Only including the base game (No DLC factors into decision) which game is better?

Only including the base game (No DLC factors into decision) which game is better?

Without DLC Fallout 3 is the better game. The expansions push new Vegas ahead though.

>Fallout 3
how can one man be so wrong

New Vegas.


fallout 3

more compelling story
much much MUCH better atmosphere (this really is the most important part)
over all fallout 3 has much better and well though out map design and content seems like there was soul put into it, newvagas feels really bland.

Nevagas's redeeming quality is improved combat mechanics.
It also has slightly more intricate dialog options.

New Vegas

>Better story
>Better RPG
>Better combat mechanics
>Better mods
>Better DLCs
>Better graphics

Frankly, it's not even close

New vegas.


There was never a man like my Johnny
Like the one they call Johnny Guitar
Play it again Johnny

Fallout 3 is better simply because it captures the feel of a post nuclear wasteland. Fallout NV might be more polished and detailed but Fallout 3 has the right atmosphere and makes it feel like what its supposed to be, a post nuclear world.

Yeah sure its the better game were i cant choose my own backstory

>what is halo
>what is half life
>what is zelda
>what is windows pinball

>Fallout 3 has the right atmosphere and makes it feel like what its supposed to be, a post nuclear world.

This is true. Most of Nevada already looks like a post nuclear hellscape.

Well you know DC was a major urban city decimated by the bombs. NV is out west, isolated and avoided major damage compared to New England, but I do agree the FO3 world feels more of a post nuclear war world.

That said, I think the main story was better in FO3 but the branching arcs and faction system was better in NV. The gameplay was also way better in NV.

In fallout 3 you literally get to shape your character growing up.

In NewVegas you are a messenger carrier who gets his brains blown out but then doesn't die cause plot armour.

which one of those sounds like a choice to you?

lol feels
it is subjective.
I get much better feels from new vegas, personally. I really like the feeling of place that new vegas gives. Fallout 3 outdoors seem to be extremely uniformal and boring.

>Better DLCs

The point is to judge the base game only without DLCs. Fucking read idiot

>what is an RPG
>what is not an RPG

This is Fallout 3 fanboy point though. Nobody gives a fuck about it. Fallout 3 fanboys will be fanboys.
Lately they just caught on that despite being a fanboy they still can't defend Fallout 3 dlc vs Fallout NV dlc, so they try to set up level playing field. F3 still loses though.

new vegas is better in every single way. though i still enjoyed fo3, it just doesn't stack up to new vegas.

>being forced to look for a father you as a player don't give two shits about, and other secondary characters you're supposed to care about but also don't.
>be given a blank slate to do whatever you want with it

Which sounds like a better rpg?

I liked gothic 4 more than all the other ones. It is their best rpg

>get to shape
Oh, you can choose who did you talk to on birthday...And was you jerk to everyone around you.
It still brings you to not having a choice if you want to murder a few people just because they are in your way though. For me, F3 intro tells more about the character than being a courier shot in the head did, even during first few hours in NV.
So for me, Courier is definitely more open to interpretation.

Exactly a unknown carrier. With that you can choose your own damm backstory and not being forced to live in a damm vault

>Can't play a game for what it is.

Autism confirmed here.

lmao this thread
nv was okay fallout 3 is complete garbage
go play 1 and 2 you children

always new vegas for me gunplay, main story ending has huge variety, faction reputation and the hardcore mode although the color palet used for the game is very bland I still find it way more enjoyable gameplay wise

I liked 3 but put more time into New Vegas.

OP conceded new Vegas was better including DLC lol why are you such a faggot?


It's called inmersion, newfag. And it's one of the most important factors in RPGs.

It's more fps than rpg fam

You know, rpgs are based on dnd, the idea is creating a unique character in a world and then following his personality. Being forced into into one storyline is not really rpg-ie and comparing 1 or 2 to 3 it looses most of those traits.

Aren't you trying to track down who tried to kill you in new Vegas?

If you think that someone has an obligation to feel connected to characters in the book/game/film - fucking kill yourself, you autistic fucking retard.
Character development is a work of author. Author can do it well, and then connecting with characters is natural, or he can fuck up and just tell you you have to care about them.
I liked Moira. I enjoyed interacting with her. I cared about her enough not to ever consider exploding Megatonn. She is a well done character. Your father, brotherhood goonies (probably except pride, they are ok), enclave, doctor Li and co are fucking cardboard cut outs. All time you spend with them is worst part of game for sure, and it isn't supposed to be this way.

Fallout 3 is better with and without. I think Sup Forums has gone to enough shit that we can drop the new vegas meme.

