What is the best way to tell my mom I wanna move in with my dad...

What is the best way to tell my mom I wanna move in with my dad? I've had enough and have wanted to end my life on numerous occasions and I'm done. I don't know how she'll react when I tell her this. Please help

Call your dad and tell him first.

Is she abusive? Verbally or otherwise?

You may need to consider that the most effective way is just to be blunt about it.

I wanna tell him in person and see how he feels, even though I'd bet my life he wants me to live with him I don't wanna do it over phone

She belittles me everyday, spends all of her money on weed cigs and alcohol and my sister.

you must be at least 17 or younger so, why are you asking a bunch of pedophiles for advice

Yeah, you need to get out there as soon as possible... Ask if your dad wants to hang out one weekend and talk to him about it.

I turn 16 in a couple of days, and idk I really don't have anyone who can relate to things like this so I gave it a chance on here

I go their every month since it's an hour drive

Why are you fucking your dad?

why aren't u??

Tell your dad, set everything up, then tell her, so it's a bit harder for her to stop you if she tries to. Good luck, user.

Dress up as Bill Murray and rape her, while whispering, "no one will believe you."


thanks man

weekend is coming up, ask your dad if he wants to go fishing (if he doesnt fish, hiking).
when you are out in the nature tell him that. bond with that fucker, and explain him your situation and tell him youre thinking about moving with him.
then go to your mother, tell her you need some space and that you love her, that you dont have any negative feelings but you need to change enviroment because of the depression, she will understand, she has it too..
goal achieved lad, annd with this way if you ever feel like going back the door will be oppen.
or you know, if its too much just shoot them both and rape their corpses and make your sister think she is in a horror movie intro.

no pls

Good point.

will attempt and thanks for the laugh at the end lol

no problem you little rascal, now get outta here before the mods come

Just do it. Don't let her drag you into drama or manipulate you into staying, just go. Keep in mind though, a move to dads isn't guaranteed happiness.

remember kid, always talk. dont let the monster consume you. Deppresion is a hell of a demon man...either you fight it or it kills you.

Ask your dad if he's good with you moving in. Make sure. You don't want to leave your mom's place and get kicked out from dad's. If it's all good, tell her that you need to move away for a while with your dad. If she says no, she may have custody of you and moving in with your dad will fuck him over. Talk to her and tell her that you need to get to know your dad.

You pack your shit and show up at his door. They'll get the idea. And if it turns into a shitstorm, then you air your grievances

oh I know it's not, but I know my dad loves me and that's all I want, a parent who loves me for who I am