This website sucks

this website sucks

this website has done more good than most individual people will ever in their lives

but ur wrong

why does ur website suck

this website is based on the users

snacks allowed cp
moot sacked him
butt hurt forever

Yeah, it does. but if you don't like it, you can fuck off

So it is gay


Bring Back Snacks

I like the website itself, but I hate its users and their culture. I'd use Reddit, but I don't like it's layout.

Says the faggot posting on Sup Forums.

Feed me shit. Catch my vomit.

sorry. it just sucks

it really sucks

That's why I fucked your mom last night


i hate Sup Forums. it sucks

Its been sucking for a long time

Summer Fags
Andy Sixx's Log
No More good raids, just fags posting their own stream in a bid to get views
Trap threads

Other boards are probably better but Ive not ventured onto them

why does ur website suck

Yeah, I agree, it is shit. But, if you don't like it, you don't have to be here, you are not forced to view Sup Forums