Other urls found in this thread:
It's still summer.
its unfair to call yein ugly just because she isnt pretty.
more like twiceqt
When will jyp find something for somi to do?
Thank you for posting my niece.
I have like 20,000 pics of Irene on my phone
that's one of the most beautiful faces on this earth that you're talking about
>new thread
we've managed to avoid drowning
there are many sides to yoo jeongyeon. many different names..
how many does she have of you?
bring back oc
>maybe they lower her listed height because she's a girl
source music doesn`t do that
>Sowon could be 177
she`s 172cm, 3 centimeters taller than yuju
naturally, umji
good job!
is this betsy
>tfw your item came in the mail
Today has been a great day, first the exo comeback and now this
>umji is hot now
what happened
such a goddess
It's our cute maknae, yeoreum
what was it
for the user that wanted to see the power dance, there's only this shit quality
love is looking like a...
post dreamcatcher/minx sua
classic sm """"leak""""
well I guess Heechul is just eternally btfo then
bully not so tough after getting cuck'd
looks much more interesting than kokobop
what a wonderful young woman
WOAH this is CUTE
i want twiceboy to make him cuck'd
I thought cub was twiceboy's sister up untill TT
According to one of this kpop profile sites, Eunha said in a vlive from March 2017 that Sowon is 177.
I've seen 172.8 other places, although that seems very precise.
word kokobop's choreo did nothing for me but power looks fun at least
"Pickup the phone, oppa...."
the cutest
>bambam callin
lezzy was so pretty
her legs are amazing
not now babe
Nana looks cute here
>ywn call her eunae-yah
her proportions are no joke
Sometimes the fan subs are mistranslated . She`s 172cm.
is that a tanline? omo
I got a Xiumin plush, stickers, and photocards. I was pretty happy to see it in the mail
Thank you! I can't wait to see them perform it on shows
i need scissors. 61!
she just puts more bbcream on her tts
friendly reminder if you want to be like nana
that umji booty tho
Thanks nigga
I want to chill with nana
Definitely a possibility
Athough I see why a company would want to hide her true height. I assume 177 isn't exactly the ideal height for a Korean female
Nana, Kyungri and Jiyeon are friends, imagine the smell when they are in the same room together
nayeon is the twice bully tho
that's not the case, idols themselves lie about their height when it's below 165 cm, they never add or subtract when they're tall; 177 is very desirable for being a model, she wouldn't need to be an idol actually
me in the middle :)
Bunny is qt and loves every twice
cool clothes
momo cucks everyone with everyone. it's just her thing
The average height for young korean females is 161cm
idols are slaves to contracts
most sell their mind soul and body for the minimum
idolizing sellouts is bad for everybody
i do all of those things
if she got a jaw shave she would be 10/10
who the fuck is this qt?
"sellout" isn't a real thing. it's something punk rock faggots made up because their music wasn't good enough to make money
idk why but I like Jiu a lot
did she learn from yeri
Are we Dal Shabet posting????