Why do liberals prefer muslims over christians?

Why do liberals prefer muslims over christians?

Because Liberals are the smartest idiots in the nation these days.


Christian busybodies are always passing (or trying to pass) stupid laws in the USA. Muslims don't - a few go on rampages but the rest just mind their own business.

They dont...
but the fact that the want to ''hurt'' conservatives makes them ''ally'' themselves with muslims
...also gtfo of b

Is this what you really believe?

Because at least Muslims will throw hate to my face or try to kill me.

Christians literally try to control EVERYTHING.

I see Muslims every fucking day in Chicago. The only ones I have ever seen cause any problems are cabbies driving like assholes. You probably live in some podunk town and have no idea what it is like seeing Muslims in grocery stores, on busses, walking down the street, etc.

Well Im left liberal and really into girls from muslim countries (arab, turkish, etc.) but i really hate islam an muslims which makes it hard to find one

Muslims would be as bad if they had the influence here, but they don't. Really, it's a problem not specific to any particular religion - just religious assholes in general.

>ask question
>gets triggered and goes off on you acting like they are being persecuted

You really shouldn't exist

ya dood nobodies trying to make sharia zones outside of sharia countries

who's triggered? I just answered the question.

you're a fucking pussy

>continues showing visceral hostility...

Liberals tend to believe that the minority is morally superior to the majority.

How does that make any sense?


v3.0 is always better than v2.0

did your daddy tell you that while you were licking his balls?


What's hilarious is that they're actually hurting themselves in the process. Muslims actually favor Christians over atheists. All these liberals defending Islam will be the first ones on the copping block after it takes over. lel.

It doesn't. But observation bears it out. Blacks are the skin color minority, therefore they are more deserving. Muslims are the religious minority, therefore they are more deserving. Women are the workforce minority, therefore they are more deserving. Gays are the sexual-orientation minority, therefore they are more deserving.

Find a counterexample.


Sounds like they deal with absolutes

We don't, in fact Islam is just as oppressive as Christianity in my opinion. But I defend Muslims against stupid laws because I recognize that the great majority are peaceful and don't want trouble and most importantly, by talking about bans and stupid laws you're actually causing the ones that aren't peaceful to become radicalized and dangerous. So it has nothing to do with Christians vs Muslims like you're dumb fuck right wing retards think it is, but rather it's just a common sense policy to prevent more radicalization and violence.







You are taking the views of a few extremists and claiming that all liberals think that way. That tells me that you are either stupid or dishonest.

They're less annoying


Muslims are disgusting fuck...

except that muslims in the west become westernised, generally, and become liberals - they don't like ISIS any more than we do. Some become radicals, but Liberals don't like them either.

Christians on the other hand are already radical religionists. No one calls themselves a Christian unless they want to reduce your freedoms and impose their shitty so called morality. all Christians are a plague, as bad as radical Muslims.

I always found the "it's only vocal minority" argument to be a load of shit. Considering how easy it is to condemn them but nobody ever does. Actually same goes for Muslims. I was dating a Muslim girl at one point. Whenever I'd talk about terrorist attacks she would be dead silent, would never condemn their actions

this. so much this


They simply want gays thrown off rooftops and women raped on the street.
Be tolerant about their believes, I guess(?)


>They're less annoying

Wait till they actually got big enough to be equal or even dominating. You'd be the first person to cry for good ol' Christian days.

Minorities are a minority for a reason.
Just look what happens if you let gay infiltrate everything. Gay influence is everywhere and worst thing, now they go a step further with their gender BS. I'm cool with people being gay, but unfortunately, at a certain point, they try to shove their dick into my believes and daily routine. That's when I get annoyed. Same with Muslims, who have and always had an agenda, which is to dominate the land they are on with their religion. They won't stop to wololo.
All this shit has facism written all over it.

Christian cultures say you can beat off and none of them believe in samdnigger bullshit. Sooooo i guess they accept the sandniggers on the basis that they dont explode (which most of them dont) as opposed to the angry white people who just hate everyone who disagrees with them

Christians are pedos

You came into an argument by yourself.
Check what you wrote and think about it

Because liberals can't separate the religion of Islam from the Arab race.

Just like they can't separate slavery and poverty from black people.

Both religions are stupid. If you think for one second that if Mislims were in control of American politics they wouldn't do exactly what Christians do now, your'e retarded. Shariah law and public executions would run rampant, plus women would be beaten legally and there would not be a left. One protest and an islamic nations would fucking bomb your dumb ass.

But it’s tru doe.
The most extreme sects typically make the most noise.
And as a white nigga it’s easier to change the subject when my spic and nig homies start talking about Nazis and racists rather than go on a rant every time about how I don’t agree with nazism and white nationalism but white people in general aren’t the problem and while we may have some slight negligible advantages afforded to us from history it’s moot relative to the advantages afforded to minorities these days and modern white people certainly aren’t trying to perpetuate any systematic racism and etc etc...

