could reach us through the vastness of space could also wipe us out without us even being aware of their existence.

Its a neckbeard fantasy to imagine that aliens would fight us on our terms. The reality is more likely that we would exist one moment and be gone the next at their will.

That would make a shit movie, GTFO

No. All the white countries would come together to take care of the problem.

Then like a year later society would go back to blaming white men for the world's problems.

>You didn't make the Aliens feel welcome, you xenophobe!
>Your microtransgressions caused those aliens to destroy countries and wipe out millions of people
>You see, the aliens were actually trying to free us from the evil white man!

only if we can get rid of Canadians too


No, in any major catastrophe, niggers revert back to their primal stages and begin looting, raping, fighting and then invade somewhere else.

Hurricane Katrina is one of many examples of this.

that seems like a bit of a leap. also think about colonial times, there were plenty of cases of primitive tribals beating advanced world powers because even though they had a lot of power its hard to project it that far

appropriate nippon frog silhouetting


No because even then the libtard would sell out the human race, Dr Breen style.

Exo vaticana google it

Read the "The Road not taken"

It tells the story of how aliens have advanced travel tech. But serverly lack In weapons tech. While humans have been perfecting war for millennia. The aliens are akin to Humanities age of sail and their tech that allows them to travel through space was merely missed by Humanity.

The aliens come. Get rekt. Humanity wins and gets access to their tech and becomes the most powerful race in the galaxy.


Technology is a divergent tree. Not a straight line.

This. There are so many ways a very advanced civilization could destroy lesser races it's hilarious. They could just secretely use a genetically engineered virus that affects only humans and wipe us out very quickly.

Wrong. Any race that can master space flight will be pacifists and docile and inexperienced in war

One nuke and they will run away

No, I'd sooner try to ally myself with alien scum than I'd lower myself to "cooperation" with shitskins.

Like ww2?

It's not like you would even get to use all those nukes because you wouldn't even know what hit you.

This movie is pretty nice and shows one of the more elegant and realistic alien invasion techniques.

Nah I would ban any movie that is misanthropic and shows humans losing.

It should be a crime punishment by death to criticise humans

You are a traitor to humanity if you say we wouldn't win.

Or a realist. That doesn't mean I wouldn't fight back.

Still spreading enemy propaganda.
You think the allies said "the nazis are so strong we have no chance"

People like you need to be silenced and shot for the good of morale



You're baiting, right? The Nazis didn't commandeer starships that warped space and time. As it is, we don't have an extraterrestrial enemy and the invasion by one makes for an interesting film subject. Go to bed, little asspie.

Can we just entertain the hypothetical in the OP for a second instead of being fags over superior alien technology. Let's say the aliens live millions of years away and this is one of their explorer travel vessels. It's suited for long-distance travel through space, but not much for combat (just our fucking spacecraft). They have some defensive weaponry with them for exploring new, possibly hostile habitats, but they aren't fully decked out in warrior gear either.

They communicate with us somehow that they are a hostile force and want us to surrender - what do? I would personally tell them if they can exterminate all of the blacks, muslims, and jews, they would have our full cooperation. After the do the dirty work for me then we would destroy them.

The difference is that we are not actively at war with nazi aliens, nobody is going to watch the movie and move to space to join the martian jihad.
You can't ban ideas just because you don't like them.

>Would it take a catastrophic event such as an encounter with a hostile extraterrestrial force to finally bring world together?
We evangelion now.

though serious, there is a Seele

>Yess good Earthgoy, we will accept your "cooperation" after we exterminate all of those other races....we won't turn on you and exterminate you too, promissssssse....

Oh you fool, you.

>Its a neckbeard fantasy to imagine that aliens would fight us on our terms. The reality is more likely that we would exist one moment and be gone the next at their will.
Not necessarily, could be a ploy to unite us and develop.

They might use a false flag proxie to develop us.

In fact I'm certain they will do that. Because I get the feeling they have larger enemies and need our help.


>there is a Seele

This is a plausible scenario.

There's a couple of books that touch on this, but a recent one is Armada, by Ernest Cline.

Pretty decent, IMO.

>Technology is a divergent tree. Not a straight line.
Yeah but natural selection begs to differ.

It should be universal.

Doesn't matter. You have a quitters attitude.

I was taught you need to ignore your own defeats. Pretend they never happened. And highlight your victories against any enemy.

This is why I don't acknowledge the American Revolution

Go to hell pessimist surrender monkey

Someone's pushing the book of revelation. Too many coincidences, christians are panicking, but it's too coincidental.

Started after 2012.

Read the book user. I was honestly spooked until I rewatched eva. Now I'm just pissed off.

>ignore defeats

Top kek you're like 12, and probably a shitskin.

Kill yourself

Yes you can. I'm a Muslim. We literally have erased thousands of cultures and ideas.

Get fucked

>Go to hell pessimist surrender monkey
You can be pessimist and still have the urge to fight.

Don't drag all of them in with cucks. They're just skeptics, not pussies.

