Is Steven Paddock a national hero?

Is Steven Paddock a national hero?

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yes, now post tits

You know, this shit is crazy as fuck

Several of the survivors are now dead

And did you hear about Bruce?

To the Democrats every mass shooter is a hero.

Are you fucking retarded when you fuck your sister and say this shit?

Tf does the left have to do with this?

at least he fuck something

My jew state is using staged operation for freedom stripping.
>Blame the left

Obviously he rapes his own sister and smokes meth

"Never let a good tragedy go to waste."

First thing they do every damn time is try to jump right on that gun control hoping public outcry will actually let it pass this time. They would tap dance on the corpses if it got guns banned or further restricted.

Maybe if you stopped being spit roasted by your boyfriends and paid attention to politics, you'd know that Dems love mass shootings.

See? We can do stereotypes too! Dumbass.

The Left wants to disarm Americans for the same reason dictators do. So they can fight back. They go for new gun laws every mass shooting.

Ha...quads of truth bitches.

Should've said "so they can't fight back". Founding Fathers knew this. You don't because you are a low information emotional Dem supporter.

I feel like that guy just got more rekt than he claims my sister does.

How irresponsible of the "dems" to try to have gun laws "every mass shooting", the MONSTERS!

Seriously, do you hear yourself?

One more law'll do it, just ignore the 20k+ other ones that didn't stop it as well as Chicago and Detroit.

Just ignore all the other countries where the laws do work, derp.

Besides this little kindergarten left blaming done by the retarded right, let's admit the truth.

>False flag
>Survivors turn up dead now
>OSI Systems, RapiScan and your faggot left/rightist corporate bedfellows want metal detectors and body scanners everywhere
>iPhone X unlocks with face
>Some faggot airport in the news a while back scans your face (obviously looking through a database) so you can board the flight
They say it's the future and they say it's protection but it's bullshit.

you can't fight back now faggot. that's a pipe dream. you're too much of a sissy anyway but even real men can't fight back now. that time has passed along with muskets.

why would he be? genuine question

You've gone and frightened this liberal queen

How does it feel like not being able to put facts together and being mentally stunted.

Lol, glad to see you profligates are so dumb. When this nation tears itself apart, we will attack. You little faggots are so cute.
The left is
>muh right
The right is
>muh left
You rightist faggot s are so dumb and blinded by religious myths and dogma that anyone who disagrees must be left. Oh, how wrong you are as your kind will find out.

Failed attempt at b8/10

Actually yes, different cultures work differently. They also don't have supreme law stating very clearly in plain english that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. If you want to bring up militia understand that ever able bodied male 17-45 is already legally considered militia. If I need to cite the law for you let me know, got that shit bookmarked for a reason.

Mass shootings are also statistically freak events. They are a very tiny portion of the 8,000-10,000 murders each year in a nation of over 325,000,000 people.

You also assume we'll just give up what's ours, stop that.


please cite away. real sources though, ok? not breitbart shit, no blogs. go

Just your average gun runner/child trafficker. His help was no longer needed. Watch American Made with Tom Cruise. Same type of gig.

The US has a violence fetish, so yes. Just think about all the high-speed chases being broadcast live. No other first-world country has this tradition of idolising and sensationalising violence.

We are from a shadow centrist group and we have no need for the faggot right or the faggot left.

Here you go. I need to update it though.


BTW, if you're wondering, those shortened links go right to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report.

this shit is almost as bad as the fat neckbeards who think because they went to a shooting range a couple times they're ready for real battle.

it's legal shit, shouldn't be any of that. i don't want an opinion piece. i want facts.


From the wars against disorder, to the sirens night and day, autocracy is coming to the USA.

no he killed whites

You first

it should have been a rap concert

checked. & no.
checked. & yes.

>i don't want an opinion piece. i want facts.
kek, good luck finding a source, everyone is biased

I was bullshitting. Would never soak In fake news.

if he can't find a source than it isn't as cut and dried as he claims. it's that simple.

Ever heard of Vietnam?

I should add, they don't seem to separate out mass shootings vs regular old murder. Though you can probably figure it out on your own when the majority of mass shootings use fancy ARs and whatnot yet ALL rifles are in the low hundreds each year.

user-kyun, did you ignore the chart? Sources are listed...

He killed country scum so I would give him the perple heart. Also he should get the reverse Blackwater medal and be honored by his god given purge effords in advance of Nov. 4th. Kill your loved ones.

He says as he belly chuckles autistically. He hasn't left his mothers spare room all day but he's hoping this is it, this is his moment. He eagerly awaits a reply as his heart starts to race and he starts to sweat profusely whilst shoving cheesy salted snacks down his fat shit smelling throat. Unable to contain his excitement his tiny clit dick goes rock solid "It should have been a rap concert. The left sent Paddock to attack conservatives at a country concert. My government never lied to me. The deep state is fake and if it's real, it has to be the left. It's not like we live in a unipartisan, orwellian state. Paddock never worked for Lockheed Martin. It's not like this dark ZOG group owns the left and the right and there's no way they can't reply" he sniggers in anticipation. Then boom they reply, it's happened, they've taken the bait, his days work his goal accomplished. He ejaculates all over his bed clothes but he doesn't care because him mom will clean them. "Sigh that was awesome.." He catches his breath and the reality starts to kick in. He gazes in the mirror consumed by overwhelming depression in the realisation of what a fat lonely loser he is. Time to troll some more.


>Nov 4th
I can't wait for national speed bump day.

Attack with what? Guns? Lmfao you guys would probably wet your pants and cry ay the very sight of a gun. Or a knife. Hell even a baton would probably be considered a weapon of mass destruction by you liberals.