The story was shit, the programming was lazy, and reusing an engine designed for another game (in skyrim too) made the resultant game buggy as fuck.

which once bethesda heard that we expected bugs from them, they didnt fix themselves, just rolled with it.

The engineering level of programming that went into FO3 along with the 507 couched metaphors about real life was awesome. NV and skyrim were fanbase cashgrabs.

Wait, I mean, NV is best fallout. Doritoes, yum.

>being forced to look for a father you as a player don't give two shits about

Can't possibly conceptualize that your character might care about their own father.

Pretty related for fallout 3

Because your fat ass looks so fucking sweet in moonlight? Kiss me,stupid fuckboy

Even in 2017 the original is still way better then both of these.

>you have gun it be fps!
>i is smart!
No. It's an RPG with guns and a first person option.


ya NV is just a meem we are all so collectively retarded we actually like fallout 3 and its 12 year old centric storyline. Not like its a shitty rehash of the plots of the first 2 or anything...

I fucking bet you to prove that point. I seriously doubt you have any kind of defensible position though, but this could be interesting.

Fallout 3: Better shooter
Fallout NV: Better RPG

>main quest gives you a 50/50 choice of committing mass genocide

youre being silly?

Careful with that edge kid ;)

Yeah I guess but I would definitely say the rpg elements were toned down from fo2 to FO3

>Better shooter
>can't use true iron sights


TBH both of them are terrible as shooter. Mods can kinda fix gunplay a bit though. I really liked project's Nevada effects on ballistics.

You can do that, or you can ignore it entirely without creating conflict with the story. Someone who's lost his memory doesn't have any intrinsic goals.

Finding out who shot you could be something you want, but you could also not give a shit about it.

Inmersion is kept.

The player doesn't give a shit about him. But the game forces my character's development because i'm supposed to care.
Inmersion is broken.

They made the same mistake in Fallout 4.


WHy? I kinda get his point. Poisoning the water is hilariously cartoonishly evil choice. Something like what agent hitler would do.

Fallout 4 is better than all of them


To the town of our freedom rode a stranger one fine day.

What are you trying to say?


>what is a fun game

The question was what game was more fun, not what felt more like D&D with guns on computer.

>toned down
>went from classic RPG to flavour of the month brain dead FPS
ya you could say that

Using fucking "emojis", and you call me a kid? You should fucking off yourself.

With a big iron on his hip?

better graphics != better game.

The original DOOM is still a better game than most shit that gets pumped out nowadays.

Agree. It is a better shooter by comparison. I wish NV hadn't been such a flop because all the survival mode stuff made it a better RPG.

But if they hadnt been after your money, survival mode code have been a dlc for FO3. And just like that, NV is nothing.


I see you are unfamiliar with the idea of "characters" or "stories". I couldn't get into the Halo series because I was too upset that they pushed their anti-alien agenda on me.

I've heard good things about the Witcher, but I didn't like all that stuff they put in about me having a past and characters that knew me.

It really ruined the experience.

that nv is better?

You're failing to understand what makes an RPG fun.

I do too it just doesnt match his, oh i get it. What a dry sense of humor


Your son, the Father, is as much as worst part of F4, as your father was of F3. I wish Bethesda just stopped that shit and gave us ES like beginnings and main quest lines. They are clearly much better at that.

Ouch! That edge is sharp sonny boy ;) take a chill pill

So by create your backstory you mean "pretend in my head without it actually being part of the game".

I love both games but enjoyed new Vegas more. Better gun mechanics and story.

I wish bethesda would just drop the whole fallout story from fallout at this point, seriously just give us what clearly is the intention (oblivion with guns) and stop pussy footing around with bad writing. Throw it out the window and give us fun brain melting action instead of trying to melt our brains with bad writing.

More quests == better?
That point is shit though. For example there are MUCH more quests in Kingdoms of Amalur than there is in witcher one. It is still a much worse game though.
Although I still think that FNV quests are superb. Some F3 quests are also, in this exact situation, I wish there were more of them.

No, you are failing to understand that calling a game and RPG which doesnt encompass strict RPG definitions does not make it a bad game.

I can see where you are coming from. Since you play as a character that was shot in the head, the nearly incoherent plot devices and terrible characters do actually seem decent.

However, once you stop roleplaying as a head trauma victim, you realize that Obsidian is a garbage fucking company that makes awful collect quests and couldn't design a level for a lab rat.

Better story? Yeah, fucking Elvis's are the best thing ever. I really enjoyed how I had to go back and forth 14 fucking times to finish an obnoxious bullshit quest. I really like the highschool writing of such amazing plotlines as "military chick who is really mean because she once got raped so you have to avenge her and then she softens and opens up". Top notch fucking writing there.

