post your bandcamp shit, give feedback and share to friends if you like
Other urls found in this thread:
>experimental hip-hop
>futuretech (new genre)
>lo-fi indie rock, bedroom glam
the other albums on there do different genres, czech 'em if you feel.
Took a long break, everyone's new to me so no recs yet.
Eric Taxxon - Winter Beats
>Minimal Techno
>Optimist House
Leaving feedback for whatever looks interesting, always appreciate getting feedback myself.
>Experimental electronic
Liveable shit?
>Loop-based ambient music
>A concept release about love and decay
>World's falling apart as the years pass you by
Don't forget to review these thing on RYM
Goody nugget.
Still good
can you give me tips how to make chiptune? :^))))
>Psychedelic Noise
>Lush Ambient
>Drone Metal
>featuring Epiglottis on piano
Handmade CDs are available
For the fans of The Goslings, Ramleh, Merzbow, Les Rallizes Dénudés
1. get some free vst synth that can generate basic waveforms
2. ???
3. seize the means of production
I enjoyed this, shared it with some friends
Gonna peep everyone else in a bit
>experimental pop
>trip hop
I'm always stuck at point one. Isn't VST like a sex thing...?
Glad you enjoyed it my man!
Feels extremely solid as far as I'm concerned. Though I'v never been a huge advocate or lover of such mixture of sounds I do feel like the execution of these tracks are well enough. Somebody more interested in said thing will be much more into this for sure.
Uploaded my new track earlier today, check it out
>Experimental, Various Genres
>New Release
>Art Folk, Chamber Folk, Folk Pop, Freak Folk, Lo-Fi, Post-Punk, Post-Rock, Revolution, Singer-Songwriter, Worldbeat.
Also, my friend released a new EP on my record label. Check it out!
Support, scrobble, or review on RYM. Any feedback of any kind would be greatly appreciated. Thank You. :)
Peep my shit lil niggas. Imma bout to come up in this motherfucker with MANNY, THA GOLD (FUCK THA WORLD).
Bet you saying, ay bitch, whats it called?
Im saying, ay fuck nigga, its called KEVIN SPACEY GOLD GRILLS.
Get yo booty ready for big poppa KEVIN. He's got a mouth full of golds and he finna go in.
Thank you man
>no wave
Released this album just over a year ago on bandcamp. My other albums sound much different (and much better t b h)
>depressive and pathetic
>90IQ music
>one man band
>each release its different
>Mashups, lo-fi covers, plunderphonics.
Who mastered this? There's so much headroom. The album is very cloudy and formless in general, which doesn't really serve the hip hop side of things. You sound bored in a lot of places, learning basics of voice acting can help a lot with that.
This is nice and creative, experiment a bit more with parallel compression to really bring those drums out. At the moment it sounds a bit flat.
Probably part of the style, but I don't like how sloppy the sample's looping is in that Orange track. Also shouldn't the vinyl crackle be there the whole time?
heard these folks before and liked their stuff
these threads are even deader than when i left
Some of them get to 50 replies if lucky
Just came back, myself. Debating ever coming back again.
As always and forever, rec
Real cool radical stuff
Ol' Standby. Everybody's Pal. Listen to it.
Lovely stuff that you should play.
Also a fantastic album cover, fucking beautiful design.
Real nice, real chill
My candy ass. Like us on Facebook.
what did you mean when you said you have no mouth but you must kek?
You're always posting your shit, yet you're only reccing your friends. You barely give feedback at all.
Enjoy your self-pity.
I don't even know anymore. Probably something related to the thread's drama or something along those lines.
How lovely, thanks mate!
Where's your critique friendo?
I think to let these threads live longer, we need to give feedback to people who post late so we don't have shillers waiting for the thread to die so they can be the first post.
Also discussion questions helped a lot. I'll write one here.
QOTD: Do you know music theory? How important do you think music theory is? discuss.
The idea is good but the practice shows otherwise. There are always going to be shill posters - early and late in the thread's live.
Sort of. In a way.
Let's discuss this gay shit too:
released August 28, 2017
> rural psychedelia, lo fi, portastudio, drone, ambient, bedroom recordings, loops, noise
QOTD: 1) no. 2) important
Not feeling it to participate on these threads anymore, at least for the moment.
You guys have cool stuff. I've actually given you feedback before, but it's just that people like him don't do anything at all.
I've met cool people from /bc/ threads, got them on Facebook, I'm always willing to give them feedback, without expecting anything back, but threads like this will never work if people aren't willing at all to go out from their confort zone, and listening to music from other people Pure laziness.
Only a few are interested on giving decent feedback, another few only care about not looking like asshole, and a huge amount of fuckers don't even care at all.
