Would you fuck a corpse? Also r34 thread Halloween edition

Would you fuck a corpse? Also r34 thread Halloween edition




if fresh and hott and died of something that left a pretty corpse i wouldnt write it off

Time for some Spooks I guess







I see no reason why I should.
I hate to break it to you, OP, but corpses are not like that dead girl from "Corpse's bride". Don't expect a waifu like that.
>I even find the idea of fucking that absurd



If I was working in a morgue alone, and I was really horny while working on a hot dead chick I probably would. It would be funny if she was raped, and the cops later did an autopsy and found 2 semin samples in her making them think there was second rapist.

Bump for Spooky

I think we differ slightly on what qualifies as funny, user.

I'm done with Spooky. I have nothing left to offer.



No one cared except this faggot
(if not samefag)
and you just wasted more minutes of your life.
What are you doing with your life, man?

Pretty sure the percentage of necrophiles working in the morgue is similar to the percentage of pedos working in Kindergarten or related work fields.