What do autistic black males listen to?

What do autistic black males listen to?

namie amuro


I listen to a lot of indie rock, shoegaze, and experimental hiphop. And video game music.

Stupid anime music

I think it's music but I could be wrong.

Is it what music is or what?

same except video game music is real music

This. Most black autists are turbo weebs like MadThad

Most blacks are some form of weeb (see: Kanye being a fan of anime, nearly all rappers making a Dragon Ball reference, Wu Tang Clan naming themselves after a martial arts movie, Thundercat being into Hokuto no Ken and Evangelion...), the autists go to full weeb levels, particularly those into fighting games or card games.

>liking DB and other basic shit makes someone a weeb
Holy shit kill yourself.

Hopsin, xxxtentacion, the soundtrack to naruto


I mean, you don't see white musicians being outspoken about that stuff. Black musicians tend to pretty clearly state they like it, and make references to it. And they're not really autistic people who stay at home watching anime every night, they're normal, healthy folks.

The autists tend to be turboweebish because watching anime period isn't seen as a weeb thing, so there's a higher propensity for them.

unwound, dean blunt, and other stuff like that

boom bap, coltrane, flylo

Is this the tripfag who said he was gonna shoot up a school?

It would be the first time I black kid does it.

about time school shootings stopped catering to straight white men at the expense of minorities

dean blunt

clipping, blackie (all caps and spaces), death grips, samurai champloo soundtrack

>Also located on the usb flash drive was a copy of MCMICHAEL'S resume.
Every fuckin' time.

This. School shooting needs to be more inclusive.