Fuck off anti human


Stay mad anti human

No because you don't have faith or belief in your ability to win. So you deliberately lose

Maybe you faggots but Balkans have score to settle.

Humanity will never be united under any circumstances. We will extinct divided.

>launch something at the planet at FTL speeds
game over for us

>This is why I don't acknowledge the American Revolution

How's that been working out for you? Any defeat can be a great learning experience and will serve to ensure future victories, should you choose to acknowledge and learn from said defeat. Trail and error is a fundamental stepping stone to humanity's progress and it involves failure, a lot of it. Scenarios where our species is overhwhelmed by an outside force could spark public discourse on how to prevent that outcome while also making for an entertaining film/video game/book/whatever. Did you also ignore the part where I said I would fight anyway?

>pessimist surrender monkey

I love you.

>I'm a Muslim. We literally have erased thousands of cultures and ideas.
>Get fucked

>calls me an anti-human when you mudslime faggots have been destroying everything Human since forever

Is me. I'm not an anti-Human. I'm a Fanatical Xenophobe.

You're the fucking traitor, you shitskin mudslime trash.

>oh no now my insult has no effect because it's true

Stay mad

You know, come to think of it: If you don't acknowledge the American Revolution, why are you replying to my posts? I don't exist, silly.

He's baiting

So many anti-humans on this thread, sad!

t. dod

nice proxy but your id sold you out

Just do What Lelouch did. Become the Ultimate asshole, and the world would unite against you.

W-What might you be talking about, friend?
H-Haha, lets share some A E S T H E T I C memes n shitpost xd

>I was taught you need to ignore your own defeats. Pretend they never happened. And highlight your victories against any enemy.

Take a fucking BJJ class and take your pride down about 20% there Mr.CrookedMouthCalcium.

What if the aliens themselves were an equivalent of a libtard? Far left Liberalism seems to infect the most developed countries, so I wouldn't doubt a highly advanced alien species falling into the trappings of it.

Imagine aliens discovering us but they don't nuke our planet instantly because hippies from their own planet want to take us in as refugees and their Xanadian Prime Minister says "If you vaporize the humans, they win"

Why would aliens attack us anyway?
Any civilisation capable of interstellar travel has already perfected asteroid mining.
Why do you need humans when you can have robots, which are much cheaper to maintain and create? Also robots won't rebel (not talking about sentient machines).

Alien invasion is just a redneck fantasy. Deal with it.

An ideal habitable planet. They might not as abundant as some gaymes would like you to believe.

>No because you don't have faith or belief in your ability to win. So you deliberately lose

This thread is nothing but bait.

I'm done.

Not if extraterrestrial force was islamic.

If such an alien civilization exists, they'd probably try to colonize us in order to get more territory

What makes you think that aliens will be a carbon based lifeform? Maybe neptune is more habitable for them than earth. Even if earth is habitable for them, building a dyson swarm around their home star is much more efficient than fighting over a damaged planet with angry natives on the surface.

I for one welcome our new Alien friends.

I shall not confront the Alien as an enemy, but shall accept its mysteries as gifts to be cherished. Nor shall I crudely seek to peel the layers away like the skin from an onion. Instead I shall gather them together as the tree gathers the breeze. The wind shall blow and I shall bend. The sky shall open and I shall drink my fill.

I don't know, but it's a possibility considering that it's the only life we know of. How do you know that building any gargantuan size objects which would require immense resources to be transported to their system is more economically feasible for them than quickly and almost effortlessly exterminating arrogant retarded monkeys without even damaging the planet much?

isnt this based on the assumption that the xenos are borne of natural selection and didnt evolve on a world were the selection pressures are like ours..

its logical to assume they will be intelligent but thier capacity for violence may well be radically different based on thier evolutionary circumstances... it could also go the other way and we encounter a species like xenomorphs or predator or the krogan..

A collective hive type species could be logical too, like worker ants/bees if thier selection pressures forced them into deep co operation as a species....

Also possible due to co vergent evolution we meet a very physically similar looking alien species with somewhat radically different genetics.. see the tasmanian tiger ( marsupial ) and its physical simularity to canines.

Anything biologically speaking thats happened here could happen out there with tacted on intelligence..

imagine a world so harsh even a weak member of a species of bipedals that can run at 35mph jump 10ft high and has wasp like stingers on its appendages had to breed in the thousands to survive...

im not looking forward to meeting other species, physically we are outmatched on earth by almost all apex predators, sharks, felines, other mamals, apes etc...

Maybe we are the pinnacle in our galaxy thus far though, perhaps our world is harsher than most with life and the only thing out there are moderately peaceful by our standards blobs.

kinda like starship troopers?

the rocket equation.

Humans are heavy worlders. We are just below the gravitational threshold before conventional rocket travel is impossible.

Meaning we are the strongest space farers.

Any other species will either be far too slow and trapped on their high gravity world or far too weak due to low gravity and we could snap them like twigs

you're making that line of thinking as a human. Just because we would do that or be capable of that doesnt mean it works both ways.

>require immense resources to be transported to their system is more economically feasible

We have enough resources in our solar system alone to build a dyson swarm.

