She was actually 15


No she wasn't. She was 6 when she got married and the marriage was consummated when she turned 9. Muhammad was a rapist and pedohile. It's why Muslims will never find peace with western views.

Shut up, racist cruesader, if we want to fuck kids, no one have the right to judge us, fucking western primitives.



This bait, I give it 9/11. I hope your future terrorist attempt results in your gruesome death and only your death.


That's my boy.
Fuhrer approve this fine young man.
Verdict: Ausgezeichnet.



>mfw Crusades were a response to mudslime warring

Prob one of the reason lefties are pushing so hard to normalize pedophilia. That salon article last year (maybe even year before by now) was disgusting. There *is* such a thing as too much tolerance. Some people, like murderers, rapists, and chomos, should not be tolerated and should be executed for the good of society and the betterment of the human race.

>When your religion has a word specifically for deceiving those outside of your religion in order to spread it
Because that is what an ethical religion would have in its doctrine.

Man, of course it's bait. In fact I hate this bearded pedos. Call me a social justice retard but raping children is pretty fucked up.
So if any mudslim feels offended, fine.

Hey not all us lefties want this scum

Wrong Muhammad was the blackest nigger you would ever see. When brits converted to islam for obvious pedo reasons, they wanted that part gone and convinced what ever the fuck passes for their pope to make it a no no to show pics of him.

>not all
But most are still pounding that drum of boundless tolerance.
Why would you continue associating with a group that promoted such a thing?
Why not be independent or at least something that doesn't include child rape on its list of values.

>When brits converted to islam for obvious pedo reasons

Nope. Not at all the reason why they made it taboo to draw him, the timeline doesn't even remotely match up. It is in reverence for their child molester discount Jesus.

I think this Mohammed guy is also in this bestiality shit.

angry faggots, obviously

You mean something like this?



Oh they are gonna go ape shit for showing a selfie of muhammad

What about this


fuck off muhammed

They'd be mildly cross with you.




The sad part is that the person that posted this is not even Islamic, it was a white liberal.

As if pointing out the flaws in a different religion will persuade anyone that Islam isn't horrifying in practice and in theory. All this proves is that religion attracts people who are morally bankrupt and are looking for divine justification for their debauched lifestyles.


Ayyy, this guy knows. Proud of you.




This idiot probably voted fore Trump.


You mean taqiyah? I'm an ex shi'ite (do you know what that is or should i explain?) And taqiyyah only exists among shi'ites/shia which is a sect of Islam that was built based on lies and degeneracy (that's why I'm no longer a shi'ite ). In other words, taqiyyah doesn't exist in the actual religion that is islam

Honestly Islam sounds like it should be the religion of Sup Forums

Fucking knee slapper you got there user.

I think the fact that I've been a Muslim for 20 years means i know more about my shit more than you, doesn't it? SHE WASN'T 6 nor 9

Is this how christians feel good about their cucked religion?

So what religious texts would you consider to be canonical in the actual religion of Islam? I would think the Qur'an is a given, but do you take traditional Abrahamic texts to be canon as well? And which of the strictly Islamic texts? I know generally the difference between Shi'ite and Sunni, but I am curious as to what texts you hold to be holy (provided you still observe the Islamic faith).


I was Catholic for 18 years and in the half a decade since I left I learned more about my prior faith than I ever could have from the inside. Looking at your beliefs from a more objective position gives a whole host of realizations. I'm no historian, so I really can't attest to the age of Aisha, just giving my take on religion as a whole.






I will fatwa you faggot

>what texts you hold to be holy
The Quran, of course. But besides that i believe in like half of what the Bible says and i consider it holy. And i also believe that the Torah is as holy as the bible (given that the bible that exists now isn't the same actual and legit old bible because most of the verses got rewritten or new verses got added or removed to be compatible with certain agendas).


Oh really?
For a second there I thought you would degenrate.



The Torah was written down after generations of it being passed on orally. They pretty much only kept what was in line with what was expedient for the leaders at the time. It is the nature of ancient religious texts to be altered in whatever way the leaders of the faith at the time see as most expedient.

Hey do you know these guys?
They cried for their mommy's before I fucked em' up.


>uses "pedo" as a derogatory term
>in a board full of cheese pizza
>to troll stinkin' mooslems

sounds like my kind of religion

that doesnt make it much better

Cucked christians are cucked

Yeah they've been altered. But the Quran isn't. It's been the same for approximately 1400 years and it's never going to be altered (otherwise it would contradict itself)

Yes it does? Shit was different back then. Did you know that girls get their period at like 12 years old or so? Meaning they're capable of REPRODUCTION