Hey trumptards how does it feel to know this man is exposing your corrupt and treasonous administration

Hey trumptards how does it feel to know this man is exposing your corrupt and treasonous administration

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Tip of the fuckin iceberg bitches!

It's going down!

Also, hey OP be prepared to be drowned out by st. petersburg. They're flooding Sup Forums with distraction threads

Bumper dumper

This is worse than Watergate.

well this is certainly the place you should voice your very important opinion, god knows Sup Forums is the birthplace of important political change.





Bumpin the bump

I'm furiously deleting all my pro-trump facebook posts

It must be depressing spending this much time posting on boards dedicated to back of the class faggots who jerk off three times a day to fake imaginary women to spread your politics(?).

Fewest Jobless Claims Since 1973

Summer Youth Unemployment Falls, Level Since 1969

Nearly 1.5 Million Fewer Americans on Food Stamps Under Trump

Dow posting first eight-quarter winning streak in 20 years

Army Corps starts pre-construction work on border wall

America is going to be a dam fine country when god emperor trump is finished with it.

thinks it our administration.
this retarded

sure kid

sure kid

Ooh Boris is getting frustrated.

Well if your current base can see that your narrative is bullshit and is wise to your tricks than I guess IRA in St. petersburg loses fundingz doesnt it Boris?

sure kid

sure kid

Economy is booming, GDP has grown, job growth is up, Black Unemployment, Lowest Level in 17 Years, Surging stock market powers U.S. wealth to $96.2 trillion, Bill allocates $1.6 billion for Trump's border wall, ICE raids targeting families net 650 arrests, DACA Renewals Drop 21%, Sex Trafficking Arrests Soar Under Trump; MSM Completely Ignores, Secretary Zinke Announces Boost to Wetland, Waterfowl Conservation, Access to Public Lands Through Conservation Grants, Federal Duck Stamp Funds, Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion (Billion!) In Errors During Audit Of Obama HUD, the U.S. has become the world's dominant energy superpower, Report: Trump plans to cut foreign aid, merge State and USAID .....

Need I go on? I've got about 5 pages of this shit. I try to form an unbiased of each president after a couple years in office, so far Trump has been doing very well.

sure kid

>eight-quarter winning streak

2 years?

you're not dealing with smart people here.

You poor goy. have fun being miserable. I'm going to play in my garden and have lunch with my family.

Manafort isn't in the administration...

stay mad

I wonder if the Trump team is still paying the Russian trolls to post on here or not

Maybe post it in russian??

that doesn't seem to matter.

oh yes .... something happened 10 years ago is important but anything Clinton Bitch do is not of anybody concern


Except the investigation is not focused at all on trump but rather uranium one and DNC corruption. Manafort worked for trump for a few months - he worked for clinton and podesta and friends for years. The dates of the crimes committed coincide with when manafort was working with these goons, not with trump. In a year or two hillary clinton will be in prison for the sht thats aboit to have a giant fucking spotlight on it.

He was a crucial member to the campaign staff and was part of the shift toward an open stance to Russia in the foreign policy.

i've no dog in this retard fight user, but 8 quarters is two years right? was just asking a simple question.


Here we see the three main prototypical derailment strategies at work. The first being appeal to reason with facts and numbers

The second being ad hominem "Call him a jew! That oughtta help distract him!"

And finally the third....and the saddest.

yup totally. A fake exposing is worse than Watergate.

This time surely it is the end of blumph!!!!

Keep dreaming libtards, remember november 8?

are you that retarded ?? Oh yes you are

then why post?
you have one now retard.
think before you post next time.

How many QUARTERS are in a year (or anything for that matter)?

aww he likes me.

How does it feel to know that all of these indictments focus on shit that has nothing to do with the campaign and won't come close to touching Trump?

Feels great, this administration has been a sham from the get go. America desperately need Hillary to be our Madam commander in chief. I'm just waiting to see the fallout with anticipation. After this maybe America can move forward like most countries that are living in the 21st century and focus on this like strict gun control and healthcare.

I'm going to be like you.
go enjoy life.
later losers

But for the first 2 years your position remains biased and partisan with only attention paid to only positive things that can only by the loosest knot tied to Donald Trump?


