Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums
I'm sick AF and just wanted to play some fucking rocket league and apparently calling people faggots and niggers is against their ToS.
This is some bullshit!

Other urls found in this thread:


hey maybe if you aren't an asshole you won't get treated like one

That sucks OP. At least it's not permanent

generally I'm nice, even in games.
But i've been sick af for a couple of days now and it's fucking exhausting.
I'm probably coming down with the flue or some shit.
Only reason i was screaming shit at kickoffs

it does suck user.
wellwell, what can I do, I might aswell try to get a couple of hours of rest while it doesn't feel like i have a shitload of snot in my fucking lungs

>coming up with excuses for your toxicity
you don't want to take responsibility for your actions but you also don't want to suffer the consequences of your own actions.

the world doesn't work like that

now you're just making assumptions.

here you go pla i think you will like it better here.

I didn't even think of that, thanks for reminding me where to send this faggotry.

You being sick isnt anyone else's problem. You deserve every second of that ban.


Nope, i'm not OP so i'm not the faggot.

you said the reason you were screaming was because you were sick
I'm no doctor or scientist but I'm not aware of a contagious sickness that makes you act like an asshole online

here's how assholes operate: 90% of the time they operate with impunity, while the rest of us just sigh put up with their shit. 8% of the time they get called out for it, they come up with some sob story that tugs at our heart strings, we sigh again and put up with that shit

but the other 2% of the time the sob story just doesn't cut it.

Now, I'm not saying you are a complete asshole. I have 0 knowledge about your life outside of the little you've posted here. But you're ticking all the boxes of how one acts. So while you're cooling off waiting for your ban to expire, maybe practice just a little self-reflection and think about how your actions are perceived by others.

oh wow, you really got me there with that zinger, how edgy and extreme. want me to bring you some tendies tonight when I come over for my date with your mother? You've been a good boy, I think you deserve a treat.

How the fuck did you get banned I've said loads of shit on there I have over 1.5k hours and I've never been banned even once lmao


every other kick off i'd scream shit to try to catch them off guard.
worked quite well, won a buncha games in a row

Hahaha that actually sounds hilarious.

You're a proper twat though.

dank trips
thank you user, I try my best.

Cheers, what rank are you?

>calling people faggots and niggers
>bannable offense
remember when you were free to speak however you wanted?
remember when you could respond to shitheads with whatever words you wanted to?
remember when life was good, vidya was fun, and people were aware of the fact that what you say is harmless, especially to random fucks on the other side of the world through text/voice chat?
yeah, the current state of the internet is so fucking bad, nuke it all already.
>allowed to spam and spread brainwashing propaganda to make people mutilate themselves
>calling someone a niggerfaggot strips you of your ability to play purchased content
fuck. this. gay. earth

why so triggered, lol

Wtf man, am I Jesus?

trips again, what is this sorcery.
i'm plat in standard through 1v1, silver 2 in solo standard, I ragequit quite often when it's fucking 1v5

banter = triggered? lul

im just shitting on an asshole for being a whiny bitch on top of being an asshole, plus some autist who found a keyboard ;3

What in doubles though? Doubles is where it's at.


Shut up gayer.

Go back to fucking tumblr cunt faggot kill yourself

kys and your fractured butthole

now there's some triggered autists lul

>saying "banter = triggered? lul"
>then calling people acting like 4channers on Sup Forums triggered

>thinking anybody in this thread is triggered

Fucking summerfags lol

I'm the "shut up gayer" guy if you'd like to retort, you gayer.

Says the tumblerina as she munches on cheese covered bloody tampons

hey just calling it like I see it, you guys are mad
if you want people to know which poster you are, there's a great website I think you'll like
mlpforums. com. You can create an account there and then everyone will know who you are! it's really nice, and it probably won't aggravate your autism

damn that was close af, I'm actually munching on popcorn for this fucking thread right here.

you guys are a hoot.

>knowing the link to a MLP forum
>obviously not copypastad
>you're as straight as the fag in this picture


It's me again friend!

I can see by your attempt to link the fact I told you who I am to me apparently liking my little pony, that you're obviously running out of things to say.

I don't know if that's a real website, but I find it funny that you recommend it, it probably gives us some insight as to what you do in your spare time.

Feel free to retort again friend but your last "banter" was so weak and boring I won't be staying in the thread to read anything else that falls out of your dribbling, cock gobbling mouth.

Last, but definitely not least, gayer.

youre not winning
not an argument

haha i report faggots like you all the time. idiots like you ruin games by distracting everyone into a shitty autistic argument. its more cringey watching someone try to type swear words through the filter than whoever they are trying to call a faggot.

hope they ban you longer for being stupid enough to start fights on fucking ROCKET LEAGUE

no one's arguing with you you schizo, we're just laughing at you.
No one would argue with an autist.

Hope you get perma banned you dumb faggy nigger



pitiful, maybe you should just git gud, faggot

cant tell if shit bait where he just ended up getting roasted or he is just that much of a failure

Theres training exercises you can download off the workshop if you are desperate to play, or just do exhibition matches against bots in the meantime, even if you sweep the floor with them. At least you wont be screaming and whining at other people making the game toxic for the people that just want to play and enjoy it.

Eitherway he's a failure

dubs dont lie

What kind of dumpster fire of a thread did you fucking tumblerinas turn this into?

trips of truth

samefagging hard in here