Wisconsin win thread

Wisconsin win thread

54660 here

920 here

hey Sup Forums Platteville here. theres about 14 ppl in my town i know what my odds are. but.. any pville?

My friend goes to college there

this friend of yours does he uhh.. idk have win?

Not college student here... wtf is win?

Oshkosh slut

I go to pvegas a lot to visit friends and dance at school girls

Waukesha co here.

608 here

How close to la crosse are you?

ill kik for pville wins

>dance at school girls

Hello 414 reporting in
Used to have a bunch of nudes on the ol laptop.
sorry boys.
But i'm sure someone will post Jenny Larson eventually.
she's always on here

I go to school in lax

608 reporting for interest

I am a grill, so


South or North side?

Shit man, I'm in tomah , about 30 min away

Im not 12 or a slut so I don't have one


youre basically minnesota so calm down
also there are so many fucking dimes that go to lax and I don't understand it

fox cities

Cool shit. I'm right over by the campus

Thinking of going to school at Stout. Anyone have experience there?

Is there actually shit going on there, or is it just an engineering school full of people who do fucking math for fun.

wtf is pvegas


Calm down about what??

Also, it's an active campus so most students are athletic and trim


Why are you in this thread?

I was directly responding to a post about Platteville.

It's Platteville fgt

Anyone into WI music?
Hardcore scene?
Awhile ago Mark from Rig Time posted about how he was in love with his guitarist and faps to her like 4 times a day.
Shes married to their drummer
Sup Forums kinda raided him and shit but I guess he got away with a good lie or some shit.
he's still in the band and shit
but people were like, sending screenshots of the thread to her and he deleted his facebook,


I dropped a GF off there, never saw her again.
Walked around campus for a bit tho, and you're right. Fucking babes everywhere. Thought I might have to rape the goalpost on the end of the field just to get through the experience.

538 faggots

nah it's something else

funny chick


This is a thread to get nudes.

Anything on Jen?

So post nudes

Any whitewater nudes?

I lived in Hayward for a while. There were a few good hardcore bands based on the LCO reservation that would play out. The native dudes are cool, but their rage is real, and when they put it into the music is breddy gud.

I'm just here and in a few other thread to fap fam

I don't even live in Wisconsin :^)


Damn that sounds fucking dope.
but yeah Milwaukee hxc is getting a lot better, it's cool

920 or 715 checking in

This is a sad place to fap Sup Forumsro

I knew nobody would post nudes, I'm just here to hang with my wisconsinfag bros

Just go to DaishoCon in like 3 weeks.

Tons of hot anime chicks.


Anybody from Sheboygan?

I deamnd moar of them tittays!

Amateur nudes turn me on, I have no shame

What up fox cities Sup Forumsro

Also in lacrosse

Lol, to take creepshots of ya beta

looks familiar

>native dudes are cool, but their rage is real,
I'd be pretty pissed too if I were born into that world. It's easy to forget those concentration camps are still there, and there are still fucktons of people stuck living in them with no way of making it on the outside. Shit's fucked up man.

I feel like you could find a lot more faster elsewhere


It's true. Cons are regretably mainstream now. All these instagram whores discovered "cosplay" and invaded. It was nice at first but now it's getting fucking annoying.


that's not exactly how it works, bud

>how to make something easily believable sound completely unbelievable
lol u idiot


It was all angles and camera tricks!

Chillin. Smoking. Trying to find some win of Appleton girls haha

Don't think so lol

Well it's not that bad. jesus... I mean it's not like it was a century ago. These are peoples homes, you know?

Any WI UPS bros in here?

The push up top is a lie!

My faps are built on falsehoods!

The sperm died in vain!

You came on the bottom of your desk and alone homie. They woulda died in vain anyway

715 reporting in

Appleton girls have dicks, bro

Oh. I was at a couple reservations out west that were really impoverished, and there were like 0 opportunities for education or employment, and ppl were just talking about slowly dying out. That was some fucking bad news. Made me wish for a United Federation of Tribes, to act as a safety net so none have to suffer so badly.

Just listening to Willem Defoe on Maron's WTF podcast.

Turns out he's from Appleton. I think William H Macy is too, but I'm too lazy to look it up.


FdL represent

I think Macy is from a rich family back east

Someone post Jen ffs

>United Federation of Tribes

That’s ironic since those tribes all hated each other back in the day and would take slaves and eat their enemies.

how have you not saved those by now

Where were they posted

Same here man Appleton represent.

>um yeah and they were all cannibals too because why not
The whole country wasn't southern seminole user.
And not all tribes hated each other any more than all europeans hated each other. Just shitloads of independent nations with alliances and territorial disputes and cultural differences and the usual drama that develops over time. The whole country wasn't Apaches ffs.

No shit. Kik?

I don't have Kik sorry man :/


Anybody have any holton or Hudson girls?

UWM checking in

Yes, Falls

Oshkosh\madison checking in. Ive got a few 608 nudes

This isn't a trading thread, it's a win thread. Post em.


> checking in. West Bend, now currently at lax



West Bend also, pretty near the glorious luxury destination that is the West Bend International Municipal Airport

So much makeup.
Girls are all perfectly attractive when they're young. You have the rest of your life to cake makeup on and hide your wrinkly, pockmarked face under. Kids...

Wtf mate
No fucking way, the one with piggly wiggly near? With the golf course like a mile down 33?

name? 262 checkin in