I can't believe white people keep getting away with racism...

I can't believe white people keep getting away with racism. It just keeps getting worse and doesn't look like it will slow down any time soon. Something might have to be done about it soon.

hush you cry baby shine

Its the state of politics in the US is the problem. Bigots used to be shunned into their little tiny corner where nobody pays any attention to them. Since the autistic butternut squash in cheif took up residense in the white house they feel all empowered to come out of their corner. Just need to shame them back into the corner. I do not advise the use violence, it will just make things worse


You posted this like 10 times yesterday...

You have to admit it would be fun to knock out a white dude and it's not like they'll do anything back.

You clearly havent left your moms basement since high school. You hit a dude, and if he has any balls at all, he will hit back. Regardless of skin colour. Like I said, in this case violence will solve nothing.

The problem is that these racists exist, not that they now feel empowered

Yes, because only white people can hate others and treat others badly because of their race.

Try being black and shopping in a Korean owned convenience store they just follow you around.

Stop fucking generalizing with your hate for racism, by saying "white people" you are being openly prejudice and seem pretty damn racist yourself.

You must be new to life friend. Racism exists all over the world. Has for eons. You are not going to get rid of it.

>Stop fucking generalizing with your hate for racism, by saying "white people" you are being openly prejudice and seem pretty damn racist yourself.

This user has a point OP

Yes racism exists. In every skin color.

There's white supremacists.
There's black supremacists.
There's asian supremacists.
There's hispanic supremacists.

What are you planning to do about these supremacists because all of them exist? There's nothing you can do about it. You just don't care about them and you expose them to the sun. Because bad ideas won't survive when you expose them to the public.


No that's what white dudes do, that's how they maintain their pasty white skin. These white dudes don't have balls, they won't say this stuff in public, just like that Houston Texans owner who said shit in private and it got out. What happens in the dark will be brought into the light, white people need to be exposed.

Why don't you get over your racism and get over what we're telling you? Don't let it bother you so much, and if it does bother you, then maybe you should solve the problem. Unless you're happy with it and want to maintain the problem.

Fight racism with racism. Thats a great plan, its too bad you'll never see it through. You'd have to leave mommys basement

I'm not in nobody's basement, that's what white people do. You're part of the problem. They'll never acknowledge that something is objectionable until it happens to them. They lack the ability to see things from the perspective of anyone else

No the problem here is that you seem to think anybody who doesnt have a shade to their skin is racist and needs a beat down.

That is hands down the dumbest thing I have heard. Its pants on head crazy. Lets solve racism by being racist to the racists. In what magical fantasy land does this solve anything?

>white people iz racist
>masses of non-whites flooding to white countries for better life

something isn't adding up here...

That's the way the world works. What did it "solve" for the whites to be racist first? That question never gets asked to white people. Only blacks are required to provide a "reason" and to be "solving" something with all their behavior. Whites get to start shit, fuck everything up and then blacks are required to "solve" it by letting whites get away with it. Sounds awfully convenient for white people, almost racist

Oh, so you're historically illiterate then?
Racism as a phenomenon has always been global, and in the grand scheme of history, whites have been the primary victims of racist violence. For hundreds of years the middle east and norther africa raided europe for white women, which was the motivation for the crusades (you know those entirely defensive wars niggers and retards pretend were genocides).

And history is irrelevant, when currently all white countries are the places coloured people desperately want to get to for a better life, while the only places on earth still committing genocide, rife with slavery and racially motivated killings are non white countries.

Also, niggers in particular are just ignorable. They sold their own people into slavery for hundreds of years, and still do.
Protip: africa never stopped selling nigger slaves, white people just stopped buying them.
Beyond that, Africans are just cavemen that contribute nothing, they kinda don;t have the right to an opinion on anything. Maybe go to africa and get that fucking hell hole sorted out before telling the best places on earth to change the way they are because you don;t have a gold plated toilet and it's whiteys fault kingz mang.


Somebody flunked out of an American middle school. This is an issue for humanity as a whole and as such requires a solution that works for humanity. Painting this as a black/white, white/yellow, black/brown or whatever else only serves to further divide people into race based groups and complicate the issue. If Martin Luther King Jr was alive to see the way you have carried on he would call you a nigger and move to Canada

He wouldn't go to canada, we're 1 or 2 more laws from internment camps for white males.
We're racing to pass Sweden for most suicidal country.
How? We have government funded media. Listen to CBC for 10-15 minutes and your jaw will be on the floor.

Wow, so much to unpack here.

>For hundreds of years the middle east and norther africa raided europe for white women, which was the motivation for the crusades

This is bullshit. First off the crusades were started as a way to get the knighs who were running amok through dark ages Europe. Period. They continued for various other reasons but the primary motivation was to get the knights to kill the right kind of people according to the pope at the time. As for these raids you refere to I have no clue what you are talking about. i'm going to assume you are either talking about the berbary pirates or the vandalls and moors? Either way the motivation for those raids was to gather wealth and in the case of the moors to take land in europe. The rest of your post resembles the cum rage of a butt hurt klansmen


The First Crusade is initiated when Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus requests help in reconquering from the Seljuk Turks the lost territory of Asia Minor . Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont calls upon the princes of Christendom for an armed “pilgrimage” to recover Jerusalem from the Muslims.

You're just wrong. A simple google search filtering out huffpo's opinion pieces gets you to the reality that the crusades were about re-capturing and defending territories being occupied/pillaged by primarily the Muslims.

regardless, im jaded as fuck having this conversation over and over while incompetent middle class kids regurgitate suedo-communist rambling from their gender studies teacher about power and race.

None of it even matters, it's reall easy to avoid the apparent scourge of white racism in white countries, fuckin leave then, and tell every colored person in the world to stop pouring into white countries.

I can't believe black people keep getting away with racism. It just keeps getting worse and doesn't look like it will slow down any time soon. Something might have to be done about it soon

Nice pasta from wikipedia. Now talk to historians and scholars about it.

You mean the ones used as citations in that article?
Or, do you mean the ones with degrees in "studies" programs with no peer reviewed work? Go complain about the wage gap or something.

Not him but the First Crusade was in fact a response to many generations of raiding and conquest by Muslim armies. Europe eventually got tired of that shit and banded together to ensure that the savage hordes never posed a threat to proper civilization again. Based Urban II.