

mare edition

















Last time i tried it there, they just sent me here,so you are stuk with me here sadly














She's a bad girl. Would you punish her?



If I wasn't a complete beta, maybe.


why are most sfur pics dog/wolf based?

You don't have to be. And no better time than now to work on it.




Happy early Halloween

because canines = perfection

Likewise, Mous.

I would if I knew how, but I don't and probably never will.


man's best friend.




UNF Lyra

The most important part is not being afraid and saying what's on your mind, and brushing off times that embarrass you. Confidence is everything. I have no filter though, so don't be like me.




>if I wasn't a complete beta
bitch you're omega and you know it


not to be negative, but sharks don't have mammary glands, and can't have tits.

Welp. I'm getting better slowly online, but in the real world I'm hopeless.
If I can find a decent job that doesn't mean I'm living paycheck to paycheck and I can peruse my hobbies I'd be satisfied in life. How that will happen idk. Just waiting to graduate at this point. Maybe once I find work I'll figure all this out.
But can I still date an alpha?

>furry porn
>having logic

Not a medfag, but I think gene therapy will make doggo fur closer to reality than sharkfur. Helps with the suspension of disbelief.

They also don't have arms, legs, or hair, but I still like them anyway.

As with most things, it all takes time and effort. That applies to both statements. You'll have a nice girlfriend and a good job soon enough, just have to keep trying.



because a lot of people are into the whole "knotting" concept, I think.

what about furry dragons


I don't even know anyone irl that I'd consider a friend at this point. I have a long way to go still. Insomnia ruined everything for me. And my parents split around that time too. Still recovering and getting back into the swing of things. At least I'm getting decent grades again. Hopefully time will bring good things.


what about them?

Then why are there almost no pics that get knotting right?
I swear, 99% of furry artists could not describe the differences between human and canine sex with more than 80% accuracy.

Trust me, I have an even longer way to go than you. I like to think I give decent advice, but I suck at taking it. Just have to keep on moving and stay positive. And I hope all goes well for you too.

Most furries don't bother to know the difference. I don't know because I never really looked it up. I assume the knot partially forms shortly before climax, then during insertion at climax holds them together.


Well, you got me there.

Most furry artists seem to think that the knot swells THEN it gets pushed in. Which is, of course, wrong.

But hey, when has a fetish ever had to accurate? I mean, we're talking about artist in a genre of anthropomorphic animals that are fucking.

That is fairly accurate.
I am an expert on animal sex.

Dogs don't really have climax.
They just knot, then cum and cum and cum

Some of that stuff is hard to find out. I still don't know why they they draw two pairs of balls, the furry ones and then the non furry ones. wtf is that even called?

Having sex with them doesn't count as field studies.

Cumming is what I consider the climax of sex for animals.


They start cumming as soon as their dick is out, and spurt with every pulse. It's hot.

Yeah huh. I'll have you know I performed a field study earlier this week. I'm learning more by the day.


I don't have any drive which is the only thing other than insomnia that's really holding me back. Kinda wish I could find something to motivate me.
I have long summer holidays coming up, I was thinking of volunteer work to gain some experience. Not sure I have the motivation or social confidence to go through with it though, but we'll see.

>Trust me, I have an even longer way to go than you
I always get the opposite impression from talking to people here. It's a little discouraging, and doesn't help my anxiety disorder unfortunately. I guess I just need to stop worrying about everyone else. Hmm :|

A fetish has to be accurate if the accurate version is hotter.
>accurate: impossible for the most part, lethal where it is possible
>furry porn: either somehow non-lethal, or painless dissolving
The inaccuracy is an improvement.

>accurate: cock gets pushed in while the female is held in place, then swells up too big to possibly be pulled out, and for the next 10 minutes or so cum is pumped into the female as the male tugs and jostles with his cock unable to be pulled out
>furry porn: it's regular sex but an oversized cock base gets stuck in just before a brief orgasm
The inaccuracy is a downgrade.

Did you use your hand or your pecker?

It really isn't hard to find out. It's a pretty well documented aspect of canine reproduction.

There isn't "two pairs of balls". A canine has a set of testicles (balls) and their penis has a "knot" at the base of it. (what you are mistaking for balls)

When a canine mates, it thrusts deeply and quickly into the partner, right up to the hilt. As the canine thrusts, the knot at the base of the penis expands, locking the two together. It is at this point that the canine begins to ejaculate.

This "knotting" can last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. The whole time, the canine continues to ejaculate into the partner.

And now you know.

stuff with condoms?

thanks user.


Motivation is hard to find because it's all psychological, and thinking about being positive and trying to find it isn't easy, especially when you have anxiety. The only thing you can really do about it is force yourself, and not think too much about it unless it's positive.

We all have our own problems. Some worse than others, but the people here generally use this place as an escape, so I assure you you aren't alone. So try and take solace in knowing that we're all pretty much going through the same shit.



>It is at this point that the canine begins to ejaculate.
False. Canines start ejaculating as soon as they're out of the sheath.

He or she? Also what species.

She. She's probably some kind of husky mutt, not exactly sure.


For sure!
But foxes are good tooo



