Hey tards sissy here from last night <3

Hey tards sissy here from last night

cute cock, faggot

haha i wish



Rate mine?

alright length good girth

reallly nice length and girth



nice head and girth i like your balls too

good girth and alright length dont worry about it though, girth > length anyday

pics of OP?

Would you?


huge length, nice girth
and yes i would

good length, alright girth omg those ball though

damn that ass is hot!

pic with finger in butt?

What do you think of my balls?

daaamn that puts you up to like a 10 pretty much ahaha

daaamn they are huuge aha that puts you pretty much up to a 10 ahaha

Thank you. You are too kind


Rate mine

Based on the pic you are bigger than me soft, but here we go

I'll suck it