What happens when you die Sup Forums?

What happens when you die Sup Forums?
You going to heaven or hell?
Or is it just nothing?
When I was younger and did a lot of hallucinogens I truly thought their had to be something more for my experience with all the fucking crazy shit I saw(but not really. Just to put a word on it). But as I grew older and learned more about how damn insignificant we are in the bigger picture, I really feel like it's nothing. Just lights out. Not bad, not good. Nothing. Like before you were born. What does Sup Forums think?

I dunno. I havent been dead long enough to find out

Look, when you die you become nothing, like before, but all of your "matter" either gets absorbed into air/earth/insects and thus you sort of live on in all of those areas. Our atoms dont dissapear, we just change state.

What Im trying to say is we kinda live on in a worm that ate our corpse kinda. Kinda how cows live on in us as we eat them.

Personally as an agnostic retard, I haven't ever had the faith to believe there could possibly be anything after you die. Your existence as you perceive it, is simply signals from your peripherals being received by your brain and decoded. Don't get me wrong it's an amazing feat of nature, but I just haven't found a religion with a reasonable "god" story.

are you high?

Nothing happens. I humour my girlfriend with her thoughts about some kind of afterlife or existence beyond death, I enjoy hanging out with my christian friends, but nothing happens after death. Death is the natural state of matter, life is really just an illusion based on a temporary chain of reactions between some matter, and consciousness a further illusion of that. We're really just stuff, not living beings.

That's what I think anyway.

I guess I don't care about my body after death because I don't feel like my body is me. I see "me" as the observer and operator. We don't really live on as scattered atoms cause my dead skin and jizz isn't living on as me.


I would tend to think nothing, but woke up once from an "experience" absolutely convinced that consciousness basically exists in the same place I experience in dreams and death simply un-tethers you from "not dreams". *shrug*

It's the other way around. Dreams exist in the same place you experience consciousness, which is a mass of fatty tissue and impressively organized electrodes inside your skull.

or, that shit allows access to that place. typically I would tend to agree with your point but I had that experience so I share.

What were you before you were born?

In other words, while I'm far less convinced on the average day than I was when that happened, I remember the power of the feeling at the time and it makes me doubt my doubt just a bit.

So you believe we shift into the same place dreams take place? Like I was saying I did a lot of hallucinogens and went to some pretty life changing places but in the end I felt more and more that was my brain constructing all that weird shit.

That's cool man. Like I said before my girlfriend is in a similar headspace. I think it's kind of special when people can believe in that sort of thing, there's a wonder and awe and maybe some kind of energy you can draw from it. Which is just a placebo effect by the way.

I don't have the capacity for that kind of thinking in any serious way.

Back in my heydays i used to be into poopedelics and poopsmoking butthash
One time i was so high as shit nigger from poopsmoking a joint of butthash and i ate about an eight of poopshrooms

Damn man i was so high as shit nigger like i've never been before and i saw myself die and float thru nothingness with a searing, sizzling and repetitive echoed sounds of fart i sae god and he told me that when we die we wake up to nothing therefore you are kill and doomed to perpetual blackness

Sounds like a round of space station 13

I try to minimize "belief" and rather, see things more as probability, possibility or "what is relevant to this in whatever is actually real but beyond comprehension". I try to stay mindful to respect that last part.

Regarding the dream thing though - I'm by no means convinced this is truly the case, but I did once feel it to my core as fundamental insight into existence. That makes me wonder, and keeps me curious. That keeps me happy. The potential folly of it all makes it kind of funny.

Does it bother you that you didn't exist before you were born? Why the fuck should it bother that you don't exist after you die then.

Answer that faggot.

90 years is just kinda a shitty time limit to have then compared to the rest of it.

Nigger what the shit is that?

You think you'll go for 90 years? Power to you, but I doubt it. Odds are against. I'm expecting not longer than 85.

You already missed the first 15 billion years. Why give a fuck about the next 15?

You know what old people are? Bored as fuck. Imagine being bored as fuck forever.

I really don't expect any more than 55.

Google it you fucking savage.

It's impossible for anyone to give you the correct answer.

I personally can tell you about the time I astral projected. I literally went to a spiritual plain of existence. Because of that, I know for certain in my heart that life continues after death.

I've also had a few paranormal experiences.I saw a ghost...right in front of me. Long story, but true to my word, I saw it.

Lol, I'm sure you'll do better than that, man.

Well maybe it's just our brains fucking with us, but dude kind of funky to me that this is exactly what happened in that dream thing I meant.

i've always thought astral projection stuff is bullshit, but tried anyway just to prove to myself it was bullshit. the thing is the experience of the dream place I mentioned happened the one and only time it sort of worked.

I was laying there in bed sort of trying to sleep when I (I swear this) felt a presence in the room, a few in fact that just sort of meandered in but i had the sense of power from them, i felt like i was supposed to be very scared by refused to be so. then for chrissake I swear I felt that they were pleased by that. I knew it.

after that as I layed there trying to sleep my head fell through my pillow (not physically). from that vantage point I saw a really glowy version of a spiral galaxy off in the distance and a sort of "flow" from me to it, and was aware this was where we come from / are /go to. it seems retarded to me now in a way, but also feels like balls deep truth. i love the dichotomy of reason in intuition being so very opposed. I truly find that shit entertaining.

I guess I trust that I had that experience but have serious doubt that it's reproducible. i kind of hope so.

i have very few fears, but I'd say one of them is maybe it turns out that religious/spiritual thought is actually an incubator for something truly beautiful about Reality, and that any lack of faith that this could happen renders that beautiful thing impossible.