Ok Sup Forums

Ok Sup Forums,
In your experience, does collect and smoking the tar from your bowl do anything? Is there enough THC content in it to be worth salvaging?
A friend of mine balls it up and uses it like a coal to keep the bowl rolling.
But can it actually get you high or am I wasting my time scraping it out?

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It will get you high without a doubt, but it tastes like shit. I only smoke resin if im out

used to be a heavy, heavy stoner

basically when I ran out of weed I would take a jet lighter to the outside of my bong's slide, making the slide analogous to a crackpipe

it tasted like shit, but oh boy did it work

to answer your second question, yea you're probably wasting your time scraping it out, just crackpipe the bitch

Ive smoked shit weed and afterwards scraped my bowl and fotten higher from the resin.
My keif only bowl has resin thats about as good as weed

It's called a resin hit, you fucking niggerfaggot. scrape it up, smoke it, get HAF, then suck niggerfaggot dicks, because you are obviously a NIGGER. FAGGOT.

Yeah resin will get you high as shit

resin gets you high but more so from the oxygen depression to your head from the rez burning off

I used to do that back in my youth. It does still get you stoned but it is a different feeling. Similar but not the same. Some learned stoner would be able to explain the chemistry behind it.

It gets you high, but it will probably only be worth it if you take a break from smoking for a day or two

Duh. Its leftovers. Your just gonna have to howl after the hit cuz that shit tastes like dirt

I'll scrape my bowl and smoke the resin if I'm out of weed. It gets you high, but not as long.

Yea it'll get you high, but it tastes like farts


depending on your tolerance it'll get you pretty baked. it usually tastes like ass but i've had some taste floral which was a pleasant surprise.

Hey user. That's a pretty cool use for resin. In my opinion it's kind of nasty to be smoking the tar from your bowl on it's own, the THC content is pretty low on average and it tastes/smells like fried ass, not to mention pretty bad for you to inhale. That being said, if you are low on money and really desperate for a high, then it's not a bad method. You will need a decent amount to get a good high though. Hope this helps

that happens when you smoke normal weed though... happens when you smoke anything

probably has to do with the sublimation points of THC vs CBD, the same weed will leave behind more CBD than THC due to CBD's higher boiling point, so when you smoke the resin of the weed you smoked you feel different, as if you smoked a different kind of weed

>mfw smoking unlimited amounts of high quality shatter

I have that exact same pipe. Been using it for years. Recently went through a dry spell so I had to survive off resin for about two weeks. Yes, it's still usable. Especially with this particular pipe because I find that if you don't use a screen a little weed falls down there each time you load a new bowl so it's a mix of what would be old loose weed, and resin and it should do the trick, and is thus worth saving

Haven't smoked resin in years, but I never got the bad rep about it; recycle yer shit and it always tasted like maple syrup to me.

But yeah, it'll get ya high.

I realized after years and years of smoking that shit that the high you get off of it ain't worth the hassle or the taste. Hell it might just deprive of you of oxygen and that it I don't know.

Smoke out of a wooden tobacco pipe so the tar and resin soak into the wood and after a few bags you'll get monster highs from that thing

No its good bro, soak it in iso 99% alcohol and get all of that stuff into the iso, so much so that the glass piece should be clear and clean again. You can filter the iso then through coffee filters to keep gunk out, place the iso in a Pyrex contain and place the container in water so it is floating. Make sure the water is ALMOST boiling hot, leave it in the water and keep adding hot water to keep it hot, do this with the window open because you are basically cooking off the iso and separating the thc. You will have to do this for a while. When most of the iso is cooked off, you can place the Pyrex in the oven at about 170 and continue to cook off the rest of the iso.

Boom, you now have oil at this point, resin is good for thc quality and quantity of oil you can make.

