How do we convince democrats that they're wrong about everything?

How do we convince democrats that they're wrong about everything?

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You don't.

They're not. And the fact that fucktards still support Drumpf is proof that every and ay nasty thing that a dem has ever said about republicans is absolutely true and accurate.

We used to have wars over ideology. now it's all about money and resources.

thus we have a lot more fanatical ideologues then we used to and we've been taught to just tolerate them instead of exile/exterminate them.

>the ain't gun advocates want to start a revolution.


I can tell you what won't work: just saying that Democrats are Communists like the people in the last thread did.

What on fucking Earth is this image supposed to convey? What, are cities-a shrine of human advancement and civilization, evil now? And are square miles of unused, worthless land supposed to be a good thing?
Whoever made this is retarded

You're a moron.
Trumptards are the village idiots.

Trump will be re-elected I guarantee it. The left have devolved into a nasty bunch of race baiters. They are fucked until they can debate without shouting ‘racist/sexist/homophobe/transphobe/ableist etc at their opponent.
They also need to stop treating straight white men as evil just because they are straight and white.

Build the wall and prevent them from immigrating.

You partisan assholes should all be shot. This isn't a fucking football game

Fucks sake I took the bait

Partisan assholes on both sides are stupid sheep

Since when do Democrats work?

This. I'm a registered member of the GOP and it's devolved into the party that panders to religious radicals, neo-nazis, and the ultra rich.

IF you support this administration you're a fucking moron. Romney was a class act, Bush was a class act, and even if you disagree with their politics, they weren't absolute scumbags.

I'm calling bullshit. Dems have always - always - screeched that the GOP is religiously radical and nazi and only cares for the ultra rich.
They called Romney and Bush nazis.

Global warming is caused by democrats

>How do we convince democrats that they're wrong about everything?

Which things?

>Dems have always - always - screeched that the GOP is religiously radical and nazi and only cares for the ultra rich.

And Republicans keep nominating worse and worse aggressively ignorant fundamentalist nazis. It's their thing that they do.

Which party/politician are the neo nazis aligning with? Trump's GOP.

David Duke, the KKK leader, endorsed Trump.

The House Freedom Caucus, which pushes far right Christian bullshit has the GOP in their pockets.

The incoming GOP tax cut, you know, the one that raids 1.5 trillion from medicare/medicaid and limits 401k's yearly non-taxable contributions from 18k to 2.4k?

We have 40 years of economic data proving trickle down doesnt work. Kansas tried again this year and the state went bankrupt.

If you're defending the GOP at this point, you're either a white supremacist,, a religious fanatic, a greedy billionaire, or a dumbass.

>If you're defending the GOP at this point, you're either a white supremacist,, a religious fanatic, a greedy billionaire, or a dumbass.

But wedding cake bakers are sitting pretty.

but they win elections

Well of course. Republican voters like aggressively ignorant fundamentalist nazis. The entire conservative ethos is identified with subjecting people to unnecessary harm and inferior treatment for no reason. Some people like fucking with others and making their lives worse; hence Republicanism.

The same way the Republicans convinced you that the Democrats were wrong.

But is sure seems like one with all the fanatics,all the "my side is better because I said so" arguments, the half-assed media coverage and the bitching,moaning and revolting from the losing side


0/10 bait. Try harder.

Lower their IQs by 50 points. Then they'll start hording guns, hating minorities and electing morons.

your tears taste magnificent

Democrats are the true racists. They think that any minority out there do not have the capability to help themselves. That they need hand outs, leg ups, and special treatment. Its like the old saying going" Give a man a fish, feed him for a day..." They pander to the lowest denomination through the use of emotion, using parasitic tactics that prey on grief when it's at its freshest. Their sheep revel in the idea of pleasure before thought, with no conscious desire to plan for the long term.

I always enjoyed the libertarian route. Let others hand themselves as long as its not self destructive or societal destructive, protect your own while protecting those who protect your nation, and only helping those who truely need it. Those who's were preyed upon and need a hand, not those who are lazy and just want society to fix their problems.

>image with no source
>expects anyone to believe this
this thread may be gay, but you're a faggot.

Your poverty tastes even better.

>living in a paradise
>hurr environmental regulations designed to protect paradise are bad durrrr

You have to go back!
You're not welcome here.
You're being deported.

Found the high school freshman dumbass.

Same way you convince a republican they are wrong about everything.

Found the racist

Gay sex?

>democrats are the true racists
>republicans in every red state trying to redistrict and implement anti-minority voting rules
Your shitty school probably never taught you about the Southern Strategy but you might want to fucking google that shit and learn something.

