Sorry, da ice cream machine aint workin'

Sorry, da ice cream machine aint workin'.

Okay have a good day.

Next guest in line.


Every fucking time.

I want chocolate ice cream. Is the machine working?
Dark chocolate.

*jumps up on and climbs over counter*

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as I examine the damn thing but I sure as hell won't believe you off the bat.

I'll Still take a chocolate-vanilla swirl, guuuuuur.

fuck you motherfucker

and actually guys as someone who works in fast food and talks to mcdonalds employees, if the boss isn't in and they're busy they might just be not wanting to make you a mcflurry. pain in the ass to make, according to my sources.


Lazy niggers

Sir, the Ice cream machine is broke. Next.

>jumps on top of counter
>kicks the nig
>turn 360 degrees and walk out of there


they say that every fucking time.....
is this a nationwide epidemic?

you'd walk into the counter again
fucking newfag


If It's from the same manufacturer, very likely.

I want my ice cream right now

>we want $15 an hour, until then, it's broken

>glance over shoulder
>plug is off

stupid nigger

I said ass cream not ice cream

Oh the irony is thick

>not unplugging something when it's broken

I haven't tasted a ice cream from there for years due to that
Are the machines made by niggers too?

Obviously. That's the joke

Legit drunk as fuck last night stumbling outta the bar there's a burger king right there, havent really had any fast food for idk a month or two so I really reeallllly just wanted a fucking whopper....damn fucking nigger at the counter tells me their broiler is down and cant make any burgers. >=| Fucking cunts.

Check and mate, tbh.

Nice damage control

Thats what happens when you leave monkeys operating machines

y-you too

You look like an idiot, and a "newfag" for seriously correcting the turn 360 degrees and walk away joke which literally more than a decade old joke told on the internet

I've come prepared, bitch. Here are your options:

1) Magically fix the machine and give me that ice cream.


2) I will order something else and pay in the most ungodly combination if small denomination coins imaginable. They will come in one big pile, which you will have to sort, and count correctly. You will have to figure out how short on change I am, lest you want it to seem like you've been pocketing loose change like management didn't notice. Next pile of change I drop... surprise, bitch! It's in Canadian! Now you'll need to calculate the exchange rate. Upon refusal to accept Canadian coins, I will scoop back a BUNCH of coins. When I drop a bunch more again to pay the correct amount - you will need to recount everything. I may even change my order.

So how about you just make the damn ice cream, you chicken scoon?

>ill have an apple pie too please
>sorry we dont have any ready....
>....yea i dont mind waiting
>*audible sigh*

>being this new and retarded

unlike the black chicks ass, probably just right...

But he was already on the counter

Being this new

>hurr im pretending to be retarded

please neck yourself

but I ordered a burger you dumb cunt

Okay then how about "I cream" your face? LOL. G-Get it?


*climbs on counter and jumps up and down*


Why can't niggers just do their job? Fucking do that shit every fucking time. Fucking niggers.

Niggers want $15/hr
>i don' feh lyk makin' no ice creams
>it broke right now

this guy...

Every. Fucking. Time.

bAHAHAHA that irony


I'm sorry I must have gotten lost.. I was looking for in and out

but why it aint be workin gurl?

Sir, da machine ain't working. Next please.


Wasn't any of those user's but I know how things work. Nice trips tho


Go suck your mom

>>be me
>>last night. Just got done banging redhead side bitch
>>wife home passed out sick
>>wife thinks I'm at the gym.
>>wife wake up sick as fuck and angry
>>I'm 30 minutes from home but gym is 5 minutes away
>>awww fuck I'm caught
>>ignore calls for 20 minutes
>>have work and personal phone
>>call exactly 9 minutes away
>>I've missed 32 calls
>>she's probably about to die and I'm trying get the smell of ginger pussy out of my beard
>>she answers crying histerically
>>I'm busted
>>finally gets her shit together
>>"baby will you get me some theraflu and a hot fudge sundae from McDonald's
>>fuuuuck OK I'm safe
>>snatch theraflu from Walgreens right by house so she will see it on the credit card

>>go to McDonald's
>>everything must go perfect so she doesn't start asking questions
>>roll up
>>sir we are only accepting cash
>>be me in 2017
>>not carry cash
>>cash is for my side quests so I can't be tracked and I've spent my budget for the month
>>shoot over to credit union so no atm fees cause she checks that shit
>>speed back
>>"sorry sir ice cream machine is down"
>>nigga imma get caught red handed
(get it ginger pussy)
>>cause McDonald's shit ass service

>going to McNiggers over everywhere else

>>Haul ten kinds of ass to nearest McDonald's.
>>they have ice cream
>>get Sundae and speed home
>>make therflu and watch her snarf ice cream
>>she cries the entire time saying she's sorry for all the shit she put me through since she's been sick
>>gives me a hand job for some reason and then passes out with cum on her tits
>>remember she has the tolerance of a toddler. (won't even smell alcohol she knows she can't handle it)
>>has drank half a bottle of nyquil
>>she's drunk as fuck

Wakes up and spends the day in bed texting me about random shit.
But still. Fuck you McDonald's. Fuck you

Thas aight. How YOU doin' tho?

God damn she's hot. I'd ask her if her phone's working and say I need the number


It ran out of money?