Hey guys

Hey guys,

I wanna programm an app that is super simple: let people type in their mail addresses and save them in a file somewhere.

Which engine would you use? I do know how to program but am super new to apps.

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I don't get it.

the purpose being?

Would be easy in python.

Idk. I am currently trying to learn python. Move from javascript. What about you.

Well yeah, maybe I should've elaborated a bit.

I wanna use this app on fairs to let potential customers type in their emails if interested.

We usually write them on paper or type them in a notebook but I figured this solution would be better.

It's just storing text...might as well use Alice...

I still don't get it.

Have you heard of fucking pen and paper?

dude idk do some fcken research urself, what you want is a damn easy task pretty much all high level languages have no trouble doig, you wanna put a string in a file.
Anny language will do, so pick one ur more familiar with or one u think its easier


I simply wanna have my tablet with this app open while standing at my booth, handing the tablet to potential customers which can then type in their mail address and maybe a bit more info about themselves.

Yes, they could just type it in a blank notepad but that's not as appealing and professional.

>I wanna use this app on fairs to let potential customers type in their emails if interested.

This can only be bait.

>write mail adress down

you a fucking retard or what ?

try assembly

i keked

Not sure why I'm taking the bait, but we've done this in the past and 50% of adresses are not readable which leads to a loss of 100 or more.

Fucking transcribing them is a waste of time, too. Getting this done once and for all is a good time investment.

want to do it over web or pc/mac

Hey, experienced backend dev here. Python is probably the best choice since it's closest to english and has very easy methods to input text and write to files. You can code python in any decent free text editor like Sublime Text, Atom, VS Code, Notepad++ etc. Have fun OP.

all you need lol

Just tell them you would suck dick to get hire. Works most of the times.

>Not sucking a log of shit out of Randy Sixx's asshole

> backend dev
> recommends Python
> experienced

in python, bitch all you gotta do is create a input with tkinter
open some csv file that write the input received to it done

>let people type in their mail addresses and save them in a file somewhere.
So, Contacts?

Alright, fine. Just display your orgs email address, and say you are running a contest that sending a certain message enters you into a contest. People sign up, don't win, but stay on the mailing list. Companies do it all the time.

My company uses web forms for a lot of shit, because they are easy to put up and allow you to access them anywhere. Just a simple html form, posts to sql table.

> recommends writing mobile apps in Python

if you're doing this on an iOS device, you can use sqlite to write to a simple database on the device itself.

so, for the UI you would create your text input fields, and have a "Save" button. When they click save, you read the contents from the text fields and then store them as a new record in the sqlite database. then, clear all the text fields for the next person.

then, you can have another button in the UI (kind of hidden) that you would click to see all of the email details entered. it would read the database and just display all of the fields for you.

then you can do something like select them all and email them to yourself for whatever post-processing you want to do.

there's 0 need for any backend coding. it can all be done in the app. :)

He didn't ask how to scam someone ya fuck

This is a better idea. Gives them an incentive to provide their email. You don't even need them to send one in, have a big box with a slit and tiny raffle entries that they fill out and drop in.

also, i know you said you wanted to do the programming yourself, but in case you're up for not, you can do this:


I hate mobile apps, and I hate front-end programming, but this is the most intelligent answer so far (assuming writing an app to do something this trivial makes sense). You're gonna want a GUI, there's no reason to stand up a server to hold 50 email addresses in an enterprise database, and you should be writing in a language that actually runs on the platform. You can probably just write the emails to a text file.

>Which engine would you use?
>I do know how to program

You can't say you know how to program if you think programs run on "engines". You're talking like a wannabe game dev, not a programmer

for iOS:

//Method writes a string to a text file
-(void) writeToTextFile{

//get the documents directory:
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];

//make a file name to write the data to using the documents directory:
NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/textfile.txt", documentsDirectory];

//create content - four lines of text (you would, of course, use the values from your text fields instead)
NSString *content = @"One\nTwo\nThree\nFour\nFive";

//save content to the documents directory
[content writeToFile:fileName atomically:NO encoding:NSStringEncodingConversionAllowLossy error:nil];


//Method retrieves content from documents directory and
-(void) displayContent{

//get the documents directory:
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];

//make a file name to write the data to using the documents directory:
NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/textfile.txt", documentsDirectory];
NSString *content = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:fileName usedEncoding:nil error:nil];

//use simple alert from my library (see previous post for details)


That is exactly what I'd be looking for, though we are not runnning it on iOS devices.

This is awesome. I don't seem to find the information but does it also work offline?

>That is exactly what I'd be looking for, though we are not runnning it on iOS devices.

I see now that sqlite runs on android too. So, the this would work on android too. :) (if you're not on android either, what platform is the tablet running on?)

For now it's an Amazon Fire tablet, but I guess I could get this Android app to work there, too.

> This is awesome. I don't seem to find the information but does it also work offline?

from their site:

"Subscribe works even when you don't have an internet connection. The next time you connect to a WiFi network, sync the addresses you collected while you were offline."

Awesome. This is perfect. Will test it and if not, come back to one of the other solutions provided here.

Thanks a lot!

yw :)