You are on Sup Forums you get dicks shoved by your fellow Sup Forumstards you fucking faggot

They're mostly better ethically than other religions, except Shinto.

Exactly. The difference between the two religions is social leverage. And those Arab niggas already lobbying for sharia controlled zones.


do you make it a point to always condemn conservative extremists? I'll bet you do not. I'll wager that you do not hold yourself to the same standards at all. You are so full of shit I can smell it from here.

Both are retarded!
Next autistic question, please!

It’s funny cuz these dumb camel jockeys leave their shithole fuggin homes because shithole fuggin home but they get to their new home and try to make it like their shithole fuggin homes...

muslims are not the problem, arabs are

Ur mom is a Muslim

ITT: whites afraid of minorities

I do actually. And I'm not a conservative I'm an independent

Nah, it's Muslims. No matter what the fuck race they are.

This is a false equivalency. Muslims tried to conquer Europe the same way every other civilization on the planet went about conquering foreign enemies.

Random terror attacks isn't a call for war or to single Muslims out though. White nerds go on killing sprees in the US all the time and we don't single them out.

I don’t kill people for not praying five times a day. So maybe I’ve earned some leniency.

Exactly, because if you get to many brown people in one country you get iraq or sudan. Which is better?

Arabs are not the problem, Iraqis are.
>but they're Arabs retard
Not all Arabs faggot.

>see: Dylan Roof

Are you retarded? Arabs are like the most hospitable people. It's Islam that corrupts

how about you go read some SE Asia news there buddy


of course, I don't want any religious morons in charge of ANYTHING

...but you guys fail to see that it is YOU who create terrorists. They don't attack countries that don't fuck with them. Ever see a Muslim go berserk in Ecuador or Greenland?

Because muslims want to destroy Western ideals.

That conservatives that killed people at a mosque for praying did

I am not them.

Liberal here. I hate both religions equally. I don't hate the individual practitioners of either, though. At least, not most of them, and not for their religion.

they have some great food too - always really friendly

this thread is full of sheltered rednecks that only see muslims on TV

Found the racists chicken shit.

Citation needed, for the sake of discussion

because liberals are trying to overthrow freedom

100 years of western imperialism in the middle east will do that

but "they hate us for our freedoms" hurr durr

Because there's nothing to attach their killing sprees towards. When there's no motive other than madness, we can't call it anything other than madness. But when you're Muslim, killing in the name of Allah in hopes of creating a caliphate, there's a pretty clear fucking motive.

Ugly as the opinion may be, it’s accurate. Real life isn’t a fucking fairy tale. You would think that niggers and spics would understand this if their lives are so full of oppression.

And neither are all muslims, let sink in what u said just now

If Christians were victims of bigotry and persecution we would defend them too. But they're not. L

Sad even they come in contrast on what their mission is.
Like antifakers

Christians are generic fuckheads and I want me a Muslim qt to choke with her own Hijab.

You're allowed to behead her if she's not following orders. Sharia law.

they didn't start it - france and the uk carved up the middle east after ww1 and the west has been meddling in their affairs ever since because of the oil - you keep poking a dog with a stick and he's going to bite

That sounds like a plan

They have a more explosive personality.

Less politics.

MOAR porn.

Alot of Muslims act stupid, I don't give those retards a pass. I grew up a Muslim, my dad is an unbearable Muslim, they are self righteous, closed minded, short sighted, and terrified of God. What people don't fucking understand (in all religions) is that your religion won't save u from yourself. It won't save you from your thoughts, your desires, your jealousy, everything that makes a person "bad", religion (oppression) amplifies it 10 fold. The only way to live a righteous life is to live and let live. That's it, love instead of fear. Give people leeway to do what they want, defend yourself when you have too. Defend others when u see fit. Everything else is out of your hands.

They why do you need "us" if you are sooo superior? Why u needed slaves? Why you fucked them? Why you hire immigrants to do your shit jobs? You wouldn't even survive if it wasnt for them. Inbreeding wouldve killed u long ago.

In the US maybe. Second and third gen Muslims in Europe are segregating themselves into their own communities by choice, and many refuse to learn the language / culture of their countries.

>100 years of western imperialism
>Makes no mention of Muslim conquests spanning back to ancient Rome.

Proportionally speaking, they are. And you, sir, are patternly wrong in thinking. An error in judgement, probably rooted in some flawed foundational belief. Muslims subscribe to an awful religion. A violent religion. A religion they refuse to modernize. Read the quaran and the Talmud, you’ll see what kind of people you sloppily defend.

It isn't in the hopes of creating any caliphate in the west. They're trying to take revenge for all our attacks on their soil. This sort of thing never happened prior to NATO exerting control over the ME and it's resources. It's convenient to rule the world but it comes with risks. Think of Rome with its Germanic adversaries.


This dog has been biting for 1400 years you idiot.


In my unwavering desire to rid the earth of taxi drivers I often wonder how much of the Muslim population here I'd subsequently also remove

And the muslim rape gangs in Europe aren't?