>The first charges laid are against Trumps former campaign manager

>Nothing to do with Trump

sure kid
we got both
both from the dems
neither is working

Was podesta also a crucial part of trumps campaign? Or is it just (((pure coincidence))) he was named on the indictment as well? What sort of mental gymnastics must you pull to somehow correlate them getting fucked by the long dick of the law being related with trunps campaign?

the tears

>Fewest Jobless Claims Since 1973
5hanks Obama

>Summer Youth Unemployment Falls, Level Since 1969

Thanks Obama

>Nearly 1.5 Million Fewer Americans on Food Stamps Under Trump

Because he cut funding

>Dow posting first eight-quarter winning streak in 20 years

Glad to hear our corporate overlords are doing well

>Army Corps starts pre-construction work on border wall

and Mexico stopped importing crops from the US, costing US agriculture $13 billion per year.


yes ass hole all the other kids got it.
why not you?

Fuck Podesta, Fuck Clinton and Fuck Manafort, and Fuck Trump, as long as all these corrupt bitches go down.

I see the butt hurt is still strong. Trump is great this is a load of shit. You know it you just want him gone.

When was the last time a campaign manager was indicted on federal charges for conspiracy against the US? Is there any precedent at all?

This should have all the extreme nationalists who supported Trump to be angry, right?

sure kid

sure kid

WTG Trump

wasn't crying when bill was president

citation needed

4 quarters in a fiscal year, user said
>Dow posting first eight-quarter winning streak in 20 years

seems idiotic to give someone that's been in office less than a year that credit.

maybe i'm missing something?

i'm still working on some issues.

sure kid

no your head is right where it usually is.

Apparently the people stupid enough to vote for him think that the Trump campaign manager has nothing to do with Trump

so eight quarters have happened in less than a year? please tell me more.

Technically it's only exposing his corrupt and treasonous campaign. "Mr. Papadopoulos secretly pleaded guilty weeks ago to lying to the F.B.I. about those contacts and has been cooperating with Mr. Mueller’s prosecutors for months.". Yes it's bad, but it's not about his current administration. Well not yet. Depends on who gets named now and who rolls over like a bitch.

Actually we have nothing. Republicans have taken healthcare away from millions of Americans. It's only right that people who are sick should be able to have affordable treatment. Also you're wrong on gun control republicans and their special interest groups keep pushing more guns out onto the street. The 2nd amendment needs to be revised desperately.

The Podesta Group laundering money has nothing to do with Trump. However the Podesta Groups is just the tip of the Uranium One iceberg. lol

so explain to me how Trump, without passing a budget or a single piece of legislation related to the economy managed to cause historic lows in unemployment?

Fuck off boris

>Damage controoooll You gotta take control of that damaaaaage!

...and doctors should be properly compensated for the copious amount of time they spend in med school and obtaining residency (not to mention the ridiculous amount of malpractice insurance they need when you snowflake libtards claim they botched your dick removal).

Get a clue, medical treatment is a luxury, if you want it to be a right anyone and everyone could be a doctor to treat your obesity related diseases.

Manafort's position in trumps election campaign was extremely brief compared to his connection to deepstate dems like the clintons, obama, holder, podesta, etc. Which means he has a much stronger connection to those figures rather than trump. You also neglect to take into account that manafort was removed from trumps campaign. You also forgot to mention tony podesta was also named on the indictment for the same series of criminal acts - being that podesta and manafort have the same connections to the deepstate dems, and that podesta is as far removed from being connected to trump - dont you think its a bit of a stretch that these charges have anything at all to do with trump? If it was manafort alone - then sure, itd be a valid thought - but the fact that podesta is also being charged for the same shit means its incredibly unlikely this has to do with trump.

Not to mention the uranium one incident is very well documented, while any occurence of trump/russia collusion is still in the realm of hearsay.

Lets not forget mueller resigned in disgust from the FBI in 2013 under obamas administration. Only to be replaced by comey, who (((coincidently))) has incredibly strong ties to the clinton family - and was fired by trump and replaced with mueller. The fact mueller came back after resigning shows his issue was with the administration rather than the job itself.

