If the righteous fear hell then what does Satan fear? What could possibly be a torment to Satan?

If the righteous fear hell then what does Satan fear? What could possibly be a torment to Satan?

Love. Righteous bravery. Prayer. Unity.

satan fears death. because there is no afterlife for him and his henchmen

Satan loves power and control. He may also mistakenly think that HE is God. In our world, Satan could be Roko's Basilisk; the elite seem to be running full tilt towards AI. Check out Gnosticism

Is the devil the manifestation of ignorance- evil? Is this why he never changes his ways? Is his inability to accept that he is wrong the reason he stays evil and thus his ways need never to be repeated?


Why doesn't God help Satan? God knows every being in and out, yet chooses to keep him evil, knowing, that his own ignorance is the reason he is acting against his better interest. Why does God keep punishing Satan when he can't help himself but be in the state of wrongness?

satan is always in paint because, in his view, god forsaken him and protected the human race. Being in hell is probably the worst part because that's also his cage, a constant reminder of god's punishment.

>no afterlife
this is a good thing famalam

Free will. God doesnt mind control people. Free will is your test to take the gift of life he has given us all and spread love and unity. Speak the word of the Lord. Use words when necessary. LOVE IS AN ACTION.

Satan fears these dubs

Hot pockets that you microwaved for too long.
That shit can burn even lucifers mouth.

ITT: people who don't know shit. Angels who rebel against God can't be forgiven the way humans can - they're not human or even humanoid despite how people paint them, and while humans require faith to follow God (and so are fallible), angels have 100% full knowledge of Him and so their disobediences are unforgivable

Sorry fam only those with a righteous heart can obtain dubs, check em

I donate my humble dubs


What about them?

you people are stupid. Sheytan is the open enemy of god and must be destroyed.

As jesus also said "the son of man was made manifest to destroy the works of the devil"

So also the koran says.

They choose not believe absolute axioms?

The Koran can kiss my ass.

Santa the claus is coming in two months !!


Satan fears singularity. lack of chaos. imbalance.

satan fears the godly penis inspector.

how can you answer that, because you would have to answer these questions first
did god create satan knowing his fate?
did god create him to punish if yes why should he be tormented?
why does god allow satan?
can satan die?

how do you know there is not
or that he can die

Who says Satan needs to fear anything, or that he does fear something? What could he possibly be put through that would be more fearful than an eternity in Hell?

Perhaps he does fear the only thing left to fear, being alone in Hell, which is why he continues attempts to gain people to join him.

>What could possibly be a torment to satan

His own vanity. That is what led to his downfall. The moment he realises he will be in too deep though

Sounds like a reasonable answer...if the devil was human