is seemingly just at this nice consistent click. Getting more /comfy/ everyday.
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once bernie is finished 2/3rd of those voters will go to Hillary (reluctantly, but they will) and then Trump will get BTFO.
this is why we need Bernie to run independant
I'd be stoked if trump pulled 1/3 of the bernie vote.
>paid shill detected
Trump and BTFO is a oxymoron
How did you not learn that yet
shillarys polls will probably start going up too once Bernie drops out.
Trump needs to keep his polls up so that she doesn't surpass him when that happens.
I don't think you understand how this poll works
Bernie is already done and has been for months, the current polls reflect that
Just wait until he works his meme magic and pulls a majority of the blacks
im a clinton supporter because id rather not see the nation destroy itself by igniting a civil war.
but i am really have a grand old fun time watching the democratic party scramble and pull its hair out while trump rises steadily in the poll.s
i honestly wouldnt even mind him winning, just to watch the sanders fags cry their hearts out.
its good entertainment. i wonder how itll go....
it's who counts the votes that mean more than any poll will tell you
JUST look at Austria
are you implying a civil war would start if Trump was elected?
Who do you think has all the guns?
when bernie officially drops out he's going to endorse shillary and all the cucks that voted for him are going to fall in line behind shillary.
If shillary makes him vp candidate then all the leddit tier bernie supporters who said they would not vote for clinton will vote for her.
>$0.05 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for correcting the record!
Blacks vote for Clinton's, I'm not sure why. Bill was always super comfy picking up niglets and kissing them - I think that resonated with the tribal population.
Trump lost the spics, women and niggers. In order for Trump to win, Hillary has to really, really fuck up. Which is possible, but not likely.
The remaining 1/3 might vote independent or not vote at all. Some will go to Trump, but, I think very few.
What if Bernie drops out and endorses Trump for his anti-establishment views?
i have 100% faith in the idea that if trump is elected, the sanders block, and the more radical clinton supporters will become violent and clash with those on the trump side that are truly violent rabblerousers.
just like the civil war, a minority of people will clash, killing eachother and economically destroying the nation for the next 4 decades.
niggers have guns.
spics have guns.
the ass backwards punk wannabes have guns.
but i doubt itll be a fight on the battlefield with guns. itll be a violent revolution, utilizing knives in the parking lots of our stores and inside our malls. assassinations, torture, kidnappign and violence will no doubt become a common occurrence from both sides should trump be elected. i am certain of this, and it is evident by chicago and the latinos violent distaste and radical hate for trump.
i mean, i have no problem with them fuckign with eachother, but id really rather not see it happen.
though honestly, i guess it has to happen, otherwise each side will just get worse.
you have to be blatantly ignorant to believe the sanders base will support clinton. theyre anti-establishment by nature, and absolutely hate anyone with more than a cent to their name.
What if Trump is waiting for Sanders to withdraw so he can pick him for VP?
if trump pulls that shit, hes a dead man.
it's a benis
>niggers have guns.
>spics have guns.
>the ass backwards punk wannabes have guns
they might have 9mm high-points but who has all the AKs and ARs?
What if trump picks Sanders for VP, and Hillary gets arrested?
hae you ever lived ina truly hood neighborhood?
if those weapons were popular with the whites and right wingers, then they were popular with the blacks and left wingers.
>not believing the rusophiles dont already worship the AK
no lie, my leftists friends generally own more weapons and ammunition than my right wing friends. the right wingers own them for house protection. the left wingers own it because theyre freaks and literally think theyre going to have to rise up one day.
Polls don't matter this far out.
Hillary hasn't even started on Trump yet.
>hae you ever lived ina truly hood neighborhood?
They can't aim for shit and have no discipline.
Watch Donald J. Trump take on the Current year right here! Do it!
>literally every time i go to the range, theres some AA lighting up, landing decent shots
youre wrong dude.
Yeah man, remember when Trump's poll numbers were falling during the primaries?
Reminder that Barney Sandle said he wont drop out until Hillary is declared nominee