
Any Muslims here? Why is it so wrong to portray the prophet Mohammad in a painting or something?

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Idolatry is forbidden. Mohammad is the last and most important prophet he's the worst one to make idols of
Also, replicating the natural world is forbidden in general to fundamentalists - no recreating animals, plants, etc. Only nasheeds (basically acapella) for music.
This is why the Islamic world collectively developed such amazing calligraphy, abstraction and geometric tiling while producing much less impressive portraiture than the West and East.
>t. kaffir

would pay 10 000 000 euros for

It's hard to tell, but there is a massive amount of embellished arab script in here.

Not a muslim but I heard once that it was because no portrayal could capture his beauty or some shit, so they find it insulting.

Ex muslim, atheist for more than a decade. But Mohammad banned portrayal in order to prevent muslims from veneration which would turn into idol worship.

In a way by muslims greatly being offended by images of mo, they are doing extacly what mohammad feared, they venerate him.

Wait they aren't even allowed to portray life around them? I understand that's only for fundamentalists but it just seems like an odd thing to make a religious law about

not a muslim bruv but I did some research:
Mohammud can be depicted. It depends on the sect. Shia muslims apparently hang paintings of him in public places in Iran for example. It's the shittier sunnies that go all apeshit when they do.
inb4 shill or achmed or whatever else. I'm too chill to care

Huh, a religion being contradictory and hypocritical? Really makes you think

I was going to ask you why they get so butt blasted about Kaffir drawing Mohammed but your last sentence probably explains the extent of it.

oops, there actually isn't a prohibition for inanimate objects

>women cover up for modesty
>now Omar and his friends get turned on by even a sliver of ankle showing
o i am laffin

One only has to look to christianity to see why
Catholics and the like make portraits and pretty much worship the likeness of saints.

Did you see this guy while searching?

Muslim here, I'll explain in my own words just make it short and hopefully understandable. In Islam, Idolatry is forbidden, we don't worship people, we worship the one and only true God, Allah(swt). Also our prophet told us to never worship him, he always tells us to worship God. Now just a quick example, in your home you're not aloud to have paintings of people or animals, etc. only, if it a family member, then it's completely fine. Just an example again fwi. Now another thing our prophet said to us is never be offended or anger to the non-believers to criticize him, because it'll just end violence, and we don't want that's. Rather be peaceful to the ignorance.

Ah yes of course, Islam the Religion of Peace :^)

It isn't. Not being allowed to depict Mohammad is a relatively modern invention. There are many old Arabian paintings depicting him.

No but I did see these :
He got up to some badass stuff. He even had a neat flying giraffe thing he could zoom around on. Dude had skills

>flying giraffe
do you mean pic related? that thing looks weird AF

oh yeah it's a human face horse.
Still rad. I'd have one

Indeed, my friend.

In my opinion i've never meet him or know how he exactly look like. So it is bad to draw him.

The original point was so that Muslim worship Allah, not Muhammad. Like Catholics worship paintings of Mary and Christ, Mo didn't want that. Muslims just took it to far.

More or less this.