ITT: Everyone believes what you say

ITT: Everyone believes what you say.

I just got engaged.

I'm lying.

I don't believe you.

Good news: I have a 13 inch cock

Bad news: It's in my ass

I've been single since 2005.

Hi it is moot. I'm on break time in Google office.

/ thread

I'm vegan.

I never commited a single sin

im a real nigga

Damn, sorry to hear that Sup Forumsro. All the best going forward.


Your fiance is my side chick.

This paradox only works with context.
You're an idiot.

how does it not have context? are you dumb? the very least, my ex and almost *every* other woman I went to middle and high school with now have multiple kids and no husbands. It's funny, because they spread so many rumors about me questioning my sexuality and such all that time, making me out to be some pedophilic vampire.

This is actually a "Everyone doesn't velieve what you say" thread

Free anal sex whenever you want
How is it bad news ?

You son of a bitch, I'll kill you!

OP is a faggot

I truly fucking hate women and i wish i was gay so i wouldn't have to deal with them.

i not telling lies.

Phonepaosters are what really ruined Sup Forums.

This means I have a fiancee.
Thanks man!

I believe you.

I'm not a 33 year old kissless virgin

I got a day where all my posts on Sup Forums where trips

I had a sex change 6 months ago and I'm completely happy with how it turned out.

Fuck 'em, they seem like bitches.

You're waifu a shit

Kanye west and I are just about to get on the helicopter to go check out track suits and gold chains. Also it's a double wide for Kim's fat ass. I'm really sad...

dubs of truth.

Gay men like black guys more because it's harder to see the shit on their dicks.

Kevin Spacey wasn't the guy who almost fucked the untalented guy from worst Star Trek. I am.

I like those odds!

Every post I have ever made was quality. I've never Shitposted.

you monster. why !?

Power is it's own excuse.

I am god.

You just use that guys fiancee as a cover. You enjoy getting my unwashed sweaty neckbeard nuts getting dragged across your face and watching my fedora wobble in the mirror as you watch yourself getting your boipussy pounded

Cool. Me too.

I went from weighing 228 lbs to 143 between January 2015 to now.

I'm straight and has never had sexual content with another man. Especially being a bottom.


Not much. Just fucking up Kevin Spacey's life by having some untalented faggot lie about him for attention.

14 years ago I fucked OPs mom. 9 months later she gave birth to him. I should feel bad for having a massive faggot for a son, but I don't visit anymore so I don't really care.

post more of her pls

Ah well, just another day ig.

fucking kek


