Black people naturally better?

Black people naturally better?
Are they?
>Natural rhythm
>better runners
>better athletes
>Neil Tyson degresse smartest man in science
>Obama present of America smarter than trump

Other urls found in this thread:

Some of them are but not all of them.

>black people
Niggers aren't human

You have to go back


If you feel the need to make a case for racial superiority like this, it just shows us how insecure you niggers are about the state of yourselves. I reckon that's why blackd are much more violent and likely to commit crimes than any other ethnicity in America, statistically (by total reports), because they are simply too afraid and insecure to be cool and civilized. Growing up with no dad which is what 70% black moms make happen for their kids is a big part why black people are generally more crime and degeneracy oriented. Growing up without a dad all too often means problems

He's not quite wrong. Niggers are subhuman

They sure can't avoid getting arrested all the time though...


1 word

>natural rhthym
2 white jewish 45 year old dudes account for like 90 fucking % of pop music?

>better runners
It's because it's in the Kenyan culture. And they literally live like a mile up from sea level. When you grow up literally running 15 miles to and from school each day in those conditions, of course you're going to produce world class athletes.

>better athletes
in what? Plenty of sports dominated by white people.

>Neil DeGrasse Tyson is smartest
come on dude.... really. you're not even trying. I could just as easily say 'Bill Nye is smartest science guy' and my claim would have as much merit. And it's even in Bill's name. refute me, bitch

>obama is smarter
well yeah, lol

By the same logic the Germans were the master race because Einstein was good at science and Hitler fixed the German economy

If your opinion is true, you couldn't possibly be black, because of the way you convey it.
You misspell and omit words from your sentences.

they are too beaucoup

>>Obama present of America smarter than trump

L O fucking L.......

That box of rocks who paid to have his college history locked away?

His "53 states that make up America" smartness? You're retarded sage.

>>Neil DeGrasse Tyson is smartest
>come on dude.... really. you're not even trying. I could just as easily say 'Bill Nye is smartest science guy' and my claim would have as much merit. And it's even in Bill's name. refute me, bitch

smarter than you faggot and you know it

jews aren't white, they are a desert people


Neil Tyson is red pilled tho

Neil Degrasse Tyson is the equivalent of a newscaster for science. He just relays information other people have discovered to the masses of idiots, such as yourself.


>Black science guy
He's a rapist.
Typical nigger.

that doesn't mean what you think it means, clearly proving my point. ty



Ok, not to disrespect the Good Doctor, but this nigger believes in Global Warming.

Everything else he says just turns to shit when he goobers up the crap about man-made changes to the environment.

Maybe he's so used to Bill Nye sucking his cock that he actually believes this pseudo-science... kek, niggah, please.

straw man
ˌstrô ˈman/
noun: strawman

an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.

>sssssswing and a miss
strike 2!

>Obama present of America
>present of America

Go back to Sup Forums or tumblr.
Individuals aren't bound by their group or category. That goes both ways.

Well he was nicely gift wrapped for the American populace at a time where they would be open to elect him.
People even bought the idea that he would be a better president because of his race, yet he turned out to be a tool of the status quo just like most of his predecessors.


This man has visibly European admixture. Not of full Sub-Saharan African extraction.

Ok, serious question from a black user here, what the fuck is with some of you and your obsession with black people? Almost every day on every board, there is some shit on par with this thread. Are you deliberately trying to force a meme? Are you trying to instill reactions and hate? Is it for the laughs?

>Neil Tyson degresse smartest man in science
He practically worships Isaac Newton, though.
>better runners
There's a slight difference in the shape of the femur between african and european skeletons. The african femur is slightly better suited for sprinting, but the european femur is slightly better suited for marathon running. Neither femur is actually superior, they're just better at different things
>better athletes
That's cultural. White kids are told to keep their grades up if they want to get into a good school. Black kids are told they better get a sports scholarship if they want to go to college. That doesn't mean black kids can't get academic scholarships or white kids can't get athletic scholarships, it's just that the people who make it onto television to be role models usually fall along those lines, so that's the path that is shown to the next generation of children. Same goes for the natural rhythm thing. White society expects melodic music, line dancing, ballet, and mosh pits, black society expects hip-hop, and kids learn what is expected of them and what makes them fit in.
>smarter than trump
Can't argue that one. Obama was a community organizer. Getting groups of people to cooperate for the common good is his area of expertise. Trump's area of expertise is self-promotion. His didn't get elected because of his credentials, he got elected because his complete lack of tact is refreshing in the sense that you know that whatever he actually thinks will come out of his mouth unfiltered. He's the exact opposite of the chessmaster politician that may or may not just be telling you what you want to hear, and that makes people trust him.

see, that's where you're wrong faggot. I stated a simple fact - Neil Degrase-Tyson is smarter than you.

It's not a strawman argument because 1) it's a fact and 2) I didn't argue anything with it.

It would have been a strawman argument if I said "NDT is smarter than therefore we can conclude that you only get coloring books for Christmas and you can't even tie your shoes"


As a mostly white user, my answer would be that some people here is of the opinion that other people here are very racist and are trying to combat it with race baiting.
Which invariably will annoy people to the point that "racist" replies come up, further validating op in their mind that their race baiting is needed.

So just a roundabout way of provoking and circlejerking? Got it, thanks for the real response.

>person 1: argument A is true
>person 2: how can you prove that
>person 1: because bananas of course. you can't argue against my bananas, man
>person 2: .... what does bananas have to do with argument A being true?
>person 2: eat some more pills, pillhead

the fact remains, NDT is far smarter than you.

it's not "race baiting" in the common sense of the phrase; it's just an extremely thinly-veiled troll thread that only Sup Forumstards would be stupid enough to reply to.


