Hello Sup Forums. I am a guy and just inserted a small bottle up my ass...

Hello Sup Forums. I am a guy and just inserted a small bottle up my ass. I don't know why I keep putting things up there, I always end up regretting after the bleeding. Is it dangerous to bleed from the anus?, it has happened many times.

I fear that I might fuck up, and damage my insides.

I don't know what to do.

I can't believe I'm typing this. And fuck my ISP if they spy on me.

> a virgin 21 guy

God damn it. I don't even have toilet paper.



virginity must be rough, eh?

I'm not gay, though.

That's even worse ha

Don't laugh, I am asking for help. How can I fix myself?

It is dangerous and in long term your anus can fell off it's a medical condition in which anus muscles don't remain strong enough to hold feces also use water base lubes dildo they are bit safer but dangerous in long term also explore your sexuality with different partners rather than experimenting alone

I think you should not try to light up the molotov bottle you stuck up your bum

How about don't put shit in your shitter?

Op is a faggot

>puts something large with rough, potentially jagged edges up ass
>lol gaiz why am i bleeding?

Thanks for your advice.

I didn't ask why.

Actually a good idea.

I fucking swear I'll be perfect from this point onward. Remember this, Sup Forums.

Oh, yeah. Well you'll probably give yourself fissures or hemorrhoids, which can be extremely uncomfortable and last a long time, even not when youre horny. Just use something designed to go in your ass like a didldo and lube. And take your time. Dumb faggot

I can't get a dildo. I live with my family.
Anyway, I won't need one anymore. I am just gonna stop doing this shit.

Enjoy repressing your sexuality

If I get too horny, I'll just fap. I just need to remember to force myself to do it.

Fap once or twice a week without porn. Touch your self gently and feel your body and don't go AGRESSIVE also if you are able to do that for 30 days you will quit this habbit.

>never stuck shit up ass
>bled from there since 15 anyway

dont do it for 2 weeks, give ur ass time to heal fam. then continue slowly. also use lube

Cool, thanks.

Wtf. It has happened multiple times to me, and I don't like that I'm losing my fear to it. It's amazing that our body can handle this retarded act of self harm.

Why fix anything? Buy some decent quality toy that could stimulate your prostate and anus with. Also, a bottle of lube that wouldn't dissolve the toy. Advance from this point

>Why fix anything?
Its a bait thread. Either that or OP cant handle his own sexuality, or he lives with some conservative fucks where his only resort is to come to the asshole of the Internet for advice. No pun intended

you idiot, eat more fiber in your diet

It's not like my parents are super conservative, but enough for me not to want to talk to them about how I have been inserting random objects up my ass.

The most retarded thing that I regret is having used "water based" hair gel as lubricant sometimes.

I am gonna get a shower.

> OP cant handle his own sexuality
I guess that's true?

Btw, Sup Forums is very helpful when I need advice for my retarded problems.

Sup Forums is full of retards fam. Lots of experience to draw from. Some other boards are more consistent for honest advice. Hope you figure stuff out

You will get dry anus from time to time it's normal because what you use as lubricant also use some extra virgin olive oil to lubricant in case you get dry anus

What I fear the most is ass cancer. I am not sure those chemicals are safe for this.
