Professional rapist here ask me anything

professional rapist here ask me anything
I have about an hour or so before my shift starts

How much does a professional rapist make? Do you get health care benefits? What college major do you need to be a professional rapist?

Do you get dental and 401k?

Why do you do it? Do you rape men, women, or both?

Do you have unions in your state?
Not recognized in my state :(

Prove it. Post CV.

That wouldn't prove anything fag. OP could just make shit up. Just like everyone does on CV.

Youngest you've raped

How many anal virginities have you taken?

Why do you only fuck men?

OP won't deliver

is it your passion from childhood or did you develop it later in life? I considered being one but failed entry oral exams.

How do I get away with it

The trick is to make them want it too, so... yeah.

whats the easiest way to rape a woman

So i drug them?

if they want it then technically it is not a rape. how do you deal with such paradoxes?

Do you ever drug them? And if yes, what do you usually use?

When is it ok to rape a woman ?

He probably doesn't want it to be consensual therefore him being raped

I make around 120k, which is actually pretty low for this industry. No benefits. No degree requirement but I do have a B.A. in literature
it's my job and both
no and I wouldn't join if they did
13/a lot/I don't

definitely passion since I was young, I used to fuck the neighborhood kids all the time since around age 8
board cert is great but if it's really what you want to do you may as wwll get some experience operating unlicensed.. everyone knows creds are almost never checked

practice practice practice
best way is to become acquainted with them somehow and just wait for an oportunity. Not always possible on a deadline but that's the easiest

not sure how I would "prove" anything to you dipshits considering I need to remain anonymous due to this country's anti-rape laws

easier said than done... more often than not you're either going to get caught or end up at a bar with a totally unconscious person on your hands...
see above, I rarely use drugs for that purpose but if I do it's going to be about 4 mg of xanax and some ambien (more or less depending on height/weight/gender/etc.) in a strong cocktail
never, that's why it's rape... if she said "ok" then it would be ok and no longer rape

do u raep niggers


who pays you and what does it consist of and how does it work

i think op is a faggot who has just gotten lucky, from your replies you do not seem like a smart person(read: dumb cunt).

Give me the basic tips and steps to do what you do


Whats your favorite movie?

Ho much time off do you get? What about holidays?

You ever rape for free?

why do you do it, and dose someone pay you to do it?

what is your method?

>professional rapist

Explain yourself

What is a professional rapist? Who pays you?

I'm actually dying at this thread.

Die quietly

Have you got any pics?

Do you get tips or bonuses for good rapes? Where do you see the industry going in the next 5 years? Are you afraid of outsourcing?

OP is officially a faggot

are you a big guy in both ways or just one or neither

Big deal, anyone with a penis is a professional rapist, it's 2017.