Please get out of your room and stop listening to shit talk show hosts on youtube

How are you this disconnected from reality? David Duke endorsed Trump. The GOP has been gerrymandering to suppress minority votes for years now.

Fucking sack up and take responsibility for your party's shortcomings you fucking loser.


>thinks the Southern Strategy is talk show host bs.

The stupidity, it hurts. You're so poorly educated it hurts.

lol found the snowflake. Are you saying the Southern Strategy never happened? Or that Republicans aren't redrawing voting districts to dilute minority votes? Which truth has left you thusly triggered?

as someone from Illinois i can honestly say this is bullshit

I understand rich republicans. They are voting directly for their best interests. All the rest...well you can't cure stupid

>my state proves the national rule
wew lad

Everyone of legal age can vote. There are no real barriers, just slightly different degrees of convenience.

Which is why the "voting rights" nonsense on both sides is complete bullshit. If people don't vote, it's because they're lazy or don't care.

All the Repubs and Dems are doing is trying to win, by either making it slightly less convenient for voters who from a demographic standpoint are likely to vote the other way, or by making it even more convenient for voters who are likely to vote their way. It's not a moral issue, it's just politics.

Said the faggot with the Alex Jones posters. At least the shows I watch aren't trying to sell me magic "medical powder." Jones sure knows his audience tho, and realizes how absolutely fucking retarded they are.

As someone who can read and interpret statistics, it's true.

How are you so delusional that you see statistics in front of you and try to argue it?

Is 2+2=5, for you?

Start with the basics. Explain Republicans' alternate theories to evolution and climate change. Describe the intellectual processes behind "America is better with gays in the closet" or "America is better stratified into super rich and crushing poor" or "America is better when she's led by someone who's forceful in tone but almost entirely detached from reality".

You need to win over those of us with IQs over 120 or you've lost out of the gate.

oh look another shit-for-brains making a false equivalency

Not my party, faggot. And if you think endorsements by vile people have anything to do with a candidate, the KKK donated $20 million to Hillary's campaign. But they don't. You're just a racist.

You never made it passed sophomore year of high school evidently.

Oh look, another idiot who thinks just saying the name of a logical fallacy constitutes an argument

Democrats do the exact same thing. It's a strategy man. You change the districts so they have more population with people who vote party lines. Wanna get rid of that shit? Get rid of the two party system.

I assume you're proud of your participation diploma

"i know you are but what am i" retort. Classic GOP.

No wonder that party is devoid of anything intellectual.


You're so stupid, it hurts. You can't even lie correctly, trying to push 20 million instead of 20 thousand. Top kek.

I have a masters degree. Nice try champ.

left and right just need to fucking die

only one party is trying to dilute minority votes and you mental midgets can't accept that

Yes, actually large cities are the root to almost every major problem we have as a country right now

found the uninformed newfag who doesn't have any principles yet. Let me help you: are you rich? If so, vote Republican.

nice try all dems. yay do i get a cookie for winning an online argument.

William Carothers. Chicago Alderman (1976-1983) ...
Isaac Carothers. Chicago Alderman (1999-2010) ...
Daniel Rostenkowski. Member of the US House of Representatives from Illinois (1959-1995) ...
Dan Walker. Illinois Governor (1973-1977) ...
Otto Kerner. Illinois Governor (1963-1968) ...
Fred Roti. ...
George Ryan. ...
Rod Blagojevich.

lol without major cities the rural areas of the country wouldn't have money for basic services you dumb yokel

Ironic that they're aligning with the party of "personal responsibility" but cant take responsibility for this. Top fucking kek. You can't fix stupid.

> How do you convince a liberal Democrat they're wrong?

You can't. You plain and simply have them committed for their mental disorder, which completely discredits anything they have to say. Liberalism is after all a mental disease.

Except your social programs don't fucking work, they arent
>in the poors best interests
because they are shit.
Has anyone ever been raised out of poverty by welfare? No
Does obongocare actually provide the quality healthcare you claim? No
Would freer markets provide a better solution to both? yes

You have to look at the *actual* results, not just what you intended the result to be

>missing the point completely
hey at the end of the day, I think it is wrong to dilute minority votes and you think its fine. I guess our parents raised us differently

Democrats - Love trumps hate.
Republicans - Love Trump's hate.

nobody ever got raised out of poverty by having those services cut either dumbass. To which charity will you be donating your social security money in retirement? Obviously you won't keep it, because to do otherwise would make you a massive, thundering, colossal hypocrite.

In feminism?

> quotes snopes
> as a valid source

This. A million times this.

There are no restrictions on minorities voting for any public office in the country.

You haven't won anything. Is that what you think is the whole list?

