Why do people use this hat to insult their political opposition?
Red pill me on fedoras
I wear one daily and I don't see what's wrong with it. They are super fashionable with a trenchcoat
cause this is what a liberal actually looks like
Those are trilbies.
Can we all agree that the douchebag hat is actually trilby so that I can wear my fedora again?
This, and I will add It strikes fear into the hearts of libkeks not knowing if you are going to teleport behind them and cut them in half with a well placed strike from your katana.
Wrong flag, Tyrone.
>mfw I started taking photos in the subway when I see fedoras
Also a trilby.
Anyone going to talk about actual fedoras?
In america retards are forced to wear one of these.
that's why
I love my katana. I just need to lose some weight so not to get winded when I swing it. All the girls flock to me when I train at the park.
Do you like Naruto?
Only people who have no arguments use it. And they use it because they have no arguments. It's the Sup Forums equivalent of saying "NO! You're a poopyhead! I win!"
gud try ahmend
Of course Naturo is the shiznit. that and Dragon Ballz. And I really love atheism, do you watch the Amazing banana man?
another trilby.
He's my favorite youtuber along with PewDiePie.
The only thing I like more than them is My Little Pony
My mom only let's me get one monthly now! It's insanity!
It has nothing to do with political points of view
Also it looks good with my katana
This. Caveat though is it works.