Well more of a circle jerk around virtue signaling and having people react negatively to it, in order to validate it.
Basically "You're racist!", "who me? No I'm not!", "See you're denying it, that makes you racist".

Yep, I agree. Black people have better music and culture. As well as better hair and stuff. They was also kangz 'n sheit.

black people can be well put human being too op, only nigger are subhumans


>Pretend niggers are people on /b
>autism or bait

go ahead, tell me how smart you are. tell me about that B+ you got in Remedial Philosophy at the local community college night program once. Let's hear your credentials and compare them to NDT.

Are you really that infantile?
Anyway, you are bragging with the only black in science, who is more of a celebrity of science than an actual scientist.


kek, touche


Nice deflection. Let's hear it. Why you think you are as smart as or smarter than NDT.

What's the matter? Are you worried that I'll hold it against you that you never finished college but you just *know* you're really really really smart because your mommy told you that all the time and that you must surely be smarter than a black guy?

He's better at rape.


i watch rick and morty. that's your proof.

Not him, but you're an imbecile if you think Neil Degrasse Tyson being smarter than a Sup Forums user actually equates to blacks being smarter than whites.

that's another matter entirely.

and congratulations - that IS a straw man argument

Will i go in prison if i kill a nigger?


He is a TV host, right?

I love these nigger hate threads

It's considered animal abuse


Faggot user:
rick and morty viewer

Neil Degrasse Tyson:
Bachelor's degree in physics from Harvard
Masters in astronomy from Texas A&M
Ph.D. in astrophysics from Columbia
Postdoctoral Associate at Princeton

Yeah, you've got a point user. You're a goddamn genius.


Deflection? I was just saying you are an idiot and your arguments are not on point.
Btw I've finished college and starting to get my 2nd degree.
Yeah he is smarter than me if it comes to science but not if it comes to law or political science for example.
And by your logic:
>Stephen Hawking is smarter than you (or NDT)
>Wagner and Brahms composed music your brain can't even take in.
>Phelps is a much better swimmer than you, Travis Rice is a much better snowboarder than you, etc.
>Otto von Bismarck, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte were much greater leaders than Obama.

Seems your argument is invalid...

>Implying that finishing college proves you are smart
Typical nigger

>He is a TV host, right?

sometimes, but more frequently he's a guest on tv. he does host a radio show on Sirius.

and see


and he gives unsolicited opinions on random shit to appear intelligent because he knows he's a dumb nigger and doesn't get the jokes from rick and morty

here's some light reading for you when that adult education class wraps up.

A study of the abundance distributions along the minor axis of the Galactic bulge

That's NDT's doctoral thesis.

>you don't even understand the title, do you?

>ITT Shitposters shitposting for shit trolls. Shit trolls shit trolling for shitposters.
Like watching a monkey fuck a football.

so credible. the average IQ by definition is 100, faggot. so this is just a cartoon.


look who's joined the fun

Interdisciplinary Studies.

That's kind of like physics, math and Astrophysics. Lots of things all mushed together into a big Interdisciplinary Studies.

Well that does it. You're just as smart as Neil Degrasse-Tyson for sure John.

Does the school know you're an avowed racist?

Hello, I'm not the user you're arguing with.
I just wanted to point out that going "What, you disagree with both me and people I consider nazis? You must be a nazi who agrees with the people you claim to disagree with" is a stupid stance to have.

Yes africa haiti, oakland, & chicago are all places we all want to live in.....

Negroes are fucking cancer. Always complaining, always aggrieved, prone to violence, distinct lack of empathy, unkind, uncourteous.....

No, if you want manual labor they are fine, if you want a nice society and freedom from fear of predation not so much....


sure kid

My sides

Shut up nigger

Personally, if someone told me that I was acting like an idiot in my opposition to nazis, I'd consider what I and said nazis would have in common, since people are calling me equally as retarded as the people I oppose.
If it turned out that acting like an identitarian is what is turning people off on my viewpoints, I'd find another way to convey my opinions.

those are awfully big words for a community college dropout.

Oh did you miss the part where I told you that I wasn't the guy you were originally arguing with?

>Personally, if someone told me that I was acting like an idiot in my opposition to nazis, I'd consider what I and said nazis would have in common, since people are calling me equally as retarded as the people I oppose.
>If it turned out that acting like an identitarian is what is turning people off on my viewpoints, I'd find another way to convey my opinions.

> (You)
>Oh did you miss the part where I told you that I wasn't the guy you were originally arguing with?

Yeah I did. it's nowhere in that post.

Did you miss the part where Sup Forums doesn't have IDs any more?

We wuz

it was rather evident in the first post I sent you which is this one You then reacted by calling me a community college dropout, in spite of having no evidence for that.


you can't tell who posts what faggot. only in your tiny mind would you think it was "apparent".

sorry the community college didn't do more for you. you didn't even need that much to be the night shift manager at Jack In the Box

Lol just stand your ground

you forget bout cocks...
the main reason why they could be the best.

We don't even have community colleges where I live or jack in the box.
But nice ad hominem user, calling me names will surely make you look smarter and entice me to believe anyone who disagrees with you is a nazi.

lol even i have to admit. My favorite threads are the racist ones. Some of the stuff you guys believe really makes me laugh.

>im black

N shieeet

good one Adolph


GTFO of Sup Forums you cancer

Nah, black people are naturally niggers.

Oh I'm literally Hitler now?
I guess if your pony only has one trick, you better stick to it.

That's a compliment. He was a great man. Admirable.