Understandable but it's a nature of the beast itself. Really hard to change people in general so, in short, such threads have problems of said magnitude. Not much you can do to work around it.
1) The extent of my music theory knowledge is just basic scales, chords, and rhythms. Nothing too complex
2) I think it's an interesting concept to look into, but it's all about what sounds great to you. Theory are guidelines, not rules
Shit Im not OP, Im I hate replying on mobile lol
You really believe that I dont listen to most of the shit here? I do, and I just recc and buy the stuff that I like.
One of two: I dont like your stuff / I dont see the potential , or I recc it.
go suck a fat one user
>Do you know music theory?
I've looked into it and learned a little a few times and retained no knowledge.
>How important...
I think it depends on what you're doing with music. You can ignore it entirely and make great music, you can adhere to it and make great music, you can use knowledge of it to creatively aver it and make great music, and you can do any of those things and make garbage. It all depends.
Very radical, my dude. Would you consider/have you already experimented with long-form pieces? I feel like you could do some great soundscapes, very Swans/GY!BE vibes throughout this.
he's talking about giving feedback, not reccing dude. and that's true - you are giving zero feedback on these threads recently
I'm gonna jump in where I'm not wanted and just say this:
I've been on-and-off involved in bc threads here since 2012 and I used to make a point of giving thought out feedback to as many people in a thread as possible and that used to spur discussion. Lately I've been spending way less time here because over the last year or so nobody cares. You can write an essay of feedback praising a dude in one of these threads and odds are he already left the thread to find a new, more active thread to paste his link into. Obviously that's not always the case but when it happens enough you stop caring as much.
On top of that so many of the people in these threads are the same people with the same releases so there's not always anything new to say other than "I still like this person."
The culture here sucks for the most part and attacking one specific dude who is no different from anyone else is just weird and dumb.
why should I?
I just said it, if I dont see the potential (my opinion) I wont even open my mouth. you kids are too serious about wasting time making sounds, if the music is good you're not posting here. FACT.
>you kids are too serious about wasting time making sounds, if the music is good you're not posting here.
>posts his own stuff here
hypocritical much?
add that I'm ONE OF THE FEW that actually downloads/buy music from Sup Forums .
I used to give feedback to everyone until a few months ago, no one cares about my words (since nobody took it seriously, even if it was a long text explaining what sounds wrong to me)
go fucking kill yourselves ungrateful faggots.
(not you pleasance house, you're a god to me)
not hypocritical if I'm literally saying that I'm an autistic faggot with 0 talent everysingle day
well I'm a retard. you can't critique me therefore I'm right and you should stop posting here low life or start giving feedback to other ppl itt.
well, heres my feedback:
keep it up dude! your shit bedroom pop / ambient / lo-fi album is great!
btw, keep posting as an user. pussy.
>I used to give feedback to everyone until a few months ago, no one cares about my words (since nobody took it seriously, even if it was a long text explaining what sounds wrong to me)
>what sounds wrong to me
I'm not talking about you here, I am a fan of you, but here's another issue I have with the whole "you need to give feedback" mentality on here. I post my finished product into these threads. I'm not looking for notes. A lot of the musicians in these threads aren't great or aren't making music I'd ever listen to and provide feedback that ultimately says "maybe do this totally different genre of music I like" that provides nothing helpful for me at all. I'm not going to go back and change a completed album I spent months or years on because some amateur ambient electronic artist on Sup Forums said he prefers chillwave. I realize some people on here want notes and feedback, but I come here to say "this is my music, listen if you like it" and find stuff I want to listen to. I have people I actually know and whose opinions and insight I care about to go to for actual advice.
>some user posts
>gets replies
>an obvious troll jumps in
>people are taking the bait
>thread is over-inflated with bullcrap once more
>wanted to see if more people are into music theory and shit
I do mashups.
>Let's discuss this gay shit too:
Been thinking about making an industrial/noise album, getting some ideas here.
Appreciate the points on the importance of silence here. I think the reason I like working in the album format more than focusing on one song at a time is because with the broader time frame and soundscape you can work more in the field of silence and how it plays with sound.
[i'm super magnet]
I actually dont know what people really wants by "feedback". most of the positive feedback I do is behind the scenes (downloading/buying/recc).
And 90% of the kids here dont even want to hear why I dont like their stuff (and why you should? I'm an autistic depressive faggot).
posting negatively as an user is the most coward thing people do online
You like noise? Check out Suffering Profusion
Yeah, I don't do negative feedback on here 99% of the time because I figure I'm the least important person that could offer it. I'll give positive feedback if it seems worth the feedback but overall people come in here knowing what they want.
