Happy Halloween white people. Soon you will be extinct and then people can live in peace

Happy Halloween white people. Soon you will be extinct and then people can live in peace.

I wish these people showed up at my house for trick or treat. They get the door slammed in their faces.

That also means black people are going extinct which is the real victory.

That's actually pretty creative

>That also means black people are going extinct which is the real victory.
I never thought of it like that. That would be good.

Only thing is would of went all out on the costumes and do a actual bag of sugar and cup of coffee. Half assed but good concept

This dosent make sense. Half and Half is half milk half cream

>That's actually pretty creative
Not really. Half and Half is half milk and half cream, both are white. Half and Half is 0% nigger, so it really doesn't make any sense. They are just trying to piss people off.

great anons think alike. to a nigger it makes sense i guess.

>Half and Half is 0% nigger
>They are just trying to piss people off.

>Half and Half is 0% nigger

The father is black coffee. Mother is white sugar. The kids are not the creation of the two combined, they're just the adorable little creamers.

Living in da hood too long, dog.

It's a big, white assed country, and you can't do nuffin' 'bout it.
As if a Sup Forums post was somehow compelling.

I'm only compelled to write to say you're a big, dumb nigger.

Who will you blame for your failing welfare nanny state with no white scapegoat
Just going to go back to the jews

But black coffee+ sugar = sugary coffee

Where as
"Half and Half" is made up of
Half milk+Half Cream

Lmao well doing Oreo cookies would be more fucked up I feel xD

Lol well they tried not to make it to race related prob. They could of did the dad a chocolate soft serve cone mom a soft server vanilla cone and the kids the swirl option in the middle of the machine or Oreo cookies like I said

Sure. Because majority non-white countries are just THRIVING without white interference. Brimming with freedom and prosperity. Absolutely brilliant.

You faggots need a wake up call. Nobody gives a shit about colour except assholes looking for a scapegoat for their stupidity.

Just chill nigger.

Actual good black father is planting the seeds to fix black culture. Better than a half-breed with no dad around.

? But sugar doesn't have color, it's not a half-half by definition. They could have used milk instead but milk is racist isn't it?
>milk tea master race

>well they tried not to make it to race related prob
no im pretty sure thats the whole point of the costume, however half baked

i mean the dad is literally labeled "100% black"

You do realize that the majority of interracial relationships are between Hispanics and white? Hispanics are between 60-90% white. That doesn’t produce black kids bro.

I know 9 hispanic/white couples and the kids look white. Some aryan white.

Brother is married to Mexican and my cousin to a Puerto Rican. 3 kids a piece and all blonde blue eyed.

I didn't deny that but get too much into race. Back before you could say certain things people said swirl alot it offended some