Knob or lever?

knob or lever?

seems to be a picture of both.

Lever of course.
Adjust the temperature once and then turn it on/off in a fraction of a second for a long time.

I prefer knob because it's what I'm used to and I feel like I can be more precise with it

...well u suck then

Knob is for the thinking man

lever cause they last longer, that plastic knob always strips from the screws

lever is best u fucking knoblover

what are these wicked contraptions?

First word problems?

These is part of the miracle device you use to clean your hands after you poo in the loo, Pajeet.

lever obviously, it's more convenient


best would be two knobs but not for cold-warm but one for temperature and one for amount of water. everything else is stupid and surprising that it exists.

You're one to talk, bucko

both lever and knob combined for optimal control of temperature

Only correct answer

Because that is basically what a lever does. Left/Right->Temperature Up/Down->Amount

Faucets in my house have knobs but you can pull them out to increase water flow. Rotation controls temperature.

Neither, you third world fuck.

it would be more precise though. temp could stay exactly the same.



this is the fucking iphone of water faucets

>optomised for temperature
>overcomplicated internals that nobody knows how to use
>no user customization of temperature or flow rate
>users forced to conform to it

Nice digits
I support your cause.

>I want to live in an office building or truck stop
Fuck off