Not a fan but damn that's a pretty cover
>Probably something related to the thread's drama or something along those lines.
i gave really stoned feedback that thread so that might have been it lol
>Do you know music theory? How important do you think music theory is?
some, only really high school levels. i think it's super helpful, important isn't really the right word, because you can still make good music without it. (you just would have written it faster if you knew some theory)
Stoner Metal, Hardcore
>experimental rock
My contribution to this banter, I'm definitely guilty of not really knowing what to say when someone gives me really detailed feedback on my music and just forgetting to reply (very sorry to that guy who sounds like the beach boys). It's definitely a confidence boost to get any sort of proof that someone is paying attention to my stuff, but I need to work on letting people know I appreciate it if I'm ever going to get any more in the future.
can i feature on one of your releases
Don't really know how to classify this as a genre. Recorded on an 8track app.
Full album on Bandcamp
>Can't get no Hawaii
Why can't we all just be happy fellas.
>bedroom folk
>slowcore-ish, American Primitive Guitar-ish
>some of the song structures may be kinda prog folky?
QOTD from: I know a very very very limited amount of it. I was pretty adept in choir throughout high school and picked up some things from there, and have otherwise kind of learned some rules while writing stuff along the way but not in any kind of a super noticeable way. I do actually think it's pretty important and if I were a better musician I'd dig deeper into it, but oh well.
Don't know why I'm just now listening to this, I kind of love it. Some tracks remind me of that one song from that club scene in Fire Walk With Me, just dirty and kind of sleazy but in a focused and super evocative way. Them grooves are just top tier, and the percussion really brings it all together, it's rare to hear it recorded that well and used that effectively in these threads.This is just well produced all around and with some really well executed, non-intuitive kind of sounds. Great work my dude.
Other cool fellas:
someone say something edgy we need another argument to keep the thread alive
saying "bamp" is a really faggy special snowflake way to say bump
These threads are dead to the point where I don't even feel the need to post links here
Isn't it kind of sad that in this day and age we have a tool to release and support artists in the purest sense with no intervention or meddling of any kind, pure art for art's sake, pure music from musicians with no obligation to anything but create art in its purest sense, and we could take part in that and invent and discover and really have one of the best communities on Sup Forums if we all actually cared about making good music and listening to good music instead of whatever the fuck we're all doing in these shit threads?
Like this could be something amazing and instead we're all just dicking around and none of us care?
what the fuck are you talking about nigger
sad this band's gone
>le Sup Forums boogeyman
>le tumblr boogeyman
returning and giving feedback
>analog emusic modular ect ect
thanks bbs
Ima start listening now stay tuned
nice work on this - the dissonance of the guitar is really cool. love the melodic work and the warped reverse effects. sort of reminds me of a more experimental mahavishnu orchestra type guitar
>le boogeyman boogeyman
you've created a really cool atmosphere with this track. I think some of your drums sounds need a bit of work - forexample that lone crash sounds a little strange. keep at it - develop your tracks a little more - I really like the delay type ice synth melody you have going.
love the metallic electronic sounds. sort of a more experimental sophie type sound. very cool. your track RAW falls a little flat for me but I did the first three tracks/
This time I'm not posting one of my own releases, but one that a friend of mine did, and I released it through Nakamura.
Hope you guys like it.
Feel free to ask me for feedback, not looking for feedback for this, but I'll gladly give a listen to your music.
Did you record this on your phone? It doesn't sound that bad, occasional peaking aside.
Just released my second EP, would appreciate any feedback.
Last three albums are:
> Lofi
> Bedroom
> Chill (especially Searching For Panama)
other stuff:
> Ambeint
> Drone
> Orchestral (An Album For the End of the World)
don't roast
Pretty good. Is that you singing?
in Make your move? no that would be a vocal sample from Monica
New Foliage song
>Dream Pop
>Jangle Pop
>New Wave
Buy "Silence" on Cassette and CD here:
Stream on Apple Music:
Stream on Spotify:
love u
No, in Closer on Searching for Panama
ohhhhh no, that was in the original sample
>psychedelic post pop
>420 blaze it
Why do you never seem to interact with people in this thread? Is it your image or what?
Sup lads
Just started jotting down random lines and lyrics that pop into my head (it's all shit so far). How tf do I turn this into actual music?
Work on it more and rehearse
Have a clear idea in mind and make demo recordings
>(new genre)
oh wow ok
>album cover is a screenshot of the album cover
>featuring Epiglottis on piano
o shit I gotta listen to this later.
This is always good shit
this shit is straight fire
Your words honour me. I checked out your stuff too - and its great. Danceable, yet always evolving. Doesn't beome boring after after a few minutes like a lot of beat driven music. Fav Tracks: Misera.bell, KFN
Yeah his image is to be a fucking cunt.