Sup Forums confirmed to be low IQ monkeys

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Someone do a brain wojak edit of sufi

>indie music is the most intelligent

really gets me thinking

would like to argue but too busy flinging my own poo to so. do you want to kill people user? asking for a friend who is a cop.

>1570 sat
>listen to sufjan

checks out. lmao at counting crows, though.

it would appear rap truly is retards attempting poetry


>not realizing how socioeconomic status plays into both music taste and sat scores

stfu pussy

How do I even read that chart

>skip school
>stay home and listen to sufjan stevens
>become a brain surgeon

Retard filter worked.


tfw to intelligent too listen to things that aren't Sufjan Stevens or Counting Crows

Not an argument.

Friendly reminder that Lil Wayne is a more competent artist/lyricist than half the bands on that list.

This is so stupid. Correlation doesn't imply causation.

GOT 'EM!!!!!!!

im guessing the results were fabricated since tool isnt farthest right

I refuse to believe Ben Folds fans are more intelligent than Bob Dylan fans

If you can't read a simple 2 axis chart then there's really no point in wasting mental energy on you. It won't help.

bob dylan is just more popular brainlets arent capable of finding music that isnt played on the radio

>Sufjan Stevens and Radiohead, 2 of the most circlejerked artists on mu, at the top
Are you retarded OP?

>reals Gs move in silence like lasagna
>low IQ

>Replies: 23
>Posters: 16
really gets the noggin joggin

can someone make this

He probably is confused about that the scale units, which are SAT points.

So what do people in the 1400-1600 range listen to?

>not posting the full image

impeccable photoshop classicalnerd

>literally nothing I'd call core in my discography is on any of these charts
>closest is the three Bowie albums I have on my phone