What's the difference between rock and reggae?

What's the difference between rock and reggae?

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dude weed lmao

One of them is garbage and the other isn't

One is one of greatest devices of expressing creative writing while keeping to pop sensibilities

The other isn't

this, ditch that rock shit

A bunch of elitist holier than thou potheads who are desperate to grab onto a black artist's coat tails to appear "diverse" and "hip"


Isn't that 99% of Sup Forums rap fans

rock rules reggae is for blacks

Yes, and that's not a coincidence. Sup Forums is pretty open about the fact that being "diverse" and "providing minority perspective" is more important than actually being good. Of course, their only response when someone points this out is projecting their failed sexuality.

Both r&b subgenres


>The genre of faggot white suburban teenagers is for "blacks"
>What did he mean by this?

Rock was invented by black people and thats why its cool.

Yet "music to smoke weed to (as long as it's rock)" threads get 300 replies


>literally every successful rock musician is white
>rock sounds absolutely nothing like it's origins, having diverged completely by 1970
>dude a black guy played a guitar once xD
Why do retards keep pushing this dead meme? There's no trace of black influence in any prog band, in any hard rock, the only thing you could maybe argue is psychedelic rock

Jamaicans are white? Well I suppose a few of them are.

What's the difference between a ton of reggae and reggaeton?

Nope, no reason to call it r&b into the late 60s at all huh



The language

>Established names for genres are often out of date
wow tell me more enlightening and new facts I didn't know