Pokemon box 3

Pokemon box 3.

Previous thread:
Requests welcome.



sounds like a comfy day so far then
>Waiting for my switch to arrive with bated breath.
can relate, i scoured every store in the country and ended up buying mine from some obscure store in belgium because i just couldn't wait for regular retailers to restock.
i'm alright, been busy redownloading software and making my new PC feel like home again








Yeah, a new PC always has a reacclimation period.

I just bought mine off of Amazon. Employee discount and I get rewards points for my credit card.











Lucario please.

having employee discount on something as large as Amazon must be quite convenient
it's unfortunate i can't use Amazon, they're a direct competitor with PayPal and that's my only means of spending money

Sure thing.


Fuck, that would limit your options pretty severely. Sorry to hear that.

The discount is only on certain things, but 10% is 10%.







it actually doesn't limit my options all that much, any place i'd want to spend money at usually accepts either PayPal or dutch debit cards.



Archeops pls?




Male or female?


That's good to hear. I'm surprised that Amazon doesn't accept dutch credit cards. There's a lot of European branches.


dutch amazon only sells kindle books as far as im aware

















Last one






































No idea, sorry. I think it was drawn in one of these threads.