>isn't as cut and dried
it's just that every 'news' source has to spin and glorify it, making the facts secondary to emotion, which is absolutely retarded

what the fuck is this? i asked for a source stating that every single male is considered part of a well regulated militia and that they all therefore must be armed.

this is a piece of shit image anyway with links that only an idiot would type out and go to on /b

We really need to stop calling them liberals. They really are not liberal at all. Liberalism celebrates individual liberty, not banning it.

Real butt hurt here folks lol

between 18-45 anyway

Should have said that, people usually want sources on the statistics, give me a sec.

The links go to the FBI cockfag.

claiming something is a legal precedent is not news faggot

>all liberals are afraid of violence and weapons
you're a fucken joke, son.


Oh look, an antifa basement dweller

don't bother. judging by the image you posted, you're a fucking useless cunt.


If you rightist or leftist faggots wake up, and drop the faggotry, you will see that we no longer own the nation of 1776. There is no left. There is no right. These constructs of design give the dissolute the illusion of choice. This nation is an imperialist authoritarian nation, under control. Since you are to blind to escape, obviously you serve no purpose and should perish. It is only natural that the Zionist masters and their servants be slaughtered and that new founding fathers arise.

>he says to someone with actual sources that burn his arguments to the ground

And you're a faggot. Go back to sucking your daddy's dick.

all those guns, all that ammo and thousands of people clumped up in a crowd.

Yet you only got like 57 kills lol you suck.

King Breivik still reigning !

>middle school bantz

>Let a 2 year old draw all over him
>Has ink, thinks he's a bad ass

survivors died?

nice try but the same link you posted explains that the people are part of what's called the unorganized militia, and therefore do not need to be armed.

would help if you actually read the links you provide


Luckily I just got a new truck with a "deer" resistant bumper...

most democrats i know own guns fag. it's not a right only thing. they just don't feel the need to carry it around with them and pretend they;re big shots.

Yes. The dark state is closing the loop. While the left and right faggots fight, no one sees the truth.

There were many shooters that night.

The people who said that on the news are now dead.

what happens on nov 4th?

Lol is that you? Is that the average liberal? No its fucking not. Most liberals are some scrawny nerdy college kids or some eccentric feminists. Claiming liberals (who likely cant fight or shoot for shit) are going to attack conservatives and destroy america makes you look like a fucking retarded joke.

50+ people killed. 500+ people injured (150+ critical)....

Yet we have seen basically ZERO from these "people". No news interviews, "Goddamn! I took one right in the shoulder!" or funeral gatherings for the dead, or updates on the many "critically injured".

I'm NOT a conspiracy theorist, but this whole thing is fucked up weird. You would think Las Vegas has one or two security cameras around the area.

That was sarcasm. There's a fucking camera every covering EVERY SINGLE PORTION OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS - YET WE HAVEN'T SEEN SHIT.

What do you think "well regulated" means dipstick? You're not well regulated militia if all you have to fight with is your dick in your hand. What do you think the minutemen were?

I know you don't want to admit your side is wrong on this but you really should consider it. Keep going through life as an idiot if you want though.

>5 foot 9

A gun doesnt do you very much good in your bedside table when you spend 70%+ of your day away from home.

thats so bad ass
talking about the powerpuff girl tattoo

He killed the Las Vegas shooter, of course he's a hero.


You clearly assume I am aligned with the left and are unworthy of my time. You will learn sooner or later that there is more than left or right and that your bubble politics of just two factions in the coming war, is clearly false. The freedom of 1776 will be restored with a new Pax Romana for all.

the dick act of 1903 it was defined to mean the national guard, dipshit. they get guns.

Those are the gayest tattoos I've ever seen. And I've seen Elton John naked.

He killed trumptards, so yes.


guns and training are provided for by the national guard. THAT is the well regulated militia, faggot.

this guy stood there just long enough to get this picture taken
and then walked away after he talked to the two colored officers

Do you have any idea how delusional you sound? Also im not liberal or conservative, and i dont support the current American political situation. And also, you made it sound like you were a liberal in your post, so get that "dont assume" bullshit out of here.


The fuck outta here you ignorant kid. The guy killed innocent people in cold blood. How the fuck is he a hero? Go fuck off.

A faggot leftist who thinks Paddock sought to kill Conservatives. You profligates from the left and right deserve each other. They do not care about your politics. Hostis Humani Generis, (Novus Ordo Seclorum) care for one plan and one political ideology. Not the right, or the left, theirs. The country fans were at the right place at the wrong time.

The national guard is nothing more than an extension of the army reserve, and typically worse trained than a standard deer Hunter who has never served. I have 0 confidence in any states national guards ability to defend our nation from tyranny, since they have been under it's command for so long.

When two factions become one, the third faction is done.


Neat, let me explain unorganized vs organized like I have to with basically everyone.

The organized militia like the national guard and naval militia are organized and managed by the state. They are trained, equipped, and otherwise made well regulated as militia by the government.

The unorganized being every male 17-45 is responsible for ensuring they are well regulated to the task of militia duty themselves. They are responsible for procuring their own weapons suitable for modern use, keeping it in good working order, having ammo for it, and practicing it's use.

The fun thing though is the second as ratified (the actual law) very clearly states "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". No breaks, no pauses, clear as day. The people have that right and you're not supposed to fuck with it. It can be easily construed that because of this you don't even have to be militia to keep and bear arms. This also allows women to have guns too considering the only women automatically militia are the ones in the NG or naval militia.

I want you to understand this has been a topic I've been balls deep in for the better part of a decade.

not according to the very link you posted you faggot. it's the militia. the whole point is it's well regulated. fuck you're dense.