I'll post a pic of oil I made and iso I currently have in a minute

Apparently I can't post the picture

this. alternatively, do a 3-step clean:
* water rinse, to get the ashy tars n shit out (what you want isn't water soluble anyway)
* soak in drinkable alcohol, drink the alcohol or funnel it back into a bottle
* rinse

i always found scraping really annoying - let it sit in isopropyl overnight & let the iso evaporate out (takes fucking forever though - using a pie plate to dry speeds it up. scrape it out with a razor blade). If you have access to science bullshit the ideal is a bunsen burner with an evaporating dish

I'd also recommend a water rinse before & after the iso

i'm this guy. This guy's extraction is probably better: my oven's min is 350 so I haven't tried this. Be aware that alcohol fumes are probably pretty flammable.

Honest and serious question.. What does smoking weed actually do for you? I've never had friends in that 'group' in middle, high school, or even now in my life.

In a state where it is illegal for recreational use.. What's so great about it that you'd take the risk to be arrested, charged, and either fined, or possibly sentenced to jail time after repeated use?

...this would be akin to scraping tar from cigarette filters for your nicotine fix. Would it work? Barely. And it's fuckin disgusting. And makes you look like a fuckin scumbag addict. You're literally smoking concentrated carcinogens.

Inb4 weed doesn't cause cancer

yess resin gets me HIGH ASF i dab it

I genuinely feel bad for anyone that has to smoke resin. Weed is so prevalent in my area, that you can ask a neighbor for some like it's sugar.

I used to do it a lot.
Makes you feel like a lowlife but will get you high.

Weed doesn't cause cancer. That being said, inhaling any kind of combusted matter isn't good for you.

honestly, it makes me way more easily amused (which is both good and bad: youtube.com/watch?v=B_pSXV8S-Gw)

it also makes me far more comfortable with the people around me, which to me is why a group of stoners can be so tight-knit

You can absolutely get high. sticky, messy, smelly. Makes your head hurt if you smoke too much.

you forgot the part where weed has never been shown to cause any form of cancer

Fairly low THC content, it WILL get you high but not very.
Also if you spin your weed, I would honestly not bother, resin tastes bad enough as it is without it being part tobacco tar.

I recommmend not being a druggo and just holding out sober for awhile until you can pick up next.
Your tolerance will go down and when you actually get some real fucking weed you'll get mad high.

This, when i ran out of pot as a teenager me and my friends would scrape out resin from bowls

Lol. When weed burns, it creates the same byproducts/hydrocarbons that cigarettes do. This is a no fucking brainer and is even listed as such on erowid you fucking slackjaw.


For me being a fuck with anxiety and social retardation it made me more relaxed and not think about every little autistic thing people might think or how i was acting, so that feeling of just loosening up, also body highs were just really fucking cool to me... i never got the whole munchies thing from weed like some, but just the feeling of like almost forgetting how things feel and figuring it out while just laying there hogh as fuck... loved that shit, also can make some video games and tv shows a lot more enjoyable

You can't scrape shit off a fuckin cotton filter idiot. And it would way more than barely work. Why post in a thread with a topic that is something you don't like


although it does burn at a lower temp than tobacco, so more of the bullshit is left behind as ash

will give you a headache. Are you poor or something? Just toss it and smoke correct weed.

I smoke weed everyday, faggot. Of course you can't scrape tar from filters. What I'm saying is that if you could, you'd be facing the same type of nasty shit-ass black goop that BARELY works. Enjoy your migraines, Rez smokers

I used to scrape my gravity with a fucking knife and fill an entire cup with resin... yeah it'll get you baked, it tastes like ass but yeah of course...

you're not exactly punching-up there bud. The only people who smoke resin are dudes who are dry. Chill out, it's not like you're taking on Hercules or anything.

Dude who are dry

I am occassionally dry but I don't find myself huddled over my empty bowl with paperclips like fuckin smeagol

i mean it taste like garbage but it works when you got nothing else

To everyone in this fucking thread fuck off. Most tar resin from a bowl tests out at 4% THC which is shit tier. If it is reclaim out of a vaporizer or oil rig it generally tests out at 50-60% THC which is pretty damn good.

what about a corncob one?

how have i never once thought about crackpiping that shit...fml

Alright guys, this is what I've got. I'm gonna smoke it

i've smoked it in desperate situations. it'll get you high but obviously it's not very strong.

also, putting resin on a fresh bowl of weed is retarded