It's great too how the combat mechanics are so much better when you can just have Boone kill literally everything in the game because the devs are fucking retards.

But if you don't want Boone, you could always go with Cassidy, another cardboard cutout of a character with inane, childish dialogue that was written by a thirteen year old.


New Doom is great. It is a better game than old Doom. Maybe not as groundbreaking as old Doom was at its time, but a better made, more polished game.

This is worse than rick and morty threads. All you had to do was leave it in a backroom awhile and it comes out potent as new

Fallout 4 is way better then those two junk games.

From best to worst:

They're all AMAZING, but NV was weak when compared to the others.

Strongly disagree with you, there. The enemy levelling ruined Fallout3 for me. I mean, you take cans, throw them from a shitty gun you get at the very beggining of the game, and lay waste to Super Mutants (with laser gatlings) and to BoS Paladins in Powered Armor, using heavy weapons ?

Seriously ?

Ok, the universe is beautifully modeled, Ok, there are some nifty additions to the lore (like those pay-for-shelter individual shelters). But, all in all, that game was a joke, which I didn't think was funny.

I had loved Fallout and Fallout 2, and Fallout 3 was a huge disappointment for me. To the point that I nearly didn't try New Vegas, and that only the nagging of my best friend about it convinced me to give it a chance.

Now, New Vegas, I can get behind. Sure, there still is some levelling for enemies, but it's done in a much better way. I mean, some areas level with you, some other don't. And when they level, they do it by CHANGING enemies, if it doesn't make sense.

So, you don't PWN deathclaws when you just begin, and have shitty gear. No sir. Even radscorpions are something you should be wary about.

Humans, they do level, and that's fine. But when you see people in heavy armor, it means that they're harder than people in rags.

As for the story, I cannot compare those games: as Fallout 3 disgusted me from the very first hours of play, I didn't sample the main quest very much - I only played a teensy bit further than Megaton.

As for New Vegas, I finished the game as the replacement of Mr. House, having championed an independant New Vegas, safe from the greed of the incompetent NCR and from the madness of the Legion.

And that story was glorious, too. Lots of choices, lots of things which mattered, in a way or another (yeah, we got a bomber dropping exploding gifts over our enemies, we got a former Enclave team backing us, we got robots frying our enemies, shit was cash !)

So, that's why New Vegas is good, and Fallout 3 can't compete.

Lol obvious bait is obvious

>NV is fO3 with survival mode

Release the trolls!

>But if they hadnt been after your money, survival mode code have been a dlc for FO3.
No, NV was made by a different studio. They saved a game bethesda was killing. Sadly they ended up dissolving and bethesda fucked it up again.

Bethesda had close to nothing to do with NV's design.

>all games are exactly the same
Fallout is and has always been a full RPG.
Halo is action/fps.
The witcher series are somewhere in between but much closer to action/narrative driven games than RPGs. Precisely because of the constraints on character personalization.

Yes, and it's more important than graphics, scale, and weapon variety, in RPGs at least. Because inmersion.

Seriously guys, i'm a software developer and am currently studying game design in depth. I know why i say the shit i'm saying.

Never said it was a bad game, said it was a bad RPG. Which it is.

Our Freedom? Are you kidding me?

And New Vegas doesn't borrow from New Reno? It wanted so badly to be an FPS Fallout 2 that it took all of the bad and none of the good. Also, judging by your grammar and writing skills, it's pretty obvious why New Vegas appeals to you, you fucking brain-dead chimp.

I guess I see your point though. "GOT SHOT" is a far superior storyline to "Fish out of water". All the awards should go to that one.

I didn't say bethesda, I said ((((((them)))))).

By your own words they just reused bethesdas game, and added an rpg element into it that called for needing to sleep and drink water. Woo!

FO3 has the better atmosphere and Moira Brown, NV has overall better gameplay and flow.

Oh no they conceded that NV4 is okay as an RPG. Better switch my entire conversation to rpgs

(((them))) you newfag.
And obsidian did much more than just adding thirst and hunger.

get out faggot

damn slow the edge down there you faggot getitng shitty about grammar on Sup Forums is pretty kek worthy


nv sucks because you touch yourself

What the fuck does that mean?
And if you read the thread, it was always about rpgs and how 3 and new vegas failed at keeping the spirit of 1 and 2, while new vegas failed less so.

I don't know which user you are since you're too much of a newfag to reference what you're responding to. That being said i've always just argued that NV is the best one (because it works better as the RPG they all try to be), not that the others aren't ok.

The troll is strong with you
>I am currently studying game design

2 obvious, mate

imaa, i gotta, and then he said to her that i, uh

take a pill