I'm sort of miserable. Please post cold music for feeling lonely and dissociated to.
I'm sort of miserable. Please post cold music for feeling lonely and dissociated to
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Wishing you the best user
KID A and Amnesiac xD
whats wrong user?
It hurts to leave the bed sometimes.
a lot of the songs on this are focused around loneliness, emptiness, and lack of motivation.
For years this was the album I'd put on whenever my suicidal thoughts got really bad. It's gotten so now I can't listen to it without being reminded of those dark times. Great fucking album tho
Virgins is my go to for that feel
Trust me on this one, two minutes of a soul hug
>nylon smile
>the rip
>deep water
>machine gun
this album is full of depression jams
Thanks for the recs, everyone. Sup Forums still an ok board.
tfw you will never kiss her again.
You'll like Going Places if you like Ravedeath 1972.
Thanks for ruining my night user
tfw you never even kissed her in the first place