>>Global Warming is caused by unregulated capitalism


But they should just shut up and serve their urban masters

oh oh oh my turn, my turn! listing out the perverts:

Hastert, Foley, Craig, O'Reilly, Ailes, Hintz, Floyd, Pazuhanich , Stumbo, Collins, Seidensticker , Giordano, Gosek, Swartz, Aldarondo, Curtain, Heldreth, Rader, Morency, Shortridge, Dibble, Cramer, Lukens, Delguadio, Crane, Kline, Russell, Bauman, Patti, Glick, Kimmerling, Coan, Buhr, Westmoreland, Burt, Childs, Butler, Gardner, the other Gardner, Barter, Smeltzer Jr, Bena, Vanderwall, Grunseth, Elizondo, TRUMP, etc.

Any organization can "endorse" whatever political party or figurehead that they want. What would you do if ISIS endorsed Clinton, or Greene? You gonna REEEE about it? Or see it as a tactic to distabilize the sheep that think "Oh wow, a bad group said they like someone, must make that personal 100% evil!"

Fucking Clinton palled around with fucking KKK members her entire fucking life man. It's a damn tactic to throw dirt on the Republicans. However, I don't endorse the republicans either, I don't endorse anyone. I listen to their points, judge their past decisions and standings, and then I vote. Simple as that. Back in 2008 I was pretty on the fence between Obabo and Mclame, but I hated how Obabo did a few things in Illinois, one of my bordering states. I also felt like he had too much bias in the media, so I felt an agenda being pushed.

State and county politics, if I haven't heard of a single decent thing the person running for whichever office or representative position, I always vote them out. State incumbent judges I always vote out, because judges get too power hungry when they sit in their thrones for too long and forget they only mediate the law, not make it. For cases when there is no one running against them, I don't even vote. What's the point?

>literally doesn't understand what a voting district is
>can't even spell gerrymandering
I just don't think you're ready for this debate user

>>executive branch

learn to read

Oh like "stop dragging queers behind trucks" and "stop lynching blacks" and things like that?

just denying them equal access based on district to obtain proper licenses and registrations through "fiscal conservatism" that actively suppresses their ability to perform their civic duties

You can't raise someone up out of poverty by giving them a free ride either. It takes personal responsibility and a will to rise out of poverty, neither of which you can give to someone, particularly when we as a society do not teach personal responsibility or even reward the will it takes to rise above it all. Instead we have focused on rewarding failure with trophies, and rewarding laziness with on he'll of a perk package via welfare that rewards them for breeding like cockroaches. So fuck off with you liberal logic.

>would freer markets provide a better solution to both?

You're an absolute fucking moron with no knowledge of economics.

It's called a barrier to entry you fucking dipshit, not only that but big business engages in non-compete clauses with local governments to strangle competition. Not only that but starting up a healthcare company is not starting a mom and pop shop. But i wouldn't expect you to be capable of critical thinking you fucking yokel.

How about you try actually accomplishing literally anything productive while you have all of congress and the WH?

Oh wait, you can't even do that.

You're not capable of basic logic. There are literally, absolutely, no restrictions on minority voting.

You're arguing about gerrymandering, and it's true that Republicans have largely won that battle. But the Democrats do the same thing, they just don't have the control of the states at the moment. So the Democrats are trying to win another way, by tweaking the rules for absentee ballots, early voting, and so on.

There's zero disenfranchisement.It's fucking politics. Try actually thinking for once.

>0 rebuttal

Nice, you conceded defeat. Go run along lil guy.

Well, yes. Their urban bosses do use excuses like that to treat them like shit. Which they deserve, because it's clear than 100% of the rural American population lynches blacks every day.

How did that free market thing work out for Bush? For Kansas?

Republican economics don't work. Just looks how shitty red states are doing compared to blue ones.

What licenses and registrations?

Can't have an argument without the ad hominem attacks can we boys? Or girls, women who think they're intelligent tend to only use personal attacks for anything. Women who are intelligent see things for how they are and argue on principle.

Anyone who spouts off an ad hominem to me or infront of me instantly loses their argument. Hell, you can be arguing why it's bad to throw babies into furnaces, and I'll still call you a loser if you toss out that drek.

they did it more recently than you would feel comfortable acknowledging and they certainly didn't fucking stop of their own volition

just where the fuck do you think you are?

Nice how you can just unilaterally decide you've won an argument, especially when you didn't even address the original point, which was that Hillary had support from vicious racists too.

>arguments falling apart
>needs an escape hatch
>potty mouth is weak excuse but better than no excuse

We're in Sup Forums, right?

get good at math.