anyone who disagrees is trolling.

Other urls found in this thread:


Your build legit makes me cry.

>screenies one good game
> "hurr durr hardstuck bronze 5 gimme my gold plz"

>not building morellos when you actually need it

you must be new here

>started season in bronze
>now im plat
>last seasom gold
>mfw retards cry about elohell

If you are on euw I can make you a good deal on a elo boost to silver/gold

Teemo player in deep bronze, classic

*2 decent games
My sincere apologies.

Mute chat, focus on your game and know when to stop on a losing/winning streak. If you've actually stomped your elo/mmr into the ground that bad make a new account and dont play like a shithead

What game is this?

Oh boy here we go, I've tried to help you so much but you just ignore me, dont accept my friend requests lol, could literally have you out of bronze in a week.

I've been trying for like a year or two.

If you were that good you would be in 202/16 and that would be a win

Or he should play a champ that is dominant enough to solo carry.

learn and play
>other low mechanics champs that do tons of damage
Abd if you still suck become a degenerate janna/soraka main

post your op.gg

I play DOTA2 and I started out at 800MMR (the person who taught me how to play is legit trash)
800 MMR is trash, the average is roughly 2k
I rose from 800 MMR to 2500 mmr
if you are consistently better than your opponents you will be able to win
half of winning in mobas is keeping your teammates from tilting and keeping the team positive
until you learn when to take objectives, when your power spikes are for your team, how to split push to create space for your carry to farm and how to keep your team from destroying themselves you will always be stuck in low quality games


43% winrate

If you were actually better than your competition this is what your mmr graph would look like

I added you, I'm pretty sure you are a troll looking at your KDA etc.

>season 2 bronze
>season 3 bronze
>season 4 bronze
>season 5 bronze
>season 6 bronze
>season 7 bronze
>season 8 prob bronze again

are you retarded you censored your name in the task bar but let the url completly open

idc if you faggots know my name on dota where there are 2704 other harambae's
i don't want you fucks knowing i watch midget porn

you built defensive and wonder why you couldn't carry

How is anyone this bad at the game

hey OP, why don't pro players ever get stuck in "elo hell"?

because they aren't just starting out?
They likely did get stuck for a time in elo hell, but got better and climbed out of it.

I'm with you OP
>Old pic but it fits the motto


most pro players probably started playing at an above average level
the amount of time that it would take to grind from your mmr to a pro mmr at a 60% winrate is forever
and by the time they make it there every other pro also rose 2k mmr

how do you start playing at above average at launch?

is this a rhetorical question or are you really this stupid?
if 10 people play a game
and 7 of them score 18 points but you score 42 are you not above average?

because they are just naturall good at the game, pick it up pretty quickly, alot of them played dota and other games require skill.

>but got better and climbed out of it

lol, so you even admit that it's not a real thing then

You're not in "elo hell" you're at the rank you should be at because you're not good enough to climb higher. The truth is you're almost always playing with people around your skill level. If you were so much better than them you would be ranking up.

If you're stuck in bronze it's because you're a bronze player.

Op plays this shitty game for 5 years scince season 2 he us in bronze

I'm not in elo hell, you're right.
>because I'm not OP

being 100 CS down is basically the same as feeding. Just so you know.

>because they are just naturall good at the game
That's my point. They're good at the game.

The people that think they're stuck in "elo hell" just aren't as good as they think they are.


>watches midget porn
i bet your manlet too faggot

Not OP but i have an account that's gold 2 and has never gone lower than gold 3 and another that hasn't even left bronze 5.

My mere existence is proof that you're retarded or just trolling.

The game actively punishes you for your teamates faults all throughout the game, only difference between my two accounts is the usernames. Same champs same builds same everything, the system is literally designed to be a vortex pulling you toward whatever center the dice threw you into to begin with. There's a reason the SR averages are all heavy at certain ranks, leaving others all but empty (bronze 5 being massive, gold 1 being massive, etc)

Bro lmao! Zaphkiel!!! I've played with you before. Like months ago. You're NA right? You played fucking Teemo and talked so much shit hahahahahahha

you were like gold??? what the fuck happened. I'm plat now bitch

>tfw bought account b5 1 October
>Gold 2 atm (couldn't skip divisions because of duoq with faggots)

If op accepts my friend request, which he prob wont hasn't for 2 years ill get him out of bronze. I will make a fucking account and troll lose all my placements just to get to his ELO. I'm only gold but its REALLY fucking hard to get to bronze.

what is that build tho

you have like no cs

and lux is a crap champion

get good

you're retarded

i have climbed from silver 5 to plat 1 in a months span... you're tilted or bad and dont deserve gold

Naw, i just dumped the gold account once i realised i had to carry to rank it up. I wanted to see if i could carry out of bronze and i couldn't.

Thing is, once i realised how fucking pointless the game was, since my actual skill made at most a 8% difference to the outcome, i just moved on to other games

>gold 2 and has never gone lower than gold 3 and another that hasn't even left bronze 5.
This has to be a troll.

I could climb out of bronze with my fucking eyes closes. I've leveled up out of bronze multiple times just for fun. If you have an account in gold, but can't climb out of bronze, it's because you shouldn't be in gold. You're either lying or got carried by friends.

the real elo hell is silver 1

>Points out the discrepancies in his own logic

I mean we can both point our finger at luck all day long bud, but the result won't change.

and g5, and I know its me but fuck

Objectively wrong if your massively better you can carry games. I was diamond and have no problem carrying bronze-plat games. You usually land where your suppose to be after enough given games

What? This post doesn't make any sense.

>2000 mmr is average
Pretty sure it was when MMR was first released, now the average dota 2 players mmr is 3k exactly.
You still suck a lot.
>tfw got 4.5k when the pros were at 5k so i played with a lot of them in my games

>tfw euw plat is na bronze.


it has been YEARS that you have been making these threads. Try thinking about the common denominator of all of the games you have played. That would be the reason you lose.

Here's a tip: It might be that guy in all of your games named zaphkiel

>I can't understand therefore it makes no sense.

It makes no sense because there were no discrepancies in logic, and luck had nothing to do with what we were talking about.

Well middle is determined by the lowest 50% and bronze-silver cover something like 70% of leagues populace.

nice one

you're talking to a bronze monkey. He doesn't make sense on Sup Forums or in game

yee but i'm better than 2.5k mmr
that's why i rose 400 mmr in 10 days lol

Looks like op is elohell

>tfw hardstuck bronze na player and shittalk other regions

>tfw hard stuck (insert region) players talk shit
if your not in the pro scene u have no right to talk shit about pros lol

Thats some flawed logic buddy.