Brexit is finished
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You going to give a specific source?
>"However, Leave retains its lead over Remain on immigration, with 50 per cent of voters believing that the Brexit campaign is best placed to “improve the UK’s immigration system”, compared to only 29 per cent who believe the same about the pro-EU campaign."
Why is immigration regarded so highly? Why can't they turn back the boats?
I'm pretty much a Sup Forums pariah because I don't believe in Jewish conspiracies or NWO shit or anything like that but if you believe that the British government, the same one that has Orwellian posters demanding people pay their tv license and who constantly shift media and make decisions against the will of the people, won't fuck with the numbers on brexit to support staying you're delusional
That's how corrupt and bonkers the British government looks to the rest of the world, it would literally be delusional to think they WOULDNT fuck with voters numbers on such a big decision
>I'm pretty much a Sup Forums pariah because I don't believe in Jewish conspiracies or NWO shit
More likely you're just autistic for not being able to recognise satire/sarcasm
>he still thinks it's satire
Why is it that no one has the goddamn balls to vote separate anymore. Everyone always just falls back to the same shitty status quo.
The quebecois, the Scots, the Brits, fuck man. If only we had a referendum, we'd show you how its done.
>yfw it comes down to postal votes and Stay wins
yep its over
did u guys take world history in high school?
they explain that the reason third world countries have EXTREMELY young populations is because of a couple factors:
--large child labor force: poor people have a lot of children in order to help support them and bring in additional income
--high infant/child mortality: due to poor living conditions, less children survive into adulthood making the populations younger on average
--people in third world countries have a lot of kids since they're afraid that not all of them will survive childhood
--poor understanding of/access to modern contraception: this means that less poor people are waiting until they can support children to have them meaning that a young population is not necessarily good because it just puts more financial strain on the parents in the long run
>the Scots, the Brits
The Scots are Brits you fucktard
HOW is this pyramid possible in nigeria? Aren't 80% of those kids going to die before breeding age?
let's hope so, but it's not just nigeria
That's why the graph slopes inwards you mong
They're a subset. Don't you know how your own country works?
Stay home /European/ man
Enjoy your slope to becoming a communist chinese shithole my ex colonial friend
The UK is doing a fine job of importing bulls to make up for that.
Yes thanks Schlomo
>trusting the same pollsters which predicted a miliband landslide at the GE
fuckoff project fear shills
literally the only people who want to remain are sociology graduates
>People think Brexit will win
Holy shit Brits are indeed retarded.
I'm British by blood and passport so I'd just head off back to Britain or Singapore lol. Also, you seem kinda wound up man, smoke a j or something.
brexit is a big step. think most people are just scared to break from the comfort zone.
almost certain we'll end up staying because of all the leftists who are worried people will think they're racist if they don't vote stay
Women should not vote, they literally destroy civilization given power.