>mocking facts and numbers and reason
You you lefties. You make it too easy. This is why you lost.

Whatever young sapling go take a look at European countries and Canada they don't have this problem.

>The 2nd amendment needs to be revised desperately.


ask a canadian how much they actually pay for their free health care.

or ya know, just look into it.

I'm not, What does Trumps
""" accomplishments"""*

Have to do with the current discussion? Not much, but it's a great distraction stategy in itself. Make the enemy refute the numbers of a different issue and hope that keeps him off the scent of the real issue.

Putin portrait embossed gold star for the effort though

Redneck! It's 300 years old time to move with the times. When it was written men fought muskets to muskets. We didn't have these super guns that could kill countless people within a few seconds.

Both of you shut the fuck up and get back to the issue of Manafort being indicted.

Don't fall for the distraction

Dont let yourself get distracted.

Same shit can be said about your precious first amendment. Now shut the fuck up.

Oh no. Something i cant control. How will i live.

See Or continue to ignore it and keep arguing with another user over trivial shot because the facts do not correlate with your current world view.

probably the same cunt that flipped out when bush threw the constitution and the geneva convention into the toilette when the us started torturing prisoners of war.

>but muh pick-n-choose argument.

go fuck yourself!

You are grade A prime example as to what happens when people have to many freedoms.

i've been referring to that poor kid as a boy since this image came out. I'm only now noticing that s/he has earrings LMFAO!

This has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment Cletus.

Podesta charged?

Conflate the issue some more Boris


Nor did anyone have an arsenal of guided missiles or drones to smoke insurrections with. The well-regulated militia being necessary to the free state IS the US military, not these completely unregulated individuals that aren't necessary to anyone for anything. If they attempted an uprising against the US in some fantasy of of overthrowign the gov and installing their own interpretation of the constitution and US law, they'd be burned to the ground immediately. The pentagon drafted protocols for this after 9/11 under Bush and didn't stop there.

That isnt Cletus, that's Boris

Yeah we pay like nothing. One percent of my modest salary at the most and that's just for a drug plan.
You Americans have lots of things right but your stance on health care is idiocy.

Trump Jr.

Sure is a lot of hearsay and nothing being associated with Trumps inner circle.

Trump isn't going anywhere pal. We're finally free to pray to Jesus, have our guns and we're all going to be rich once the illegal mexicants get sent back to where they belong.

Why do you hate winning so much? Aren't you glad that you can finally say Merry Christmas again?

You should be happy to live in an era of enlightenment under Trump.

>3 people charged for the same series of crimes
>talking about one of those 3 people is "conflating the issue"

>Da comrade gid- dee-up or something, win win vayu zebullaya.

Papadopoulos likely wore a wire. He was named a "proactive cooperator" by the FBI which is a euphemism for someone who wears a wire to aid an investigation. The indictments today are just the tip of the iceberg

Only one of those 4 names is associated with the clintons + deepstate dems, was removed from trump's team, AND is going to federal fuck-me-in-the-ass prison. The other three have no charges against them.

Yeah. Looks like hearsay to me.

Podesta hasnt been charged

>we pay like nothing

you might like coming to Sup Forums and acting like a wealthy adult but you are a fucking moron if you think 12 grand a year for free health care is nothing to a working class family.

All of this investigation nonsense is just liberal diversion from the real problems. Hillary Clinton's emails cost millions of jobs. Why is no one talking about that?

Who gives a fuck about clinton?

Triflin ass ho that she is, hope she gets hers soon too.

We pay jack. We also don't offer a leet ur-shit-doesn't-stink service tailored toward billionaires either though. Our healthcare is just that, healthcare. If you want a hospital that recognizes you're high class, and lets you walk past the low class plebs bleeding to death in the ER so you can have twelve doctors spend a million dollars on your sore knee, you need to go to the US for that. Our Billionaires go there, and so do Europes. For everyone else, we actually just see doctors, who treat us in the usual triage order of medical priority.

Enjoy not having to wait 15 minutes in line USA, at a cost of half your countrymen dying of preventable diseases so you won't be inconvenienced lol

what a society
the whole world is just jealous of your awesomeness kek

Learn to speak English. This is America.