What did Rivers mean by this?

What did Rivers mean by this?

He really is ourgoy


Has Rivers taken the gripspill?

Weezer is so nerdy they can't do squats

I'm surprised Rivers is even able to acknowledge someone who's critical of his post-Pinkerton work.

Rivers will do anything for that dumb Fantano meme loving crowd. Easy money from le dank memers

Has Rivers go on h3h3 yet?

Rivers browses Sup Forums btw

on GP was on one of their Spotify playlists I believe

Prove it



Was it autism?

I don't doubt this at all

I don't believe you
prove it by releasing a good album

EWBAITE and white album were both good

Maybe because he isn't a self centered prick like a lot of musicians can be. He's a chill guy.


Have you read his tweets? He posts stuff like that all the time, it's funny to me at least.

it's funny to me too but I also have autism-lite

we all do, we're on Sup Forums

I don't


Based desu desu senpai

You don't have the diagnosis, but you have it

Fantano is always showing up where he's unwelcome

like in my recommendations

rivers is based


>its weezer and its weezy

he tweets messages that are sent to him on other social media. he doesn't come up with this shit himself.


Unrelated but Maladroit is overlooked

hey guys, its me, rivers cuomo from weezer, ask me anything

When will you make a sequel to Pinkerton?

grips collab when???

pic to prove it pl0x

You're not fooling anybody.

we have one, its the green album

im very insecure about my appearance, sorry :(

i don't understand who you're talking about? we just toured with panic at the disco

please post a pic of you to prove it's you.

let's say, put a computer mouse on your head and give us a thumbs-up in the pic to prove it's you.

need to see your lovely face to confirm, bro. kthx luv u.

death GRIPS => The meme band from 4chins Sup Forumstant containment board

He has.

i like fidget spinners. i have literally every color

Why does rivers support this racist? Dropped

much like your albums, you should have stopped at blue

Rivers Cuomo? More like Rivers Homo lmao

I wonder what he thinks of that video Fantano did explaining why The Blue Album is better than Pinkerton

Why does he look like a side character of a Korean drama?

Will Pacific Daydream suck? I hope not, they were really on the right direction with the white album

Feels Like Summer fucking sucks and Mexican Fender wasn't much better. I'm hoping those are the two worst songs on the album cause I really did enjoy ewbaite and white.


If you browse this shithole of a site, then you do.