I had the chance to fuck this girl but thought she was too ugly. Now I'm kind of regretting it

I had the chance to fuck this girl but thought she was too ugly. Now I'm kind of regretting it


I dunno man I have trouble keeping it up for ugly girls.
Or if they do something really non girly like in bed.
You didnt lose much on this one

Her face is pretty bad

She has a pretty nice body though

wouldnt say bad... kinda cute, she'd probably grow on you



Yeah I'm not picky or judgmental she is a bit beyond the pale.
Also she looks old like older than she should

her smile just ruins it

But she's alright if she didn't smile

lol. harsh but true


if you cant decide who you do or don't want to fuck that's your own stupid problem

Oh shit you are right, you would think she would notice that by now

Nice tits though

Honestly I think it's just cause she's the ugliest friend which made me think I could do better... But I should've just settled at the time

ewww lady boys look better than her.
She needs a make over.
Maybe some shadowing to draw attention away from her comically over sized nose

Why? man trust me your brain really erases the ugly girls you fucked from your memory.
There is no point

Yeah you're right maybe I'm not missing out on much

this is the best that pigskins can do when they date outside of their race

Well she looks nice but she is ugly and all her friends are as well.
It may sound mean but thems the brakes

I do like her in tight dresses though



No Sup Forumsro you got Rape

What are you doing right now? are you really posting pictures of a girl you deemed too ugly to fuck?
what the hell man you seem to be obsessed

well hence me regretting it.. Maybe I'm just looking for validation that she is ugly