witch one does Sup Forums support
Witch one does Sup Forums support
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Israel, the lesser of two evils.
Divide and conquer.
Both, we sell guns to Israel and gives development aid to Palestine.
Israel. I wouldn't get beheaded ,hung or thrown stones at for having a different view. Israel is more civilized and has more in common with the West.
Palestinians have never harmed. Jews on the other hand...
Neither, the longer the middle east is a violent shithole the less likely the inhabitants will turn their full attention to the west.
Palestina because you can kill them in a open war and your problem ends but you can't even say anything against Israel much less do something about them.
But of course Americans will support Jews, they are cucked by them
You realise that Christians in Israel are harrased and firebombed right?
on one hand i often watch israeli dance choreography so i wouldn't want that lost. israel also actually uses the land while palestinians are just generic low iq arabs. on the other hand they dispossessed their land.
Multiethnic palestine. Religious states are the cancer that causes the middle east to be a shithole
No one in Palestine, is indigenous to that land. I literally dont care if everyone living there is killed and the land is preserved merely as a historical landmark.
Just nuke them both already.
Why would I give a shit about dune coons or likes? Given the options present, I'll choose herpes instead.
>12 years ago
>quotes arabs
Are you even trying
Can I support neither?
I support the annihilation of both.
Fucking Semites are the cause of all the worlds problems.
greeks naturally dislike jews
when they btfo'd the ottomans for good they killed every jew with them