Something like that would unite the world, yes.
Humanity would reach the next step in our evolution.

>Implying most other alien civilizations didn't wipe themselves out already

We barely avoided nuclear annihilation, due to a few men making the right choices back in the Cold War, other species might have been less fortunate in their own conflicts.

nuclear war is not that bad

And then the next day we'd go back to bickering amongs ourselves. Unless the conflict would be eternal, humans would not unify.

>hostile extraterrestrial force
>we already have hostile illegal immigrants
>people are still divided whether we should help them or fight them

Not all xenos are hostiles.
They are good aliens, they din du nufin.
Interdimensional travel of peace.
"10 reasons why you should fuck an alien" - Buzzfeed

>Technology is a divergent tree. Not a straight line.
Technology is a self-reinforcing net. Insights in one area improve the ability to explore other areas. Technological fruit hang lower and lower as other areas develop, so while aliens might see no need to work on some things that interest humans, they'll know the basic principles that go into it. Due to the energy involved, any species capable of fast interstellar travel will know how to resurface a planet in a few minutes should they desire to, whether or not they specifically keep stocks of weapons for the purpose.

For perspective, F-22s can massacre F-15s with impunity, which can massacre the previous generation with impunity, which can massacre the previous generation, which can massacre the previous generation, all of which were less than a century apart. Similar considerations apply to electronic warfare, armor and anti-armor weapons, even naval ships and weapons. Physics suggests that there is a long way left to go in these areas before fundamental limits prevent further improvement, and there is no sign of slowing down. In fact, things like practical applications of nanotubes and military lasers suggest that changes are accelerating like most other areas of research.

So what do you think a civilization ten million years old would be capable of?

By "the world" you probably just mean westerners + slavs + developped chinks, 3 populations who, for starter, have no reasons to fight each other except misplaced ego. So it would take way less than an alien invasion to unite us. The rest of the world isn't relevant enough to do anything else than step aside and watch. Aliens sending an embassador to earth and asking to speak to the person in charge would be enough to unite us. Once you've got aliens speaking at the UN about literal overwordly matters, the towelheads and niggers little tantrums will look pathetic and civilized countries (or even aliens) will tell them to fuck off once and for good.
"Yeah well, fuck your welfare, Tyron, we got aliens to talk to"

Nothing because humans are the elder race and we are the most advanced species in the galaxy

>Aliens come to UN
>See the farce
>Mudslimes and niggers saying something about allah
>Ayyyy lmao
>Zap zap zap

>So what do you think a civilization ten million years old would be capable of?

what would ten million years of little to no selection pressure look like.

If humans get into space and become interstellar on a timescale similar to how we are intercontinental the local galaxy cluster will be fucking ravaged m8.

if we dont meet aliens within 2 centuries we will clearly be the galactic apex.

Personally i think thats the answer to the fermi paradox, we are the most advanced species, either that or they are watching right now and when we become an interstellar threat boom, no more sol.

No despite the saying common enemy isn't enough to make people stop hating each other and being dicks in general.

Even if this happened Muslims would still be impossible to wrangle in.

>liberals won't just make them the next dindunuffins

No, it would take extermination of all jews and muslims, niggers as well but as people in US can see, niggers are easily domesticated so we take their gibs away and either watch them riot and die or turn into productive members of society(Most likely wishful thinking on my part)

Oh, and we put niggers in africa in a zoo or in cages, otherwise treat them like animals when the aliens show up to show them that they are not part of our species but animals

kek, that would be awesome

Plausible, given that we can build spaceships now capable of crossing the galaxy in a million years or so. Since there aren't obvious signs of aliens everywhere, there are apparently no advanced aliens psychologically similar to humans.


Couldn't a planet with much higher density of metal ores eventually cheaply build a space elevator?

>Technology is a divergent tree. Not a straight line
someone's been playing to much Civ

>little to no selection pressure
That's ten million years of self-directed artificial modification. We're going to have to deal with that ourselves in a few decades.

>tfw earth had a high density of metal ores near the surface
>tfw a douchbag planet crashed into earth and pushed all the shit near the center, while also forming the moon.

>implying we would be able to detect those signs even if they were

In theory, yes.

However you'd quickly hear "Quick we need to go communist"

fuk u moon

That's irrelevant. Space elevators are cheap when gravity is low and rotation is fast. Metals aren't strong enough for a space elevator on Earth, but they might work on Mars. No known material would work for Venus.

Space elevators are cheap when they're cheaper than rocket travel. That's the only criteria for expense once a species has prioritised space colonisation.

Why wouldn't they always be cheaper than rocket travel? Good luck making ropes for them though.

They're watching us and we don't know it.

The universe looks like what one might expect of gas and dust acting according to physics, without unusual intervention. There doesn't seem to be any large resource processing or energy use, which would visibly change how stars and galaxies look. You can, of course, posit that aliens would be silent, invisible, and otherwise undetectable, and they aren't doing anything noticeable for inscrutable reasons, but that's not a very useful position to consider.

>do ya wanna live forever

I love that friken movie