I’m hard as a rock Sup Forums. What do you think?

I’m hard as a rock Sup Forums. What do you think?

I would love to suck that cock

i second that mmmmm

looks yummy. where's your other ball?

that is a cute smol peepee

pretty nice. more?


Top down view. Am I a good size?

You have the most perfect dick I've ever seen on b. I really want it to be the first cock I ever suck.

Nice. Size seems like larger side of average.

Almost lost one of my nuts. Was yours undescended?

Really? I’m so flattered. I’ve never been sucked off by someone over the internet before.

if you mean the webm. no i just pulled my balls behind a little

This post again


i think you';re a fag for showing other men your dick.

hahahah homo

go fuck a tranny. homo.

Here’s more OC

youre dick is legit gross. would not fuck. 5"5" and dry? no thanks.

top kek differeent person

you fags are getting trolled hard.

try harder, mr. this is my dick at max.

go away.l ==

That looks like you tried to break it l and gave up.

Here’s one fully torqued

would you cum in my mouth?


mmm looks good, would love to see you cum

I’ve got slow mo cum shot videos for sale. $5 for 1080p at 240fps.

lol fuck that.

I'be been teleported to 1987, but with quality cameras.

Whatcha think of mine

Thoughts on me dick Anons


Me freshly sucked

that was a...very nice webm.